Answered step-by-step
I can choose anyone for this activity: Activity 1 A supervisor…

I can choose anyone for this activity:

Activity 1

A supervisor oversees the professional work of a trainee with four major goals:

– To protect the welfare of clients
– To promote supervisee growth and development
– To monitor supervisee performance and to serve as a gatekeeper for the profession
– To empower the supervisee to self-supervise and carry out these goals as an independent professional.


Describe why each one of these goals is important.


Activity 2

You get the most from your supervision as a trainee when you understand the roles and responsibilities of those who supervise you. Supervisors must provide the training and supervised experiences that will enable supervisees to deliver ethical and effective services. To provide effective clinical supervision, supervi- sors must be competent both in the practice of supervision and in the area of counseling being supervised. Supervisors should provide supervision only after obtaining the needed education and training to ensure competence in this role, and only if they can devote the required time to provide adequate oversight (Barnett & Johnson, 2015). Supervisors are ultimately responsible, both ethically and legally, for the actions of their trainees. Therefore, they are cautioned not to supervise more trainees than they can responsibly manage at one time. They must check on trainees’ progress and be familiar with their caseloads. Just as practitioners keep case records on the progress of their clients, supervisors are required to maintain records pertaining to their work with trainees. Clinical supervisors have a position of influence with their supervisees; they operate in multiple roles as teacher, mentor, consultant, counselor, adviser, administrator, evaluator, and documenter. Supervisors may serve many differ- ent functions during a single supervisory session. They might instruct a super- visee in a clinical approach, act as a consultant on how to intervene with the client, act as a counselor in helping the supervisee understand how counter- transference could be affecting work with the client, and give evaluative feed- back to the supervisee regarding his or her progress as a clinician. Falender (2017) states that “a skilled supervisor balances the multiple roles, giving ongo- ing feedback, positive and corrective, while also supporting the development of the supervisee and ensuring that the power differential is clear” (p. 213). Competent supervisors have a clear understanding of the role in which they are functioning in any given situation, why they are serving in that role, and what they hope to accomplish with the supervisee (Corey et al., 2010). It is important for supervisors to monitor their own behavior so as not to misuse the inherent power in the supervisor-supervisee relationship. Supervisors are expected to be aware of the power differential inherent in the supervisory relationship and to discuss the power dynamics in this relationship with supervisees. Supervisors should strive to minimize the power differential by establishing a collaborative relationship and encouraging open discussion, yet at the same time they must maintain appropriate authority (ACES, 2011). The complexity of the super- visory relationship and the multiple roles and inherent power differential of supervision require specialized training in clinical supervision (Falender, 2017). Ethical supervisors seek their own supervision or consultation when faced with complex supervisory issues. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring compliance with relevant legal, ethical, and professional standards for clinical practice (ACES, 2011). The main purposes for ethical standards for clinical supervision are to provide behavioral guidelines to supervisors, to protect supervisees from undue harm or neglect, and to ensure quality client care (Bernard & Goodyear, 2014). Supervisors can demon- strate their knowledge of these ethical guidelines through the behavior they model in the supervisory relationship. 


Share your thoughts about multiple roles in supervisions ,  regarding how multiple roles can be problematic and why.  Also share when you think a supervisors multiple roles might be helpful.