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Researchers have determined that widowhood appears to have both immediate and long-term effects on which dimension of physical health?
a. hormone production of the endocrine system
B. the cardiovascular system
C. the immune system
d. sensory perception


How do adolescent suicide beliefs and behaviours compare with those of adults?
Your it
A. Adults cognitively grasp the finality of suicide, adolescents do not
B. Adolescents are more likely to leave long explanatory suicide notes, adults frequently do not leave notes.
c. Many teens believe death to be a pleasurable experience, adults believe death to be a painful experience
d. Despite understanding that death is final, both groups have viewed suicide as a temporary escape from a stressful personal problem.


Of the following factors, which is NOT associated with the development of postpartum depression?
A. depression during pregnancy
(B) an unplanned pregnancy
C. low levels of steroid hormone production
(D) presence of a major life stressor, such as loss of a job


Which of the following statements is a criticism of Kübler-Ross’s death and dying theory?
A. The stages do not follow the order listed
B. No defined stages could be verified
C. Most patients move toward acceptance at a much earlier stage, not the last stage

D. The only common stage that could be verified was anger


Attachment theories suggest that when we choose a partner we
A. seek to develop attachment patterns that are different from our childhood.
B. seek to maximize the benefits we get out of the relationship
C. develop attachments that match our internal model of attachment.
D. expect our partner to take the primary responsibility in defining attachment.


Divorce often affects the life pathways or the sequence and timing of family roles for both genders. Which of the following statements is true regarding divorce and life pathways?
A. The total number of years of child-rearing is significantly decreased for divorced men but increased for divorced women
B) The total number of years of child-rearing is significantly increased for divorced men only if they remarry a younger woman.
C. Divorced women with children and divorced women with no children are less likely to re-marry, decreasing the total number of child rearing years
D. Divorce reduces the number of years a remarried couple may have between the departure of the last child and the time when their elderly parents may need assistance.


In choosing an occupation, which of the following family factors tend to be most influential?
A.parents’ level of educational attainment
B.parents’ marital satisfaction
C.number of siblings in the family
(D. parents’ level of job satisfaction


Of the following couples, which would most likely report the lowest level of marital satisfaction?
A. ImaM and Muhammed have been married a year, and they plan to start their family next year.
B.Sally and Sam have been married 10 years and have two children who are 8 and 6 years old.
C.Rita and Marcel are both 65 years old and have just retired from the grocery store they have owned and managed for 40 years.
D.Paul and Sarah have been married 20 years and have two children who are entablishing themselves in professional careers


How are the interpersonal relationships of adulthood affected by the internal working models of attachment that were developed in infancy and early childhood?
A. Through the processes of individuation and autonomy, young adults abandon their infant/early-childhood models of attachment and develop new models by resolving the crisis of intimacy versus isolation.
B. Insecurely attached children inevitably become adults with insecure, unsatisfactory intimate relationships.
C. Adults tend to duplicate their infant/early-childhood models of attachment with their prospective spouses.

D. The internal working model of attachment predicts an individual’s happiness in adult love relationships.