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  Identify an effect of sleep deprivation. Multiple Choice It…


Identify an effect of sleep deprivation.

Multiple Choice

It lowers the complexity of processing in the brain.
It increases brain activity in the prefrontal cortex.
It reduces the risk of sleep apnea.
It leads to increased attention to tasks.


In inferential statistics, ________Blank means that the differences observed between two groups are so large that it is highly unlikely that those differences are merely due to chance.

an operational definition
statistical significance
random assignment


Which of the following scenarios exemplifies a fixed mindset in the context of psychological constraints in learning?

A student does not have good coordination skills but continues to learn how to play tennis.
A student does not think they have academic abilities, and so abandons the idea of going to college.
A student has failed a chemistry test, and so has decided to work harder from now on.
A student has always been bad at math but still believes they can do well in math in college.



Insight learning is a form of problem solving in which an organism uses careful research and planning.


true or false





In a drug study, giving individuals in the control group a placebo allows researchers to determine whether


the operational definition of the dependent variable is the same as the operational definition of the independent variable.
changes in the experimental group are due to the active drug agent.
research participant bias is more significant socially than experimenter bias.
confederates are effective at changing the social context of the experiment.




A researcher conducts a study on honesty and publishes the results. A second researcher tries to conduct the same study after reading the article and has similar results. What is the process called when the second researcher conducts their study?

Multiple Choice

operational definition







Which of the following is more likely to occur in a longer period of REM sleep?

Multiple Choice

dreams that are remembered upon waking
a waking stage



is a statistical procedure that summarizes a large body of evidence from the research literature on a particular topic, allowing the researcher to assess the strength of the relationship between the variables.

Multiple Choice







A researcher provides participants with a video of children playing. After watching this video, the participants are asked to reflect on what they thought and felt as they watched the video. What is the researcher most likely studying?

Multiple Choice

natural selection



Unlike anterograde amnesia, retrograde amnesia

Multiple Choice

leads to the loss of information that was stored before the event that caused the amnesia.
eliminates the ability of the brain to make new memories or learn new skills.
reduces the efficiency of chunking.
prevents the encoding of iconic memory.






According to decay theory, people forget not because memories are lost from storage but because other information gets in the way of what they want to remember.

true or false



Which of the following statements describes prospective memory?

Multiple Choice

It involves nonconsciously remembering skills and sensory perceptions.
It involves remembering information about doing something in the future.
It pertains to a person’s knowledge about the world.
It is the memory of emotionally significant events that people recall vividly.










Which of the following is a harmless substance used in a drug study to ensure that the effect of a treatment is due to the treatment itself rather than participant expectations?

Multiple Choice

demand characteristic


In autobiographical memory, we store the lessons we have learned from life.

true or false




Which of the following would be an in-depth look at the unique aspects of each single person interviewed?

Multiple Choice

correlational study
case study







What approach did structuralism use to identify the structures of the mind?

Multiple Choice

free association
natural selection







Franz is being tutored by a classmate, Mark. Franz wants to ask Mark to the prom but does not know whether he would be interested. Franz looks out for signals of encouragement from Mark and realizes that Mark does not have a date for the prom. Franz asks, and Mark yes. According to the signal detection theory, this outcome can best be labeled as a


Multiple Choice

false alarm.
correct rejection.







A psychologist conducts a study to determine the association between beer sales and the number of road accidents. The researcher finds that an increase in beer sales results in an increase in the number of road accidents. However, the researcher realizes that the time of year could also significantly affect the obtained results because there could be an increase in the number of road trips during certain months. Which of the following is most likely exemplified in this scenario?

Multiple Choice

the principle of natural selection
the third variable problem







In the context of the findings of neuroscientists, which of the following statements is true of the role of sleep in brain plasticity?

Multiple Choice

Lack of sleep leads to stronger connections in the brain.
Lack of sleep helps the brain possess a clear representation of new learning.
Sleep plays a minimal role in the consolidation of memory.
Sleep affects synaptic connections in the brain.






Which system is responsible for putting the body on high alert when threatened?

Multiple Choice

peripheral nervous system
somatic nervous system
sympathetic nervous system
parasympathetic nervous system





Demand characteristics provide information on


Multiple Choice

the strength of the relationship.
the cause of the research topic.
the direction of the relationship.
how the experimenter wants participants to behave.







Which of the following statements is true of REM sleep?

Multiple Choice

REM sleep is an inactive stage of sleep during which high levels of cortisol are present in the body.
REM sleep occurs whenever the levels of melatonin in the body fall below a certain point, which differs from individual to individual.
The internal body temperature of humans is the highest during REM sleep.
The longer the period of REM sleep, the more likely the person will report dreaming.










A student works hard on their schoolwork in order to get into a good college. What is this student exhibiting?

Multiple Choice

modeled learning
purposive behavior
negative reinforcement
latent learning







A hiker is walking in the woods and feels sudden pain in the back of their neck. Because of the nature of the pain, the hiker recognizes that it is from a bee sting. In this scenario, which of the following processes has most likely helped identify the source of pain?

Multiple Choice











The part of the autonomic nervous system that engages a fight or flight reaction is the parasympathetic nervous system.

true or false




Schemas from prior encounters with the environment influence the way people handle information—how they encode it, the inferences they make about it, and how they retrieve it.

true or false






A researcher has developed a theory concerning test grades of high school students. The researcher believes that there is a strong causal relationship between students’ frequency of study and their grades in school. In the context of psychology’s scientific method, to test the theory, the researcher would first have to state a

Multiple Choice











Which of the following is a cognitive form of learning?

Multiple Choice

conditional learning
insight learning
incidental learning
vestibular learning







When a parent gets home from work, they smell what they think is bacon. They go into the kitchen to see their teenager cooking bacon. Based on signal detection theory, this would be considered a

Multiple Choice

correct rejection.
false alarm.







Which of the following measures the distance between the highest and lowest scores in a set?

Multiple Choice

standard deviation




Which of the following is true of experimenter bias?

Multiple Choice

Experimenter bias is often knowingly communicated to participants.
It occurs when participants are not randomly assigned.
It occurs when variables are not clearly defined in an experiment.
It can be difficult to avoid the influence of experimenter bias.







In the context of learning, which of the following statements is true of conditioning?

Multiple Choice

It requires a learner to pay attention, remember, and reproduce what a model did.
It is a process of learning that requires exposure to models performing a skill.
It is the process of learning the associations between two events.
It occurs when a person observes and imitates another’s behavior.






Latent learning is unreinforced learning that is not immediately reflected in behavior.

true or false





The placebo effect in an experimental study refers to the

Multiple Choice

difference between experimental and control groups.
effect of the third variable on the independent variable.
experimenter’s expectation that the experimental group will perform better.
participants’ expectations of producing an outcome.







involves using introspection to investigate the components of the mind, whereas ________Blank involves the functions or purposes of the mind and behavior in the individual’s adaptation to the environment.

Multiple Choice

Functionalism; psychodynamic theory
Behaviorism; structuralism
Functionalism; structuralism
Structuralism; functionalism







Which of the following statements is true of schema theory?

Multiple Choice

It holds that long-term memory is very exact.
It explains how chunking reduces the efficiency of short-term memory.
It has little or nothing to say about the role of the physical brain in memory.
It states that short-term memory has more capacity than sensory memory.







Which theory of dreaming proposes a connection between waking thoughts and dreams?

Multiple Choice

cognitive theory
activation-synthesis theory
Freud’s psychodynamic approach
biological rhythms approach






Wei, a teenager, is attending a party and wants to ask Casey to dance but does not know whether they will say yes. Wei notices that Casey is a little shy, wants to dance, and is not surrounded by friends. Which component of signal detection theory is Wei illustrating by gathering these details about Casey?

Multiple Choice

information acquisition
sensory failure
false alarm





Which of the following statements is true of the event-contingent responding method?

Multiple Choice

It asks participants to complete  report each time they engage in a particular behavior.
It is a common method used in descriptive research.
It is designed to predict the impact of natural calamities.
It is a method used to track brain wave abnormalities.







Which function would be the responsibility of the somatic nervous system?

Multiple Choice

monitoring heart rate
sending pain messages to the brain
calming the body down after a stressful incident
releasing stress hormones in a crisis







In a drug study, the control group may be given a _____Blank, which is a harmless substance used to ensure the control and experimental groups are treated the same except for the agent in the drug they receive.

Multiple Choice

demand characteristic
dependent variable







In the context of long-term memory, which of the following refers to schemas for an event, often containing information about physical features, people, and typical occurrences?

Multiple Choice

visuo-spatial sketchpads
phonological loops





A growth mindset relies on learning and adapting rather than focusing on what cannot be changed.

true or false





Which of the following statements is true of functionalism?

Multiple Choice

It probes the purposes of the mind and behavior in an individual’s adaptation to the environment.
It relies entirely on a person’s conscious reflection.
It involves looking inside one’s own mind by focusing on one’s own thoughts.
It focuses on the “what” of the mind.





From William James’s perspective, the key question for psychology is what the mind is (that is, its structures) rather than what it is for (its purposes or functions).

true or false







Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the method of introspection used by Wilhelm Wundt?

Multiple Choice

A scientist observes rats in a maze to see how fast they learn to find their way out.
A researcher gives an intelligence test to her subjects.
A scientist asks her subjects to recall a list of words.
A researcher asks his subjects to report their conscious feelings when they hear a specific song.







An employee at a large company applies for an opening as a manager. After interviewing, the employee is sure the company is very interested in offering them the position. A couple of days later, someone else is given the manager position. Based on signal detection theory, the employee’s outcome was a

Multiple Choice

correct rejection.
false alarm.




Which of the following is true of a night’s sleep?

Multiple Choice

REM sleep decreases as the night progresses.
Individuals normally spend about 20 percent of sleep in light sleep.
Most REM sleep takes place during stage N1 of a night’s sleep.
Stage N3 sleep is much greater in the first half than in the second half of a night’s sleep.





When someone smells a skunk, the smell is processed by the nose and sent to the brain. When the brain determines that the smell is a skunk, it is called perception.

true or false





The tiny space between neurons through which messages must travel is called the

Multiple Choice

terminal button.