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Is this a evaluation of research questions and qualitative desgin…

Is this a evaluation of research questions and qualitative desgin

Week 7 

Research 6110y

Evaluating Research Questions and Qualitative Research Designs


Gonzalez, L. M., Stein, G. L., & Shannonhouse, L. R. (2012). Latina/o Adolescents in an Emerging Immigrant Community: A Qualitative Exploration of their Future Goals. Journal for Social Action in Counseling & Psychology, 4(1), 83-102.


In contrast to last week’s examination of the fundamentals of quantitative research, the emphasis this week is on qualitative research and the key to conducting this form of study.  Qualitative research involves a number of approaches that typically begin with a conceptual framework or are led by philosophical assumptions that guide the conduct and writing of the qualitative study.


Evaluate the research questions and hypotheses of the article 

The research question  “How would children of immigrant Latina/o families in an emerging community describe their goals for the future and their supports or barriers for reaching them”? poses the question of the significance of education to migrant families.


Identify the type of qualitative research approach used and explain how the researchers implemented the design.


Consensual qualitative research (CQR) is an inductive technique characterised by open-ended interview questions, small samples, a focus on words rather than numbers, the importance of context, the integration of multiple perspectives, and team consensus. (CQR) is a qualitative technique that can be used to probe intangible concepts like feelings, thoughts, and values. As such, it is anchored in phenomenological analysis (Giorgi, 1985).   According to Gonzalez, et al (2012) due to the discovery-based nature of the research issue, consensus qualitative research (CQR) was deemed an appropriate methodology. CQR is an inductive method characterized by open-ended interview questions, small samples, an emphasis on words rather than numbers, the relevance of context, the integration of diverse perspectives, and team consensus.

 Additionally, according to the information researchers opted to employ ,qualitative interviews were conducted and analyzed using consensual qualitative research methodology (CQR). Interviews focused on goals for education and career supports and barriers to reaching those goals. Overall, students expressed high aspirations but were unclear on how to achieve them. Family members and school personnel were seen as supportive, but with limitations.


Analyze alignment among the theoretical or conceptual framework, problem, purpose, research questions, and design.


Following a key principle of qualitative research, this study attempts to limit the influence of the researcher. This method, which has its roots in qualitative traditions that view reality as a social construction, allows for a richer understanding of interviewees’ lived experiences (Hill, 2012).

Despite the study’s acknowledged methodological limitations, such as a lack of member checks, hearing the first-hand accounts of these students from Mexican and Central American backgrounds provides a more nuanced understanding of what barriers to college and career may be perceived as important, how unidentified barriers may be operating to limit opportunity, and how perceptions of personal responsibility and culture factor in.

While certain qualitative paradigms may seek to uncover an absolute truth, the vast majority of such approaches are instead interested in exploring divergent interpretations of a reality that changes depending on the circumstances.  According to Sullivan, & Sargeant, (2011) The commonly accepted concepts of validity and reliability are not always applicable to qualitative research because they are regarded to have originated from the quantitative approach.

Koivisto, K., Janhonen, S., & Väisänen, L. (2002). Applying a phenomenological method of analysis derived from Giorgi to a psychiatric nursing study. Journal of advanced nursing, 39(3), 258-265.

Gonzalez, L. M., Stein, G. L., & Shannonhouse, L. R. (2012). Latina/o 
adolescents in an emerging immigrant community: A qualitative 
exploration of their future goals. Journal for Social Action in 
Counseling & Psychology, 4(1), 83-102.

Sullivan, G. M., & Sargeant, J. (2011). Qualities of qualitative research: part I. Journal of graduate medical education, 3(4), 449-452.

Hill, C.E. (ED.), (2012). Consensual qualitative research: A practical resource for investigation social science phenomena.