Answered step-by-step
in order to promote generalization, an RBT is using the Train…

in order to promote generalization, an RBT is using the Train loosely strategy to teach his client vocally label bowls. Which of the following correclty  describes what the RBT should do?
A- provide reinforcers following some correct responses, but not all 
B- present bowls and intermix with trails of plates, cups, and spoons, reinforce all correct responses 
C- Reinforce responfing in the presence of bowls in a variety of different colors, materials and size and present varying SD’s
D- First, ask the child to point to the bowl, then hold up the bowl and ask what it is, and lastly point to the bowl for the child to label it vocally.
12- Which of the following examples demonstrates a continuous measurements procedure?
A- checking to see if a student is on task every 2 minutes 
B- using a timer to record the onset and offset of each time episode of crying 
C- marking whether aggression occurs during any part of each 5- minute interval 
D- indicating whether a client is chewing throughtout each entire 20-second interval 
13-An RBT is collecting data on clients self- injurious behavior. The observation period has been divided into equal intervals that continuously follow each other. The RBT records data on the behavior if it occurs at any point within each interval.
What type of measurement is this
A- frequency 
B- whole-interval
C- partial-interval 
D momentary time
14-Which of the following is the MOST appropriate examples of session notes for clients’ billing records?
A-Today I ran Marsha’s tooth brushing and showering programs. She was really tired today and did not put much effort into the program. She required physical promts in the shower and for all steps of tooth brushing except spitting.
B- Marsha performed 80% of her showering routine with partial physical prompts and 20% with full physical prompts. Marsha performed 90% of her tooth brushng routine with full physical prompts, but did spit independenly.
C- today Marsha was really noncompliant with her program and I had to use physical prompts for almost all steps. She only performed the last step independently because she knew we were almost done.
D- Marsha performed 80% of the steps in her self-care programs with partial physical prompts, 10% with full physical prompts, and 10% without any prompts 
15- An RBT completes a in-home session with a client. Immediately following the collection of data and client information, who is legally responsible for the transportation and storage of that information?
A- the RBT 
B- the clients guardian 
C- the supervising BCBA
D the program supervisor 
16- Mr. Frans is delivering a test in her math class. It is difficult to monitor cheating because there are 20 students. What would be the BEST discontinuous measurment that Ms. Fran should use to monitor the students cheating?
A- momentary time sampling 
B- whole interval recording 
C- count 
D- rate 
17- what does a horizontal axis represent on graph?
A- measure of behavior 
B- baseline condition 
C- units of time 
D- data points 
18- An RBT is teaching a student to label items in their environment. The students is working on three targets: table, chair, and window. The RBT obtains the child’s attention and asks. “What is it? While pointing to one of the items. The students respond correctly and the RBT provides verbal praise and edible reinforcer. The RBT waits for the students to consume the edible and then asks again, ” what is it? While pointing to one of the items, This is an example of which type of teaching procedure?
A- incidental teaching 
B- discrete trial training 
C- naturalistic teaching 
D functional communication training
19-which statement BEST defienes shaping 
A- systematic fading of prompts 
B- modification fading of prompts 
C- gradually weakening a problematic behavior 
D- reinforcement of successive approximation 
20- how should an RBT describe the data shown in this graph to their supervising BCaBA?
A- high variability 
B- decreasing trend 
C- increasing varianility 
D- decreasing variability 
21- What is the BEST example of DRI when the target behavior for reduction is pinching?
A- provide reinforcement for singing songs
B- provide reinforcement for finger painting 
C- provide reinforcement for clapping hands 
B- providing reinforcements for sitting quietly?
22- Upon the client’s arrival, the RBT notices that his client has solid his pants. The parent did not mention when dropping off the client. What would be the BEST decision for the RBT to make?
A- ask his fellow RBT to come look at the clients pants and ask what they would do 
B- change the clients clothing in a timely manner before  starting session 
C- call the client’s parents and politely ask them to report accidents
D- reprimand the client and ask him not to do it again 
23- What type of descriptive assessment would be used to identify environmental events occuring in a specific setting? 
B- latency 
C- time sampling 
D- Frequency of occurrence 
24- in which of the following situations would an RBT provide access to preferred items, activities, or privileges while implementing a token economy?
A- when the session has ended 
B- after each occurrence of a target behavior 
C- after the client earns a predetermined number of points 
D- when the client has not demonstrated a specific behavior during an interval 
25- Mike has observed that Judy disrupts other students by burping loudly. The other students laugh when judy does this. Mike reprimands the students when they laugh at judys behavior. He notices that the frequency of Judy’s disruptive burning increases.
What is MOST likely to be maintaining Judy behavior?
A- negative reinforcement 
B- positive punishment 
C- negative punishment 
D- Positive reinforcement 
26- Dana and Trisha are RBTs who work with the same client on different days of the week. When graphing data. Dana notices the client consistently scores 80% or higher with her and 20% or lower with Trisha. What is Dana’s Best course of action?
A- Dana should bring this up at the next monthly team meeting
B- Dana should teach Trisha how to motivate the client to improve responding 
C- Dana should bring the discrepancy to the attention of the supervising BCaBA
D- Dana should speak privately with Trisha to help fix the problem and avoid getting her in trouble  
27-Kit-Kats are clients’ highest- preferred reinforcer. Usually, the client is reinforced with access to one kit-kat after a client responds correctly to a difficult target, the RBT delivers tow Kit-Kats. Which dimension of reinforcement has the RBT increased?
A- variety 
B- intensity 
C- duration 
D- shedule 
28- The behavior analyst implemented a plan based on a change in routine to decrease a client’s screaming. However, when graphing the data, the RBT noticed that frequency of  screaming remained the same even after ample times was allowed for interventions to take effect.
What is the BEST course of action for the RBT to take?
A- implement a second revision to the routine 
B- return to the previous routine and continue to collect and graph data 
C- continue to implement the intervention as originally instructed by the supervising BCBA or BCaBA 
D-give precise documentation on during of behavior and intensity to the supervising BCBA or BCaBA  
29- An RBT is assigned to work with a new client and discovers he was once an employee of the client’s mother. How should the RBT BEST proceed?
A- Report the relationship to the BCBA 
B- alert the supervising BCBA of the relationship 
C- Continue working with the new client as planned 
D- tell the client’s mother that he cannot work with the client 
30- An RBt who works in a classroom for children with severe behavior problems has just been trained on a new plan for a student in the class. The plan includes differential reinforcement procedures with extinctions for aggressive behavior. The plan has been in place for three days and already two staff have been injured by the students increasingly intense agression 
What is the BEST course of action for the RBT?
A- collect data on frequency, duration, and intensity of the aggression over the next few days to see if the behavior begins to improve 
B- continue to implement the plant as written but bring up the staff injuries in the next case management meeting 
C- tell staff to continue to reinforce the alternative behavior, but to stop using it for aggression.
D- Call the supervising BCBA or BCaBA and ask for immediate assistance with the plan.
31- Lev is an 8-years old who engages in screaming prior to aggressive behavior,which includes hitting,kicking, punching, body slamming, and bitin. Which of the following procedures BEST describes a crisis/emergency protocol?
A- Lev’s mother frequently calls 911 when he engages in screaming because she knows Lev likes police officers and she believes that that officers are best equipped to manage a potential crisis
B- Lev’s behavior plan states that all caregivers ( in-home staff and parents)must put on padded arm guards prior to sessions. Caregivers must document all incidents of aggression on a data sheet.
C- Lev’s behavior plan states that a time-out procedure must be implemented following aggressive behavior. Lev is permitted to come out of time-out after he meets a specific time criteria for remaining calm
D- Lev’s behavior plan states that following 1 instance of aggressive behavior that results in a visible injury to lev or to others, he is physically restricted from engaging in any further behaviors, and he is released when calm for 1 minute. The plan also states the supervising BCBA must be informed.
32- An RBT observed cara while she colored with a peer during free time. Which BEST  exemplifies an objecjectie session note written by the RBT?
A- cara colored a beautiful picture.
B- cara engaged in five instance of screaming while coloring with a peer
C cara engaged in five instance of screaming after being agitated by a peer while coloring
D- cara because frustrated when coloring with Dillon and engaged in five instance of screaming
33- An RBT demonstrates the correct target response as a prompt for the learner. What type of prompts did the RBT use?
A- model 
B- gestural
C- physical 
D- proximity 
34- Due to a planned conference trip, the supervising BCBA cannot complete a functional analysis in a timely manner. She asks the client’s main RBT to conduct the functional analysis, including data analysis, and describes the procedures. The RBT has never conducted a functional analysis. What should the RBT do NEXT?
A- conduct the functional analysis 
B- Inform another BCBA about the situation
C- Ask the BCBA to model the procedure, the conduct the functional analysis 
D- inform the BCBA that she cannot conduct this task because it is not in her scope of duties.
35- Which of the following is NOT necessary for implementing a skill acquisition program during a session?
A- task analysis for skill
B- data collection method 
C- parent training curriculm 
D- preference assessment restuls 
36- Tom works in an office with ten other people. He loves to engage in lengthy conversations that interfere with others being able to complete their work. As a result, the employees have stopped responding when Tom approaches them. Over time, Tome stops approaching his coworkers.
 What behavioral principle BEST accounts for the change in Tom’s behavior?
A- Negative reinforcement
B-positive punishment 
C- abolishing operation 
D- extinction
37- What is the purpose of preference assessment?
A- Identify evocative antecedents
B- to identify potential reinforcers 
C- prove the function of behavior 
D- esstablish a conditioned reinforcer 
38- Lincoln holds his breath and his RBT is worried because it is a dangerous behavior. If lincoln stats to hold his breath, the RBT is afraid to reinforce the behavior and wants to follow the protocol developed by his supervising BCaBA 
What should the RBT do to ensure Lincol’s safety?
A- Teach Lincoln to take deep breath when he is frustrated 
B- if Lincoln holds to take deep breath, then tickle him to elicit a startle response
C- consult the behavior reduction plan and refer to the crisis intervention procedures 
D- Avoid delivering non-preferred work task to reduce the likelihood of lincoln holding his breath until RBT can consult with the BCaBA
39- Cora flaps her hands when she is playing with her favorite toys, when she talks with her parents, and when she is completing school work. What is MOST likely to maintain this behavior?
A- escape 
B- attention
C- automatic
D- access to tangibles 
40- An RBT is working with an adult who has a peanut allergy. The RBT is teaching the client to only consume edibles that do not have peanuts listed in the ingredients. The RBT is MOST likely implementing which type of procedure?
A- incidental teaching 
B- Naturalistic teaching 
C- discrete trial training 
D- discrimination training
41- An RBT reviews a skill acquisition program and determines he needs to record frequency data. He collects a data sheet, writing utensil, and clipboard. What other tools does he need?
A- timer 
B- calculator
C- Token board
D- handheld clicker 
42- during a session, and RBT is working with a client who has been engaging in a novel self- injurious behavior(SIB) The RBT has no experience working with individuals engaging in self-injury. What should the RBT do next?
 A- Request to be transferred off the case immediately 
B- Collect data on SIB and determine whether if should be treated 
C- inform the supervising BCBA he/she is not competent to work with SIB
D- attend a training on SIB and apply those skills to treat cleaning behavior
43- Margaret is working with her client on raising his hand instead of calling out. Her supervisor provided her with a token board. And tokents. How will Margaret know how to implement this procedure?
A- All RBTS is knows how to use a token board so no further information is required 
B- Margaret has done this  before so she will do what she has done in the past because it was succesfull
C-  Margaret will check in with her friend who is also an RbT to see how they implement a token economy system procedure with her clients.
D- Margaret will refer to the skill acqusition plan for a detailed explanation on how to implement the token economy procedure.
44- what is NOT an essential component of a written skill acquisition plan?
A- Goals 
B- Hypothesis
C- target behavior 
D- mastery criteria 
45- A parent tells her child to stop as they apprach a busy road. As the child masters that goal, the parent fades the verbal prompt “stops” so that the child will independently stop at a busy road. Fading the verbal prompt so the behavior occurs in the presence of the naturally occurring stimulus is an example of which procedure? 
A- stimulus equivalence
B- stimulus class transition 
C- stimulus dicrimination 
D- stimulus control transfer 
46- Quincy has started to engage in behavior related to his sexuality. In an effort to advocate for his rights and encourage healthy sexual practices, his team members have includes provisions in his plan for private versus public behavior. 
Prioritizing such goals for Quincy is an example of which concept?
A- reinforcement versus punishment 
B- differential reinforcement 
C- avoid conflicts of interest 
D- maintain client dignity 
47-Judy is 6 years old and attends school in a regular classroom. At snack time, Judy takes food that belongs to other children. Parents are complaining, so the teacher decides to record data on the problem.
What is the BEST measure of food stealing?
A- whole-interval recording
B- frequency 
C- Duration 
D- Latency 
48-An RBT is teaching her client to identify community symbols. She taught him in the classroom until he mastered each symbol. Next, she takes him into the natural environment. She continues teaching the symbols until masters them there.
What does this process BEST exemplify?
A- Maintenance stratiges 
B- instructional procedures 
C- reinforcement strategies 
D- generalization procedures
49- An RBGT is working on homework completion with a client. The goal of the program is for the client to complete one worksheet per day. The RBT is tasked with documenting whether the daily worksheet is completed by the end of the session. What type of behavioral measurements system is used in this situation
B- Duration 
C- Permanent product 
D- Completion accuracy 
50- A supervising BCBA has instructed an RBT to implement an edition procedure in response to screaming behavior maintained by attention. What procedure should the RBT follow?
A-withhold attention when screaming in absent 
B- provide attention when screaming is present 
C- planned ignoring when screaming is presnt 
D- remove previously placed demand when screaming is absent 
51- A 17 year old student with an intellectual disability and his family are attending a transition meeting to discuss fututre service needs. Throughout the discussion, the RBT fails to include the student in the conversation. Was this acceptable behavior on the part of the RBT?
A- No, this is violation of maintaining client dignity 
B- Yes, the students family can provide sufficient input 
C- No, the student is a minor so he should not have been at the meeting 
D- Yes, the RBT knows that students doesn’t understand the discussion
52- Which of the following is an appropriate responsibilyt for RBT when assisting with a functional assesment?
A- Analyzing collected data 
B- Gathering needed materilas 
C- determining behavior function
D- selecting assessment method
53- Which of the following is the BEST example of token economy?
A- Emily’s RBT gives her sticker for every 10 minutes she goes without hitting her classmates
B- Ryan’s aide moves him up from blue to green level when he attends to instructions before lining up for lunch 
C- Carla’s coach writes a “contract that specifies when she swims 4 laps under 55 seconds, Carla can earn new swim goggles and beach towel. They both sign the agreement.
D- Thoma’s teacher gives him tickets when he turns in homework, arrives on time to class, or brings his planner. Thomas uses the tickets to purchase items from school store on friday
54- Pat, and RBT is being supervised by Alex, BCaBA. They have now found themselves romantically attached to each other. Assuming they immediately end their professional relationshiph. Which of the following is true?
A- They are free to engage in secual relationship now that the formal professional relationship has ended
B- They cannot ever engage in sexual relationship due to their previous roles as supervisee and supervior.
C- If they get married they can engage in a sexual relationship without consequence.
D- They should wait at least two years before engaging in a sexual relationship
55- Naturalistic teaching strategies differ from discrete trial training in which of the following ways?
A-  Reinforcement is delivered using different schedule
B- Goals are integrated into activities initiated by the client
C- space must be found for the session to occur away from a table 
D- special permission must be obtained from caregivers if the client is less than 18 years of age.
56-While an RBT is providing in-home service, the client’s neighbor comes over. The neighbor begins asking the RBT about what they are working on with Jordan. What should the RBT do?
A- Show the neighbor the current intervention program for jordan
B- Ask the neighbor to leave so the RBt can focus on Jordan’s session 
C- Refrain from sharing information with the neighbor regarding Jordan 
D- Provide the neighbor a general overview of ABA and Jordan’s serice
57- Juanita is learning to great peers independently in the halls at school. Mastery criterion for each level of prompting is set at 3 consecutive days with 80% compliance in saying hello upon greeting peers
1 When meeting a peer, the RBT prompts juanita to say “Hello”
2 When meeting a peer, the RBT prompts Juanita to say “hel…”
3 When meeting a peer, the RBT soflty nudges juanita on the shoulder, waits 3-5 seconds then prompts juanita to say “H…”
4 When meeting a peer, the RBT softly nudges Juanita on the elbow, waits 3-5 seconds then prompts Juanita to say “H…..”
5 When Meeting a peer, the RBT waits 3-5 seconds for an independent response
Juanitas data sheet indicates that yesterday, she met the mastery criterion for saying “hello” after she was prompted with a shoulder nudge and short verbal prompt. Which level of prompting should the RBT use today?
A-   1
B-   3
C-   4
D-   5
58-which action would NOT be an appropriate response by an RBT  when a caregiver gives the RBT a copy of a new prescription that the learner is taking?
A- Postpone the session until the supervisor can be notified 
B- report the change to their supervisor 
C- Indicate the change on the graph 
D- Make note of the change 
59- A student has ,astered greeting individuals when they enter the students classroom. An RBT is asked to take the students to the playground, cafeteria, and main office to participate, greeting both peers and adults. What type of procedure is the RBT being asked to implement?
A- Discrete trial training
B- Generalization 
C- Maintenance 
D- prompt fading 
60-John consistently engages in noncompliant behaviors when tasked with solving math problems. He has experienced failure with his task multiple times. What type of motivating operation may be determining John’s noncompliant behavior?
A- unconditioned 
B- conditioned 
C- transitive 
D- surrogate  
61- After completing and submitting data from an in-home session with a client, what BEST describes what the RBT should do before leaving the session?
A- check email
B- Call supervisor 
C- debrief caregiver 
D- high five client 
62- when a learning trial is initiated, if the target response does not immediately occur, which of the following BEST describes the use of least to most prompt fading procedure when teaching independent hand washing?
A- The RBT immediately provides the least amount of physical promptig necessary to ensure the response occurs.
B-The RBT says “wash your hands”and will continue to give verbal prompts for every step until the client perfomrs the task independetly
C- The RBT provides a verbal prompt and if the client still does not respond, then provides a gestural prompt, followed by a physical prompt.
D- The RBT provides a physical prompt to ensure the behavior gets started and then fades to gestural, then verbal prompt as independent hand washing emerges.
63- Jane, an RBT, is teaching Alejandro to apply toothpaste to a toothbrush. The protocol written by Janes supervising BCaBA identifies the following steps.
1- Pick up toothpaste with one hand 
2- unscrew cap from toothpaste with other hand 
3- put cap down 
4- pick up toothbrush with free hand 
5- tip toothbrush tube at an angle towards toothbrush bristles 
6- softly squeeze toothpaste tube, applying toothpaste to bristiles 
Jane uses hand-over hand guidance to complete steps 1 through 5, and then she prompts Alejandro to complete steps 6
What type of procedure is Jane using?
A- forward chaining 
B- total-task chaining 
C- backward chaining 
D- Behavior chain interruption strategy
64- which of the following BEST exemplifies an appropriate session note written by an RBT?
A- The client’s Mother reposted that the client went to sleep at 4.00Am The client loocked sleepy the entire session, so fewer programs took place.The tablet computer was the best reinforcer today. 
B-The client’s mother reported that the client went to sleep at 4:00 Am The client’s eyes were droopy the whole session so fewer programs were run. The tablet computer was the highest preferred reinforcer today
C- The client’s mother reported that the client went to sleep at 4:00 Am The client yawned throughout the session, so I ran fewer programs than usual. The client enjoyed playing on the tablet computer today.
D-The client’s mother reported that the client went to sleep at 4:00 Am. The client yawned throughout the session, so 5 out of 1o programs were conducted. The client’s most used reinforcer was a tablet computer.
65- A client is being taught each step in the task analysis every time the task is presented with the RBT providing prompts nececary the client cannot yet independently which specific chaining procedure is described here?
A- forward chaining
B- backward chaining 
C- total- task chaining 
D- backward chainging with leap aheads 
66- Elonzo, an RBT gets his clients attention and says “touch the thing you can roll” client touches the correct items. Elonzo provides verbal praises and puts a token on the clients token board Elonzo then moves on to the next target. What procedure is demostrated?
A- discrete trial training
B- naturalistic teaching 
C- stimulus control transfer 
D task analysis 
67- which of the following procedure violates the clients dignity 
A- withholding access to a cookie until a 2- year old client mands for cookie
B- adding a door top lock so 4-year old client cannot run out of the home 
C- toilet training where the 5-year old client uses the bathroom with the mother and RBT present 
D-a feeding procedure that includes re-presenting the expelled strawberry immediately after 3- year old client vomits 
68- During an outing to the playground, a client pulls his parents down and begins to urinate
What should the RBT do?
A- Allow the client to finish and then let him continue playing 
B- do not allow attention to the behavior to protect his dignity
C- shield the client from public view until he finishes and follow relevant protocol 
D- Tell the client to stop, place him in timeout, and explain that he cannot urinate in public. 
69- An RBT puts a teddy bear on the table in front of the learner, which the learner doesnt touch next the RBT removes the bear and presents a toy car, which the learner rolls around the table vigorously, Finally, the RBT removes the car and presents a few building blocks, which the learner stacks up and knocks over. 
This is an example of what type of preference assessment?
A- single stimulus 
B- paired stimulus 
C- multiple stimulus
D- contrived free operant
70- The RBT reports to the clients parents that she observed higher rates of stereotypic behavior than usual 
The Ipad was unavailable as a reinforcer and the client was bored which may have contributed to the higher rates of behavior. Once the Ipad was charged and available the client engaged in less stereotypy
In this example, what word should have been avoided by the RBT?
B- reinforcer 
C- bored 
D- Rates 
71- How should an RBT prepare when they are asked to implement a task analysis chaining procedure?
A- The RBt should follow the clients lead and determine if forward or backward chaining procedures are appropriate 
B- The RBT must know how to determine the details of the procedure by reading the skill acquisition plan.
C- The RBT should start at the beginning of the tasks and move forward
D- The RBt should start at the end of the task and work backwards 
72- An RBT has worked with a student for three years, when the RBT delivers instructions, the student’s rate of correct answers is usually 3-4 times higher than other staff give the instructions. Which of the following is the BEST strategy for transferring stimulus control from the RBT to other staff?
A- Tell the other staff members how to use preferred stimuli as consequences for correct responses.
B-prepare a social story that describes how to answer question presented by other staff members 
C-Ask the parent to shadow the other staff members for a day since the student also responds to the parent correctly.
D- The RBT should be present during instructional sessions conducted by other staff members and fade proximity over time.
73- Janna earns tokens for appropriate behavior at school and brings them home at the end of the day. What would mom be using to measure her appropriate behavior?
A- frequency of tokens earned per day 
B- frequency of appropriate behaviors
C- frequency of inappropriate behaviors 
D- frequency of tokens earned per hour
74- An RBT is working with Ben on a new skill acquisition program. Which of the following does the RBT need to know in order to accurately identify and record the new behavior?
A- response rate 
B- chaining procedure
C- prompting procedure 
D- response topography 
75- The RBT presents a blue card and yellow card to a client
Which scenario BEST illustrates dicrimination training?
A- RBT provides the SD, “show me blue” client points to the blue card
B- RBT provides the SD, “what colors make green?” client says, ” blue and yellow”
C- RBT provides the SD, “which is your favorite color?” Client says, ” blue and green”
D- RBT provides the SD, put blue and yellow cards on the floor” client places blue and yellow cards on the floor 
76- Judy is teaching Mike his ID number (303-11-2345) so that he can recall it correctly in safety situations. he can already tact numbers, so judy is teaching him by presenting the instruction “What is your ID number” and then presenting a flashcard with his ID number on it immediately afterwards so that he tacts the numbers. Once he tacts the numbers correctly three times in a row, she presents the SD without presenting the flashcard for her next trail. What teaching procedure is she using?
A- Dicrimmination training 
B- Forward chaining 
C- stimulus control transfer 
D- Generalization procedures 
77- Maria mands for a cookie by saying “coo” The RBT differentially reinforces this approximation. After 5 sessions of successfully manding “coo” for a cookie. The supervisor determines a closer approximation should be differentially reinforced. The next session, the RBT differentially reinforces “coo-key”
What procedure is the RBT implementing?
A- fading 
B- shaping 
C- forward chaining 
D- backward chaining 
78- Which of the following scenarios BEST demonstrates an urgent situation in which it is necessary to contract a supervisor for further clinical direction?
A- a client masters the last step in a task analysis being taught with backward chaining 
B- a client has has a cold and emits higher rates and intensity of problem behavior 
C-a client is unsuccessful with multiple cold probes of a generalization target 
D- A client is unsuccessful with a target on their first day at a new prompt level
79- The results of Arthurs FBA suggest that he exhibits hitting, kicking, and spitting to escape writing assignments. Arthurs written behavior reduction plan MUST include which of the following?
A- extinction,errorless teaching, visual supports 
B- antecedent-based interventions,discrete trial training, exercise
C- behavior response interventions, peer- mediated interventions, reinforcement 
D-antecedent interventions, behavior response interventions, alternative response procedures 
80-kyle is an RBT who is meeting with his supervising BCBA. The BCBA tells him that he needs to work on delivering reinforcers immediately following correct responses during sessions with his client. The BCBA also requests that Kyle run checks for preference after each reinforcer is delivered.
What is the BEST way for Kyle to respond?
A- thank this supervising BCBA for the feedback 
B- Ask for clarification and immediately work on making the requested change 
C- Let his supervising BCBA know why he does not check for preference after each reinforcer is delicered 
D- Recommend that checks for preference only be completed when his client stops responding because he typically only has one item he enjoys.
81- In Sherrod’s plan the RBT sees a skill acquisition program that includes the goals of the intervention,targeted behaviors for increase,and how to measure the target behavior. Which of the following could be added to this skill acquisition program?
A- Crisis management protocols 
B- Behavior plan monitoring procedures
C- Generalization and maintenance strategies
D- Behavior reduction strategies and mastery criteria 
82- The BCBA instructs the RBT to use partial interval recording to collect behavioral data on George scripting when he is NOT engaging in an activity with other individuals.During which activity should data be collected for scripting?  
A- when George is watching television and his mom is in the kitchen 
B- when George is painting with his sister
C- When the RBT and George are playing a board game together 
D- When the RBT is pushing George on a swing  
83- Which of the following is an example of differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior (DRI) for table slapping?
A- Reinforcing hands in tap 
B- Reinfor