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f the plotted data points in a scatter diagram form a straight line…

f the plotted data points in a scatter diagram form a straight line that goes upward to the left and downward to the right, it is indicative of  _____ between the two variables. 


Question 1 options:


a. no correlation


b. a negative correlation


c. a positive correlation


d. a curvilinear correlation

Question 2 


A _____ is a relationship where the variables may start by going in the same direction (both increase), but over time they start going in opposite directions (one increases and the other decreases). 


Question 2 options:


a. negative correlation


b. curvilinear correlation


c. positive correlation


d. no correlation

Question 3 


The range of a correlation coefficient is _____.


Question 3 options:


a.  -10 to +10


b. 0 to +1


c. -1 to 0


d. -1 to +1

Question 4

A correlation coefficient of _____ is considered a _____ correlational relationship in psychology. 


Question 4 options:


a.  – 0.05; strong


b.  – 0.75; strong


c.  – 0.75; weak


d. 0; weak

Question 5 


If there is a strong positive correlation between X and Y, we can predict that _____.


Question 5 options:


a.  X is the cause of Y


b. Y is the cause of X


c. as values of X increase, values of Y will increase


d.  as values of X increase, values of Y will decrease

Question 6 


If the plotted data in a scatter diagram containing the scores of two variables spread evenly across all areas of the graph, this indicates that:


Question 6 options:


the two variables are negatively correlated.


an error has been made during the collection of the data.


no correlation is present.


the correlational relationship between the variables is perfect.

Question 7 



When computing the numerator of the correlation coefficient formula, the deviation scores of each variable are _____ together and then _____, 


Question 7 options:


divided; subtracted


multiplied; summed


summed; multiplied


subtracted; summed

Question 8 


Research has shown that there is a positive correlation between watching media violence and aggressive behavior.  Which of the following indicates the strongest correlation between these two variables?


Question 8 options:









Question 9 



If psychologists find a correlation coefficient of r = +.69 between watching media violence and aggression, they can report that _____. 


Question 9 options:


watching media violence causes aggressive behavior


acting aggressively causes people to watch more violent media


low levels of aggression are related to high levels of watching violent media


watching a lot of violent media is related to high levels of aggression

Question 10 


Which of the following is the formula for how to compute the correlation coefficient ( r )?


Question 10 options:


a. Divide the product of SSX and SSY by the sum of the product of the deviation scores for X and Y.


b. Divide the product of SSX and SSY by the sum of the deviation scores for X and Y.


c. Divide the sum of the product of the deviation scores for X and Y by the square root of the product of SSX and SSY.


d.  Divide the the sum of the product of the deviation scores for X and Y by SSY.

Question 11 


If psychologists report a correlation coefficient of +1.25, which of the following is true?


Question 11 options:


They found a strong positive correlation between the two variables.


They made an error when they calculated the coefficient.


They found a strong negative correlation between the two variables.


They found a weak positive correlation between the two variables.

Question 12 


Which of the following is how a significant correlation coefficient typically is reported in research articles? 


Question 12 options:


p = .01, r = .48


r(.48), p > .12


r = .41, p < .05   p < .05, r(.48) Question 13    The sum of the product of the deviation scores for X and Y divided by the _____ is the formula for the regression coefficient in the linear prediction rule.   Question 13 options:   a. the sum of squared deviation scores for the predictor variable (SSx)   b.  the sum of squared deviation scores for the criterion variable (SSY)   c.  the sum of deviation scores for the predictor variable (SSx)   d.  the sum of deviation scores for the criterion variable (SSY) Question 14    _____ is when a score on one variable is used to make predictions about a score on another variable.    Question 14 options:   a. Bivariate correlation   b.  Multivariate prediction   c. Bivariate prediction   d. Multiple regression Question 15    A psychologist wants to predict depression scores from anxiety scores.  In this example, anxiety scores are the _____.    Question 15 options:   a. regression variable   b. linear variable   c. criterion variable   d. predictor variable Question 16    In the linear equation Y = a + (b)(X), a is the symbol for the _____.   Question 16 options:   a. regression constant   b.  slope of the line   c. regression coefficient   d. predictor variable Question 17    If psychologists find a significant correlation coefficient of r = -.59 between depression and self-esteem, they can predict that _____.    Question 17 options:   a. as depression scores rise, self-esteem will increase   b.  as depression scores rise, self-esteem will decrease   c.  as depression scores decline, self-esteem will not change   d. as depression scores remain the same; self-esteem will increase Question 18     In the linear equation Y = a + (b)(X), b is the symbol for the _____.   Question 18 options:   a. regression constant   b. slope of the line   c. criterion variable   d. intercept Question 19      A term for a in the linear prediction rule Y = a + b(X) is _____.    Question 19 options:   a. regression coefficient   b. intercept   c. slope   d. regression variable Question 20    The regression line:   Question 20 options:   is typically curved.   is set up similar to a histogram.   indicates the relation between the predictor variable and the predicted values of the criterion variable.   has an axis that indicates the predicted scores on the predictor variable. Question 21    When we subtract the product of the regression coefficient and the mean of the predictor variable from the mean of the criterion variable, we compute the _____.   Question 21 options:   a. slope   b. predicted variable   c.  regression coefficient   d.  regression constant Question 22      A biological psychologist reports that in infants, age in months predicts development in a particular area of the brain.  The linear prediction rule is Y(predicted) = 1 + 2(X).  If an infant is 6 months old, what is the brain development score?   Question 22 options:   a. 12   b. 16   c. 13   d. 8 Question 23    Scores on a measure of depression are found to predict scores on a measure of anxiety.  In the linear prediction rule, the regression constant is 10 and the regression coefficient is 2.  What is the predicted level of anxiety for a person with a score of 8 on the depression scale?   Question 23 options:   a. 26   b. 6   c. 82   d. 28 Question 24    A strong significant correlation between X and Y is found.  When can we be confident that X is the cause of Y?   Question 24 options:   a. If Y is measured before X.   b. If X is measured before Y.   c. If an experiment is conducted in which people are randomly assigned to levels of X.   d. If an experiment is conducted in which people are randomly assigned to levels of Y.