Answered step-by-step
Identify a dilemma in this scenario and addressing your initial gut…

Identify a dilemma in this scenario and addressing your initial gut reaction as the social worker. Using the NASW CODE OF ETHICS.


Briefly summarize the scenario 
Describe the ethical dilemma.
Define the actual dilemma – This is the decision that you must make.
Discuss the potential impact of your decision.
Whom does the dilemma impact (or whom could it potentially impact) and how? This is the ripple effect of the dilemma. Think deeply and broadly, and demonstrate that you understand the impact of the dilemma.
Describe the competing values present in the dilemma.
How are the values relevant in this the dilemma, and how do they compete with each other? For reference sake, the core values are service, integrity, social justice, dignity and worth of a person, importance of human relationships, and competence.
This is just like your discussion board 2 post: If I do _____________, that decision would be supported by (social work core value). On the other hand if I do_____________, that would be supported by (social wok core value). 
Describe your first “gut” solution to the problem.
What do you think you would do, based on the information you have? You must make a decision.
This section should demonstrate not only an understanding of the NASW Code of Ethics, but also self-awareness and an understanding of how your own experiences have shaped how you make decisions. Simply stating the decision that you would make will not suffice. This section is where you will discuss not only what you would do, but why.


A school-based helping professional began seeing a nine- year-old boy for concern about his classroom behavior and academic performance. The helping professional met with the boy and his mother, a single parent. She then began meeting with the boy weekly, collaborated with his teacher to develop a behavior management strategy, and referred him to a local psychiatrist for possible medication for depression. The boy showed considerable improvement after about 6 weeks of intervention.

After a few weeks, the boy’s mother asks to meet with the school-based helping professional to discuss issues she is struggling with, including her ongoing substance abuse. The mother and worker meet weekly for about 2 ½ months. At that time, the mother decides to share a secret with the worker. She informs the worker that she and her son have been living under assumed names because she fears her soon-to-be-ex-husband will find her and continue to emotionally abuse her.

The mother is not supposed to leave the court’s jurisdiction without permission while the divorce and custody dispute are pending. The mother tells the helping professional, “I just had to tell you about this part of my life. You’ve really been helpful to me and I’ve felt so guilty for keeping this secret from you. I assume you won’t tell anybody what I’ve just told you.”