Answered step-by-step
Instructions: The first phase of the assignment requires that you…

Instructions: The first phase of the assignment requires that you decide on a behaviour that you would like to change and record the frequency of the behaviour itself and the circumstances around its occurrence.


All of us have behaviour that we would like to change. We might want to stop biting our nails, reduce the number of cans of pop we drink, or exercise more.

Important: In this phase you are not trying to change the behaviour, you are simply OBSERVING it – systematically. You are gathering data to provide a basis of comparison for later when you attempt to change your behaviour.

For now, all you have to do is:

1. Choose a behaviour that you would like to increase or decrease. Suitable behaviours for the project include, but are not limited to, the following:

• decreasing coffee/pop/energy drink consumption

• increasing water consumption

• decreasing nail biting

• increasing studying

• decreasing time spent on devices

• improving sleep schedule

If you would like to do different behaviour that’s fine, but please check with me first!

2. Ensure that the target behaviour is clearly defined, overtly observable, and something you can clearly measure. Make sure it is a behaviour, not a feeling or emotion.

3. Observe yourself and the target behaviour carefully and systematically for five days, making note of the following:

• Are there certain experiences that encourage you to show the desired behaviour, or conditions that make it difficult?

• Are there certain circumstances when you seem to increase an undesirable behaviour, or other conditions where you are less tempted to do it?

• Pay attention to and record the antecedents that precede the target behaviour. what kinds of things or events trigger the behaviour?

• What happens after you do the behavior? How do you feel?

• Is there an outcome for an undesirable behaviour that keeps you doing it?

Be sure to have noted as much information about the circumstances surrounding the behaviour as you might need later in the project. Careful observation of details will be important. Most important, however, will be a specific count of the number of times you exhibited that behavior.

4. Provide a chart or table with an exact tally of how many times you engaged in the behaviour and your observations about what happens before and after you do the behaviour. Submit your 5 days of observations by attaching a text file, and chart or table