Answered step-by-step
in one hundred to one hundred and fifty words what are your…

in one hundred to one hundred and fifty words what are your thoughts on the following 

1. The two perspectives that I have chosen to discuss are humanistic and sociocultural. The humanistic perspective offers a positive approach to human behavior and believes that our behavior is not determined by our pasts, but instead we choose our paths and make decisions ourselves to strive for personal growth. The sociocultural perspective believes that rather than yourself determining your perspective and choices, your surrounding society and cultural norms do. Possible influences are stereotypes, media, and racial differences (Psychology Explained, 2016).

A psychologist with a humanistic perspective could see John’s situation and believe that he is the one at fault. Because humanistic perspective believes that individuals create their own decisions, they could believe that John is responsible for his own actions. They would likely encourage John to strive for personal growth and to not think about the past, but rather the present and his future. By making John think about his own future, it could help John get out of the slump he’s in and start acting like himself again. Another thing the psychologist might suggest is to not listen to his peers who praise him for his toughness, since he should be making his own decisions.

A psychologist with a sociocultural perspective would have an entirely different outlook on John’s situation. They would be much more sympathetic because they believe that a person’s actions and decision making is affected by their surrounding societal and cultural environment. Because it’s a societal norm to have both parents, they would understand that because he hasn’t seen his biological dad in 10 years, it is likely the reason why he’s acting out. Not only that, but it also states that, “John comes from a family culture that celebrates the importance of toughness in males.” Because of this cultural norm it can be concluded that John is hiding his emotions and not truly expressing himself in order to seem tough. Some ways they might help is to establish new societal and cultural norms for John and perhaps offer an older role model that could positively influence John.


King L. A. (2022). Experience psychology (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Psychology Explained. (2016, August 10). Psychology’s modern perspectives.


2. There are 7 contemporary approaches in psychology and if you look deeper into each one, you can find similarities and differences between all of them. For example, behavioral and cognitive. When looking at these two, you can say they are similar in the way that they both cause people to do things with the idea or hope that something good will come out of it. The example used in the video for behavioral explains how a dog will listen to a command to get a treat in return. Or for a human example, a student will be a good student to then receive positive feedback. A main difference between behavioral and cognitive is that cognitive thinking makes a person look farther into the thing they are doing because they are interpreting the situation. This can cause more of a concerning, negative thought process. When doing something like a public speech, like mentioned in the video, a behavioral thing would be to do the speech and be motivated by a reward after such as applause. A cognitive  response would be to think about all the possible outcomes and possibly make yourself nervous. 

In Johns case when it comes to a behavioral psychologist, they may first approach the situation by looking at how others around John are reacting or “rewarding” his behavior. If he gets praised by peers for his toughness, then that could be a potential factor in why John acts tough and bullies kids who aren’t as dominant as him. One way they could try to solve this issue is by getting his mother more involved and distancing him from the kids who praise him for his “tough” behavior. 

As far as a cognitive psychologist, they may begin with looking at Johns past. Since he has a history of being abused as a child, the tough guy act might actually be a way for John to take control of his situations due to, at one point, not having control. He may think he has to act tough or people will think he is weak. A way they could go about solving the issue could be finding a way to show John that he doesn’t have to show aggression towards others just to be in control of his situation.