Answered step-by-step
Instructions: Identify a specific social problem or policy issue in…

Instructions: Identify a specific social problem or policy issue in ONE of the following areas: education or child and family welfare. Child Abuse

There are two parts to this assignment. In Part 1, you will produce a stakeholder analysis chart based on your selected social problem or policy issue. In Part 2, “policy analysis for change” overview chart, based on your selected social problem or policy issue.
Part 1: Stakeholder Analysis Chart

Instructions: Based on your selected social problem or policy issue, identify and select three key stakeholder groups who might be potentially invested in and/or affected by the envisioned policy change initiative. Provide a concise overview of information in each analytic category depicted on the chart below. You may use bullet points, but responses should be clearly formulated and supported by material obtained from at least three current, relevant scholarly sources.

Part 1: Stakeholder Analysis Chart

Analytic Categories  1 Key Stateholder  2 Key Stateholder 3 Key Stateholder
 1. Stakeholder
Can be specific agencies, policy makers, government or non- government organizations or entities, funders, corporations, a single influencer or politician, people affected by the social problem, change agents, etc.      
2. Interests
What is of interest to the stakeholder? What do they want to see happen (or not happen)? What do they have to gain and/or lose?      

3. Values/Beliefs/Paradigms What does the stakeholder have at

stake? What values, beliefs, or paradigms shape their attitudes, perceptions, & actions, as relevant to the social problem, social policy or program issue?

4. Power
What resources (e.g. money, mobilization capacity, etc.) are available to the stakeholder? Do they have the power to influence, adopt or implement policy? Whom do they influence, through what means? What is the degree of cohesiveness and unity across key stakeholders or within a stakeholder group?      

5. Motivation
What are the main motivations of

the stakeholder: Maintain or increase power? Promote meaningful change? Maintain status quo? Obtain praise/esteem or get credit? Disrupt a system? Strengthen a system?


6. Engagement Strategies What are best strategies to engage

the stakeholder in policy change efforts and/or be responsive to the needs & interests of the stakeholder?


Part 2: “Policy Analysis for Change” Overview Chart

Instructions: Considering your selected social problem or policy issue, produce a “policy analysis for change” overview chart in which you concisely analyze the social problem or issue with an eye toward advocating for a more beneficial policy or program to support the well-being of an identified service population. For each analytic category depicted in the chart below, summarize key ideas and information. You may use bullet points, but responses should be clearly formulated and supported by material obtained from at least three current scholarly sources. (These may be the same sources used to complete the stakeholder analysis chart). Sources must be peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles and/or data or other relevant information obtained from a credible policy research internet source. 
Part 2: “Policy Analysis for Change” Overview Chart

Analytic Questions  Summary of Key ideas and Information 
What is the scope and severity of the selected social problem or policy issue?  
Who is the target service population? What are characteristics and/or service needs of this group as a whole?  
What cultural, political, economic or social factors limit the effectiveness of existing policies or programs, limiting capacity to be responsive to the service needs of the identified target population?  
Articulate a “vision of change” to advance a policy change initiative to better meet the needs of those affected by the social issue/problem. What is the ideal state of affairs? Frame this in terms of increased equality or equity, advancement of social justice, support of human dignity—as related to the social issue/problem and the target service population.  
Specify 3 main aims and related objectives to advance the envisioned policy change initiative.