Answered step-by-step
From:  Munson, Ronald.  INTERVENTION AND REFLECTION .6th…

From:  Munson, Ronald. INTERVENTION AND REFLECTION.6th ED.,Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company,2000  . Page 726 Scenario #3

“I want to make this a straightforward business proposition.” Sam Witt looked across the table at Susan Becker. “Dorla and I think that Carolyn is a fine little girl. She’s healthy and strong, pretty, and smart as a whip.”

             “Thank you for saying all those nice things about my daughter.” Becker frowned in puzzlement. “But what does Carolyn have to do with a business proposition?”

             “This is a delicate matter.” Witt glanced down at his coffee, then looked up again. “I don’t want to get too personal, but I know that you and Joe had some problems having a kid.”

             “That’s no secret.” Becker shook her head. “I’ve got scarred tubes, so we used in vitro fertilization. The embryo was cloned into six copies so if the first try didn’t work, we could do it again.” She smiled. “But the first try did work.”

             “So you’ve still got five embryos on ice.” Witt leaned toward her. “That’s what I was talking about. Dorla and I want to buy one of them, and we’re prepared to pay you and Joe $15,000 for it.”

             “Fifteen thousand dollars.” Becker sat up straight, her eyes opened wide. “But why? Why not have your own child?”

             “We could but like I said, Dorla and I really like everything we see in Carolyn. We’re not so sure how things would turn out with our own kid, given our genetic backgrounds. There’s a lot of depression on my side, and the women in Dorla’s family have a high incidence of breast cancer.” Witt shrugged. “Let’s just say we want a daughter, but we also want some insurance to go along with her.”

             “She would be just like Carolyn,” Becker said in a distracted voice. “But we could sure use the money.”

Provide ethical grounds for a policy with regard to buying and selling of embryos to those who want a designer child. 

Using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS state what your ethical position would be on buying and selling of embryos to those who want a designer child and why. You are to take a position and defend it. You should use some ethical principle to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You must state those principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You should indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so.  In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle(s) you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own.The ethical principles were presented in Module/Chapter  2 and include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  Refer to one or more of these as ethical principles when answering  assignments.  Do not use the Moral Principles of Health Care as Ethical Principles. The Moral Principles involved in Health Care include: Autonomy, Informed Consent, Truth Telling, Confidentiality, Privacy. These are NOT the basic ethical principles such as include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  The moral principles are popular and recognized in several ways in health care including  in “codes” and in statements of “rights” because there are so many of the Basic Ethical Principles that support the moral judgment that these MORAL Principles of Health Care are a MORALLY GOOD THING.

Use this template or form to make certain that you include each part of the process-parts a to e


Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part.

Dialectical thinking: the 5 parts

a. Take a position on this question or issue  Be as exact as you can be.  Be precise in your use of  language  (ethical principles and values).
b.  Provide the reasons why you think this  position is better defended by reason and evidence than are the alternative  positions  Position defended using reasoning (ethical principles and values)  in support of the judgment (conclusion of the  argument).  You  state the reasons why the position you take makes sense and has evidence and  reasons (ethical principles and values) to support it other than your feelings or personal preference or  your opinion or what you were brought up to believe or what just about  everyone you know thinks or believes.   Philosophers have offered  such reasons  (ethical principles and values). and evidence for the positions they have taken and you should  consider them and if you agree you can and should so state them in support  of your own position.
c.  State the reasons why you found the other  positions that use other  (ethical principles and values).  flawed or less defensible than the one you are defending 
d.  State the criticisms of your position  from those who use other  (ethical principles and values).
e.   Respond to those criticisms from  those using other  (ethical principles and values).-a   rebuttal- how do you defend your position in light of those criticisms?