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I need to make up a fake meeting for a workplace assignment and am…

I need to make up a fake meeting for a workplace assignment and am utterly stuck on where to begin. I work as a community support worker. My job entails assisting people’s needs in the home and in the community. Generally, I work with the same participants and do the same things each week. Assist clients with shopping, outings, talking and venting, cleaning, cooking etc. Any help in getting started with this would be greatly appreciated. 

What you have to do

In this assignment, you are required to complete Parts A, B, C and D:

Part A – Facilitate the work place meeting prepared for in the written assignment, and get feedback from two people in your workplace on i) your communication and facilitation skills, and ii) your general communication skills. You are then required to answer the questions based on your feedback and reflections.
Part B – Provide three (3) examples of work place correspondence you have written.
Part C – Reflect on your facilitation of a difficult work situation.
Part D – This section should be completed in the workplace. The Supervisor Statement attached to this assessment should be completed by your workplace supervisor and submitted with your completed assessment.

How you will be assessed

These units are competency based. In order to be deemed competent in these units you must satisfy all elements specific to the units and the essential knowledge and critical aspects of assessment in a range of situations. The assessment has been developed to cover these criteria and your TAFE Digital teacher will review all your work and assess your overall result to deem you competent.

Please reference your work. Referencing guides are available in the Guidelines and information area on the OLS.



Part A

In the written assignment for Cluster 3 (LA021093), you prepared to facilitate a work place meeting. 

You now need to facilitate this meeting then ask a member of the meeting to provide you with written feedback on your communication and facilitation skills. Finally reflect on the feedback and write what you might do differently in future.

What feedback did your colleague provide for you regarding your communication and facilitation skills?
What might you do differently in future as a result of the feedback?

Next, you need to ask a different colleague (not your supervisor) or a client to provide you with feedback on your general communication skills.


What feedback did the client or colleague provide for you regarding your general communication skills?

What might you do differently in future as a result of the feedback?

Part B

You need to provide examples of three (3) types of written correspondence in the work place that you have prepared and attach it to this assessment. All documents must be de-identified. This means that any personal information must be either deleted or changed to protect the person’s privacy.

For example you can provide a case plan you developed with a client, a professional email to a colleague, minutes you took for a meeting, a presentation you prepared for colleagues or other services, an article you have written for the organisation, a policy or policy proposal you have written.

Each written correspondence must adhere to work place policy and relevant legislation. They should demonstrate your professional written skills.

If you are unsure what other kinds of written correspondence will be suitable please contact the teaching section to discuss.

For each document please include:

The document title
Who the document is intended for
The date

Part C

Reflect on a time when you facilitated resolution of a difficult situation with a client, colleague or service provider and answer the following questions.

Briefly outline the situation, remaining neutral/objective in your language.
Describe your organisation’s policy or protocol for dealing with this issue.
Reflect on, analyse and describe how you contributed to the issue.
Describe how you resolved the issue.
Reflecting on this experience, what is one thing you might do differently in a similar situation? If you can’t think of a difficult situation you resolved, contact the teaching section for assistance.