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I need to create a powerpoint on the below case study but I dont…

I need to create a powerpoint on the below case study but I dont know where to start…. My focus is on how the therapist should have focused on WHY Adara wanted to harm herself, not the fact that Hannah felt compelled to tell her family (whom Adara explains she does not have a good relationship with).  Any suggestions on how to separate slides would be really helpful!!!


I need to address the HAY’s addressing model, Apply psychological theories and concepts to personal, organizational, and social issues, apply empirical research findings to issues in psychology, apply empirical research findings to issues in psychology, solve problems in the field of psychology through critical, scientific, and creative thinking, Evaluate decisions or actions based on cultural competence and ethical principles, and integrate knowledge of psychology with personal values and goals to guide personal, collaborative, and professional behavior…..

I can’t upload my papers that have already been written for some reason… any suggestions would help….



Hannah, a 36-year old African American woman, moved to Riverbend City ten years ago. She loves her work as a school counselor and, although she does not have children of her own, she says that “children are my life.” The principal and teachers at Cargill Academy appreciate her hard work with the students. She often puts in long hours.

Hannah is working with Adara, a 15-year old Muslim-American. Her parents immigrated to Detroit, Michigan from Iraq in 1999. She and her siblings were born and grew up in Dearborn, a suburb of Detroit. They moved to Riverbend City when Adara was 11 years old.

Adara is feeling depressed but isn’t sure why. Lately she has been wishing she wasn’t alive. She decided to talk to Hannah.

She talks about feeling “different” from others in school. She has friends at school, with whom she spends some time outside of school; however, she is acutely aware that she is the only Muslim-American among all the people she knows. She is the only person to wear a headscarf that her parents require her to wear, following their cultural and religious traditions. She often feels other kids staring at her, and sometimes they make rude comments. She has been bullied on social media, with other kids accusing her of being a “terrorist.”

She has enjoyed her conversations with Hannah and feels better after she leaves her office. Hannah has encouraged her to talk with her parents about seeing a therapist. Adara has resisted, and says her parents will not support her seeing a therapist.

During their last visit, Adara told Hannah that she wishes she was dead. Hannah called her parents to let them know. Now Adara is angry with Hannah and feels her trust has been violated. She says, “My counselor told my mother about everything. Now I feel like I can’t trust her. Doesn’t she have to keep what I say to herself?”

Consider the individual, family, societal, cultural, and ethical issues that Hannah must think about as she interacts with Adara and her parents.