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Lateral Inhibition Group of answer choices Interferes with…

Lateral Inhibition

Group of answer choices

Interferes with processing of color information

Ordinarily heightens contrast at borders

Primary role is to help us detect motion

increases sensitivity to dim light

Ordinarily decreases contrast at borders


As you watch an object expand, rotate, or contract, this information is being processed primarily by which visual area?

Group of answer choices

Area MST (medial superior temporal)

The striated cortex

Area IT

Area V4

Fusiform gyrus


When rods are in the dark, sodium channels are kept

Group of answer choices

Closed, preventing sodium from leaving the cell

Closed, preventing sodium from entering the cell

Open, allowing sodium to leave the cell

Open; allowing sodium to enter the cell


In comparing rods to cones, which of the following is not true?

Group of answer choices

rods are not as sensitive to color as cones

there are more rods than cones

rods are used for photopic vision while cones are primarily used for scotopic vision

there are more rods in the periphery of the retina than cones


The aqueous and vitreous humors differ in that

Group of answer choices

the vitreous humor is replenished and the aqueous humor is not

the aqueous humor is replenished and the vitreous humor is not

the vitreous humor nourishes the cornea, whereas the aqueous humor nourishes the lens

the aqueous humor nourishes the cornea, whereas the vitreous humor nourishes the lens


Yan has had a stroke that affected an area of his brain that serves his macula, including the fovea of both eyes. What would you expect his vision to be like?

Group of answer choices

He will be able to see only what is exactly in front of him

He will be able to see only what is in his peripheral area

He will be totally blind

He will be able to see color, but not movement


The Trichromatic theory of color vision is based on _____________________, and best explains the processing of color at the level of the __________________

Group of answer choices

the existence of three types of cones; retina

the existence of three types of cones; primary visual cortex

antagonistic center surround receptive fields; retina

antagonistic center surround receptive fields; primary visual cortex


David is able to copy complex drawings perfectly, however he cannot name the object he has just drawn. Additionally, if he is shown an object, he has difficulty naming it, however, once he is allowed to hold the object in his hand and explore it in a tactile manner, he has a pretty good chance of naming it. Based on this description, what disorder best depicts David’s condition?

Group of answer choices

apperceptive agnosia


associative agnosia

dichromatic colorblindness


Which of the following statement is FALSE when considering the parvocellular ganglion cells of the optic nerve?

Group of answer choices

they respond to high contrast changes, such as a black letter on a white background

they are responsive to color, especially red and green

they have very large receptive fields

they represent a majority of the ganglion cells


In the story “The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat”, what was the patient’s profession?

Group of answer choices

He was an attorney

He was a cab driver

He was a music teacher

He was an architect

He was a neurologist


In the chapter “Believing is Seeing” the patient called GY

Group of answer choices

Cannot “see” but can detect direction of motion and placement of objects

Cannot see shades of red and green due to color blindness

Cannot recognize familiar faces

Cannot see sharp contrasts of objects


In the reading “Believing is Seeing” the author attempts a mirror experiment with a patient suffering from neglect. What is the result of this experiment?

Group of answer choices

The patient recognized the pen held by the assistant but reached for the object in the mirror when asked to grab it

The patient became agitated, confused and refused to participate in the experiment, claiming that the author was trying to trick her

The mirror greatly helps the patient and she is able to appropriately reach for the pen held by the assistant

The mirror doesn’t help at all and she still denies seeing the pen held by the assistant


Doris was in a car accident that resulted in damage to the ventral cortical pathways of processing visual information. Which of the following deficits will she most likely report?

Group of answer choices

the inability to detect simple elements of motions, such as whether or not an object moved up or down in her visual field

problems with detecting objects in her right visual field but not the left visual field

the inability to detect motion, specifically motion that is more complex such as the direction of rotation of object

problems with detecting the color of objects

difficulties with correctly labeling objects visually presented, such as distinguishing between a picture of a cow versus a horse