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Explain if these discussions are right and why.   1- Sundi…

Explain if these discussions are right and why.


1-Sundi Paredesu07d01COLLAPSE

IPT treatment has three stages of treatment. The initial phase is used to diagnose the client’s disorder, place the client in the “sick role”, and give clients hope by helping them rationalize and manage their disorder. The middle phase focuses on educating the client about how their relationships and environment impact their mental health and vice versa. The termination phase is used to assess the therapy’s success, increase confidence in the client’s new skills, and reduce anxiety about the termination. 

During the initial phase of the case study, the therapist confirmed the client’s symptoms and discussed them as a disease the client was suffering from rather than making the client feel that they had done something wrong. The therapist helped the client to see the cause for his depression was rooted in his changing life role and his shaky relationship with his father. The therapist helped the client to think rationally about how to handle his failing grades and made a treatment plan with the client to help him improve his relationship with his father.

 During the middle phase, the therapist helped the client to see how the troubling relationship with his father had led to his downturn in mood following a relatively good week and role-played discussions the client could have with his father to improve communication and ease the tension between the two. 

In the termination phase, the therapist made sure to ask about the client’s feelings about termination and planned to discuss future events that might trigger another depressive episode and ways to handle it. The therapist also evaluated the client’s symptoms to emphasize the improvements made increasing the client’s confidence in their ability to reduce conflict. 

I think the therapist followed the stages of IPT really well and hit on all the main components. We didn’t get to see the entire therapy sessions, but it was indicated that the therapist had and was going to discuss and address all areas before termination.  


Wedding, D., & Corsini, R. J. (2018). Current Psychotherapies (11th ed.). Cengage Limited.


2-Unit 7 Discussion 2COLLAPSE

The changes made by Frank and Michelle’s family were structural change, behavioral change, experiential change, and cognitive change. The family was struggling with the new lifestyle of all living together while all having their own individual issues. The therapist focused on the problems the family was having as a whole and also focused on the issues each individual in the family was having. The therapist helped each family member in obtaining their goal of becoming closer and learning how to live in a healthy environment as a family and also helped everyone improve their overall health and mental wellbeing. In the video “Adolescent Family Therapy,” the therapeutic technique that is used by the therapist is circular questioning. The therapist used circular questioning in the session by asking questions to understand the situation more clearly without pushing the family to discuss anything. The therapist asks a lot of clarifying questions and questions that make the family get deeper into the conversation. An example of this is when the therapist asks the two children what the incident of that day was after the mother stated there was an incident that occurred with both of them that day. The therapist asks the son questions about his basketball schedule to better understand how the incident occurred. The approach this therapist uses is the systemic family approach where the therapist instead of expressing opinions they actually are “viewed as part of what is being observed and treated.” (Wedding & Corsini, 2018) These therapist focus on better understanding the family situation in order to bring about change.

Adolescent Family Therapy. Janet, S. E. (Director). (2002).[Video/DVD]  

Wedding, D., & Corsini, R. J. (2018). Current Psychotherapies (11th ed.). Cengage Limited.  


Kristen HullLast Friday at 8:57 AM CDTYou’ve viewed this postMark as readMore Options

Middle adulthood is comparable to the “middle child” of life-span development studies. Often times, it is neglected, or difficult, to study and not a lot of research is found about this period of development. Many assumptions are drawn about middle adulthood, but often times, they are incorrectly done so and generally compared more so to the young and old (two age-group design) commonly used to study adulthood (Lachman, 2015). This article seems important to share because it discusses the need for study of middle adulthood because of the many misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding this period of development. It also urges the importance of future studies in order to optimize aging and prevent and recognize mental or emotional decline that can begin during the midlife developmental stage.



Lachman, M.E. (2015). Mind the gap in the middle: A call to study midlife. Research in Human Development, 12(3/4), 327-334.



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4-It makes sense after the readings that ages 30-45 are considered established adulthood. Adults have progressed in their chosen career and are closer to success and financial stability, have a more developed relationship with their intimate partner or are finding a new one and could be caring for children. Relationship, job, and children are taking up most of the adult life of 30-45 which is interesting compared to our 20s, where people are living for themselves. Then as children get older and become more independent, some people have to start looking after/dealing with their parents that are elderly. Something I found interesting was that “life choices and social roles lead us to become more, not less, heterogenous as we age” (Mehta et. al, 2020). Different things like environment and upbringing can play a factor of when you go through certain stages. In the video, it states we are still developing through our 20s, so it is not until our 30s we are able to be fully developed adults, established (Odell, 2023).


Mehta, C. M., Arnett, J. J., Palmer, C. G., & Nelson, L. J. (2020). Established adulthood: A new conception of ages 30 to 45. American Psychologist, 75(4), 431-444.


Odell, Shannon, director. When Are You Actually and Adult. YouTube, YouTube, 19 Jan. 2023, Accessed 27 May 2023.


If anyone wants to watch:


5-I found this article very helpful for me to gain a better understanding of what middle adulthood entails. I specifically like how the article mentions menopause which is a huge part of female middle adulthood. I also liked how the article touched on many different medical issues that can arise in middle adulthood.

middle adulthood2Clicks: Amy Coe, Jennifer Jensen

Lazzara, J. (2020, June 26). Middle adulthood. Lifespan Development.