Answered step-by-step
Dudley, J. R. (2020).  Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we…

Dudley, J. R. (2020). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press.

Chapter 9, “Is the Intervention Effective?” (pp. 215-250)

Chapter 10, “Analyzing Evaluation Data” (pp. 255-275)


Gregory, C., & Gellis, Z. (2020). Problem solving therapy for home-hospice caregivers: A pilot study Links to an external site.. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care, 16(4), 297-312.



The program I would like to be developed is the Housing and Urban Development Program. This program provides housing for low income, the disabled, and the elderly. The program can be revitalized to provide services for more families. “Social workers’ primary goal is to help people in  need and to address social problems” (NASW, 2022). Currently there is an income requirement, however, many families don’t qualify because according to the guidelines, they make too much money. The income requirements need to be reevaluated so that more families and individuals can have affordable housing. Covid has increased prices for most of the world. The housing market caused many landlords and companies to raise their rates to keep up with rate hikes. 


The criteria for inclusion in the program would be evaluated on a case-by-case basis for individuals, families, and the elderly. One thing I think can be included is the entire family dynamics. Even though the family may have income, there can be going on in the family that puts them at a higher need. For example, if the family has a sick child, or they are the primary caregiver for someone who has medical issues or a parent who may need to live with there family. Cases such as these place no merit on the current program. When a family takes care of a sick child, sometimes they have to decide if they can afford medication or basic household needs. This puts strain on everyone in the household potentially causing grave harm to the sick individual.


In reviewing everything I shared previously; this revitalization is justified. People in society have been struggling with rising costs and low wages. Our society can do more to help people in need. We have people living in shelters, in vehicles, and on the street due to losing their homes because higher costs of housing. Two methods I would use to gather data is by talking to low-income individuals and families through surveys and in-person interviews. I would ask to do in person interviews and  the surveys through government agencies such as the Department of Medicaid & Medicare, HUD, Department of Family and Children Services etc.. These agencies would provide some of the best opportunities die to the fact they work with low-income populations.


Planning a Program Evaluation 

SOCW 6311 

Joan is a social worker who is currently enrolled in a social work PhD program. She is planning to conduct her dissertation research project with a large nonprofit child welfare organization where she has worked as a site coordinator for many years. She has already approached the agency director with her interest, and the leadership team of the agency stated that they would like to collaborate on the research project. The child welfare organization at the center of the planned study has seven regional centers that operate fairly independently. The primary focus of work is on foster care; that is, recruiting and training foster parents and running a regular foster care program with an emphasis on family foster care. The agency has a residential program as well, but it will not participate in the study. Each of the regional centers services about 45-50 foster parents and approximately 100 foster children. On average, five to six new foster families are recruited at each center on a quarterly basis. This number has been consistent over the past 2 years. Recently it was decided that a new training program for incoming foster parents would be used by the organization. The primary goals of this new training program include reducing foster placement disruptions, improving the quality of services delivered, and increasing child well-being through better trained and skilled foster families. Each of the regional centers will participate and implement the new training program. Three of the sites will start the program immediately, while the other four centers will not start until 12 months from now. The new training program consists of six separate 3-hour training sessions that are typically conducted in a biweekly format. It is a fairly proceduralized training program; that is, a very detailed set of manuals and training materials exists. All trainings will be conducted by the same two instructors. The current training program that it will replace differs considerably in its focus, but it also uses a 6-week, 3-hour format. It will be used by those sites not immediately participating until the new program is implemented. Joan has done a thorough review of the foster care literature and has found that there has been no research on the training program to date, even though it is being used by a growing number of agencies. She also found that there are some standardized instruments that she could use for her study. In addition, she would need to produce a set of Likert-type scales for the study. She will be able to use a group design because all seven regional centers are interested in participating, and they are starting the training at different times.


Submit a plan for an outcome evaluation based on the new program that you proposed earlier in the course. Be specific and elaborate. Include the following information:

A brief outline of the program
The purpose of the evaluation
The outcomes to be evaluated
The group research design that you will use and why
The key stakeholders and their potential concerns
The indicators or instruments to be used to measure the outcomes
The methods for collecting, organizing, and analyzing the data—who, how, etc.