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I need help responding to the following answer:   Parental…

I need help responding to the following answer:


Parental corporal punishment is an extremely sensitive topic because it can easily be viewed as child abuse by onlookers. However, in my opinion, the only individuals that can truly define the nature of parental corporal punishment are the parents/guardians giving the parental corporal punishment and the child or children receiving said parental corporal punishment. Gershoff defines corporal punishment as the use of physical force with the intent to correct behaviors by implementing pain (2002). As discussed in the article, Immediate Compliance, Moral Internalization, Aggression, Delinquent Behavior, Criminal Behavior, Antisocial Behavior, Quality of Parent-Child Relationship, Mental Health, Adult Abuse of Own Child or Spouse, and Becoming a victim of Psychical Abuse are the 11 child behaviors that are associated between parental corporal punishment.

Immediate compliance regarding parental corporal punishment is to stop children from misbehaving immediately. This can look different from culture to culture and household to household. As a father of a two-year-old, my form of immediate compliance is a slight pinch on the hand. 

Moral Internalization is defined by Grusec and Goodnow (1994) as “taking over the values and attitudes of society as one’s own so that socially acceptable behavior is motivated not by anticipation of external consequences but by intrinsic or internal factors” (p. 4). How a parent goes about parental corporal punishment plays a massive role in a child’s moral Internalization; my sole purpose for what I deem minimal parental corporal punishment for my child for a society she’s oblivious to. So if ever I feel the need to give her a little pinch, I first acknowledge that she is feeling pain from the pinch, and then I explain to her why she received the pinch. Our day at the beach today is a prime example; while at the beach, my daughter saw an older toddler and decided to walk away from my wife and me. Before I could say anything, my wife told her to come back, and my daughter yelled no; without hesitation, I walked up to her and pinched her hand before picking her up. As she began to cry, I told her that it’s important that she stays by her mom and me at all times when we’re out at the beach because strange people may think it’s okay to take her away from us.

Aggression is the most studied and debated findings in the child-rearing literature (Coie & Dodge, 1998; Steinmetz, 1979). Regarding parental corporal punishment and the association between child behaviors, it increases children’s aggressive behaviors. I can’t attest to this, but I can see how this is plausible if a parent constantly disciplines a child without explanation, especially if the means of parental corporal punishment exceeds a spanking or slap.

Delinquent, Criminal, and Antisocial behavior has been found to be the result of parental corporal punishment in adults and children. As I can’t attest to this personally, I can understand how it’s plausible, but I also understand how it can be the opposite. 

Quality of Parent-Child Relationship can potentially be disrupted through parental corporal punishment as it can evoke feelings of fear, anxiety, and anger in children; if these emotions are generalized to the parent, they can interfere with a positive parent-child relationship by inciting children to be fearful of and to avoid the parent (Bugental & Goodnow, 1998; Grusec & Goodnow,1994; Maccoby & Martin, 1983; Saarni, Mumme, & Campos,1998).

Mental Health problems are very much a possible outcome of parental corporal punishment as it can easily lead to depressive symptomatology and distress within children. However, there is very little research that supports certainty.

Adult Abuse of Own Child or Spouse in Terms of parental corporal punishment and the association between child behaviors is pretty apparent to me as the abused becomes the abuser. Excessive parental corporal punishment without explanation can easily seem like abuse to a child.

Becoming a Victim of Physical Abuse goes hand in hand with Adult Abuse of Own Child or Spouse regarding parental corporal punishment and the association between child behaviors. Suppose a parent or guardian uses parental corporal punishment on a child frequently and excessively without communication or with miscommunication. In that case, it can easily cause an adolescent to believe it’s normal to be abused. For example, I remember walking my friend home after she’d been suspended from school; soon as she walked through the door, her mother came out of nowhere with a belt swinging full force. Before I could even make it out of the door, I overheard her father tell her that he was whooping her because he loved her. I hope and pray that she isn’t a victim of Physical abuse, but we’re still friends to this day, and she’s been in an unhealthy relationship for five years now.



Gershoff, E. T. (2002). Corporal punishment by parents and associated child behaviors and experiences: A meta-analytic and theoretical review. Psychological Bulletin, 128(4), 539-579.