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Hiya,   Can you help me with RESULT section for my survey report….



Can you help me with RESULT section for my survey report. Here’s Test of assumptions and MLR that I struggle to analyse. 



The Relationship of Social Support in Mental Wellbeing: An Investigation 


How does the level of social support affect mental wellbeing? 


Research design: I will be undertaking Multiple Linear Regression analysis in this study. I will estimate the relationship between a quantitative dependent variable and two or more independent variables.
Data collection: The survey will be administered to a diverse sample of individuals, including those who have and have not experienced mental well being issues. Online platforms will be used to recruit participants. The survey will include a combination of demographic questions, standardised measures of social support and mental well being, to elicit detailed information about participants’ experiences with social support. The data collection process will begin as soon as project proposal form will be approved.
Data analysis: In order to examine the relationship between social support and mental wellbeing, the collected data will be analysed using Multiple Linear Regression analysis.
Results: A report will be written to describe the main findings and their implications for mental wellbeing policy and practice. It will include tables, figures, and narratives. 
Conclusion: This project will provide new insights into the relationship of social support in mental wellbeing and the need for interventions that address the barriers to accessing social support.

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Definition of Missing Skewness .045 235 Missing Value Handling
User-defined missing values -.570 for dependent variables are
Kurtosis .465 treated as missing Cases Used Statistics …
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Normal Q-Q Plot of overallMW 14.00 12.00 10.00 Expected
Normal 8.00 6.00 -2 4.00 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 2.00
Observed Value overallMW REGRESSION Detrended …
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Input Data C:UsersSofiaAppDataLoca Elapsed Time
00:00:00.53 ITempRar$Dla16236.33171 Memory Required
5232 bytes The Relationship of Social Additional Mem…
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belongingsupport 1.000 560 tangiblesupport 560 1.000 ANOVA
Sig. (1-tailed) overallMW 078 032 Model Sum of Squares Mean
Square Sig. demographic 190 305 Regression 48.010 …
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Scatterplot Std. Residual -2.344 1.854 000 981 106 1.006
Dependent Variable: overallMW Stud. Residual -2.362 1.889 001
106 Deleted Residual 5.92062 4.74189 00689 2.5433…
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Please help me with RESULT section. MLR Assumptions and MLR write-up. Lots of explanations please. 



•The Model:•ß0 = Constant = the value of Y with no contribution from any other variables•ß1 = increase in Y for every unit increase in X1•ß2 = increase in Y for every unit increase in X2•Model is:•Y = ß0 + ß1X1 + ß2X2 + etc.”


Example of MLR write-up:

“Multiple Linear Regression was carried out to investigate whether revision intensity and subject enjoyment could significantly predict participants’ exam scores. The results of the regression indicated that the model explained 41.8% of the variance and that the model was a significant predictor of exam performance, F(2,26) = 9.34, p =< .001. While subject enjoyment contributed significantly to the model (ß = .408, p= .027), intensity did not (ß = .333, p = .067). The final predictive model was:  Exam score = 20.657 + (.295*Revision Intensity) + (.668*Subject Enjoyment)" CAN YOU PLEASE TRANSLATE MY RESULT INTO THESE EQUATIONS AND ANALYSE IT.   MR ASSUMPTIONS WRITE UP: •Cover each assumption that you have tested for, showing if the assumption has been met (and why) or not (and why) - give any relevant figures •Highlight any implications if an assumption has not been met PLEASE HELP WITH THIS AS WELL