CNCOZabdielEva is a grade 12 student who experienced a bad fall when she was…Eva is a grade 12 student who experienced a bad fall when she was three years old, resulting in a head injury. The head trauma affected her hearing, which affected her developing speech and ability to communicate effectively. Although she had the best treatment, therapy, and support available after the accident, she continued to have some hearing problems.  Her hearing aid helps tremendously.In grade two, Eva was identified with a learning disability in the areas of reading and writing. With further testing, the school psychologist determined she met the criteria for both Dyslexia and Dysgraphia. Eva worked with her parents and an aid all through elementary school and then received after school tutoring in high school. This resulted in Eva receiving high grades in all her courses. Most were above 85%. Although her grade in English was her lowest, she still achieved a 75%. In high school, Eva developed strong keyboarding skills. She is very strong in mathematics and science.Eva is now preparing to leave home and attend the University of Waterloo in the fall of 2023. Her plans are to major in Health Sciences with a minor in psychology. She knows there will be lab reports, research papers, and essays. Additionally, she will be living in residence away from her immediate support systems. What difficulties might she encounter during the transition to university? How could these difficulties be alleviated?What resources and strategies might she want to access and use to help her with her reading and writing so that she succeeds in her university courses? Explain why the resources and strategies discussed would be beneficial.What legal protections are available to Eva to help her receive the resources and supports she needs at the university? Strong answers involve conciseness and precision.Please use primary sources to support your arguments. A minimum of two recent empirical sources are required (between 2015-2022).Secondary sources are seen as weak scholarship. A secondary citation is when you cite the authors of the textbook when discussing a theorist or strategies designed by a researcher. The theorist/researcher is the primary source so go to their work and cite them directly instead of the authors of the textbook or Dr. etc form the modules. Dr. D is also seen as a secondary source. If you must use a secondary source (i.e., can’t find the primary source), then reference the secondary source as per APA 7th edition. This will avoid mark deductions.Quotations from any sources are not recommended. If you do quote from the textbook or other sources, please reference appropriately at the end of your responses. Keep in mind that quotations from the textbook are secondary sources a(see above) and should be cited as such.Social SciencePsychology