melalvarez0628From the images below    1). What is (are) the hypothesis? You…From the images below  1). What is (are) the hypothesis? You can either give me the “gist” of the study here or copy them from the researcher’s instructions for Study One.2). Do you agree with the predictions? That is, do you expect something different than the hypothesis in the researcher’s instructions? If yes, what and why? If no, justify why you think the predictions are inaccurate)?3). Do you think this is a good, testable hypothesis (If no, what would be a better, more “testable” phrasing for the hypotheses)?4). Do you see any ethical problems with this study? If so, how should you deal with those problems? 5). Finally, with your discussion group, assess your project, noting one thing different you would do if you had the chance to design a similar study on your own (Hint: You’ll get the chance to build a follow-up study to this Self-Reference Effect study in a few weeks, so think about what you would do differently right now and you may get the chance to follow through with that new study later in the semester!).Image transcription textResearcher Instructions & Stimulus Materials — Spring, 2023— Self-Reference Effect Study Instructions: This Spring, we willrun a series of studies looking at the Self—Reference E… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text1). Note that there is a “Covid alternative” to data collection if youare unable to collect data yourself. Ask your instructor about thatoption, but there is a good chance that you will already… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text0 After getting participant’s oral informed consent, randomly givethem m of the three “Research Study — Florida InternationalUniversity — Spring 2023″ documents. These three do… Show more… Show moreImage transcription texto In the ” elf-Ratin ” condition, participants read the following:Imagine YOUR BEST FRIEND sends you the following message onsocial media: “Hello there, my best friend! I kno… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textem 0 reca .e wor-s a er, an- ieirreca s on – .e n-igero yw en theyrelate the words to themselves! All participants will then move onto Social Media Post Two 0 Social Media Post #2 This i… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textData Analysis Note: The number of words recalled is our mostimportant dependent variable (or variable that we will measure).When you count the number correct, it will be on a rati… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textI For Paper Two, you will only analyze one of these statementswith an AN OVA. The choice of which one is up to you, but makesure your choice is based on the hypotheses you are te… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textI Data Analysis Note: I We report the mean and standarddeviation (or SD) for age in Question 2 and descriptive statisticsfor gender and race/ethnicity (for Questions 1 / 3) 0 Fo… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textD). Once participants complete the questionnaire, debrief themregarding the Self-Reference Effect (SRE) study. That is, tell themabout the study conditions and hypothesis. Read the f… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textOnce again, thank you for participating in this study! **MethodsStudents: Note that the underlined paragraphs above will behelpful when you write Paper I ./ In fact, you can use th… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text2). Hold onto the completed questionnaires, as you will use themin an upcoming lab. You will enter data into SPSS and analyze itduring your lab. Important note: Each student researc… Show more… Show more Social SciencePsychology