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In need of a short discussion reply to classmates post.


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The nature vs. nurture debate is a longstanding discussion in psychology that seeks to understand the relative influences of genetics (nature) and environmental factors (nurture) on human development, including personality, traits, and characteristics. While there is no definitive answer to this question, evidence from the podcast, readings, and peer-reviewed articles can shed light on the complex interplay between nature and nurture.
One fundamental perspective in this debate is genetic determinism, which suggests that our genetic makeup primarily determines our personality, traits, and characteristics. According to this viewpoint, genetic factors blueprint our development, and our behaviors and characteristics are largely predetermined. However, it is important to note that this deterministic perspective is incomplete and fails to consider the significant role of environmental influences.
The podcast “Your Future in a Marshmallow” highlights the influential study conducted by psychologist Walter Mischel, commonly known as the marshmallow test. This experiment examined the ability of children to delay gratification by resisting the immediate temptation of eating a marshmallow to receive a greater reward later. The findings of this study indicated that children who were able to delay gratification exhibited better long-term outcomes, such as higher academic achievement and improved self-control.
The implications of the marshmallow test suggest that self-control, a key aspect of personality and behavior, is not solely determined by genetics. Instead, it demonstrates the importance of environmental factors, such as parenting styles and early childhood experiences, in shaping an individual’s ability to delay gratification and exhibit self-control. This finding supports the notion that nurture is crucial in developing personality and traits.
Additionally, the provided reading materials can further support the role of nurture in influencing personality and characteristics. The nature vs. nurture debate document presents arguments from both sides, acknowledging the issue’s complexity. It emphasizes that while genetic factors may contribute to certain predispositions, the environment in which individuals grow and develop can significantly shape their behaviors, attitudes, and personality traits. For example, the document discusses the influence of parenting, education, and cultural factors in shaping an individual’s beliefs, values, and social skills.
Furthermore, peer-reviewed articles contribute to the understanding of nature and nurture interactions. For instance, studies on twin and adoption research have helped disentangle the genetic and environmental influences on various traits and characteristics. These studies often reveal that genetic and environmental factors contribute to individual differences, with some traits showing a stronger genetic basis and others being more influenced by environmental factors.
Overall, a comprehensive understanding of the nature vs. nurture debate suggests that genetic and environmental factors shape an individual’s personality, traits, and characteristics. While genetics may provide a foundation, the environment plays a critical role in modulating gene expression and influencing developmental outcomes. In addition, factors such as parenting, education, culture, and life experiences can significantly impact an individual’s behaviors, attitudes, and personality traits. Therefore, it is more accurate to view nature and nurture as interconnected forces rather than opposing factors.




Segal, N. L. (2012). Twin and adoption studies: Origins and interpretations. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience: JPN, 37(2), 120-132. doi: 10.1503/jpn.110037

YouTube. (2009, September 24). The marshmallow test | igniter media | church video. YouTube.

Your future in a marshmallow. Radiolab. (n.d.-a).