Answered step-by-step
Lecture suggested three ways (i.e., three “anti-depressants”) to…
Lecture suggested three ways (i.e., three “anti-depressants”) to minimize depression while increasing accuracy. These three ways are reminders of several things EXCEPT for which of the following? (Note: EXCEPT)
that accuracy intelligence
that you are smarter than students who didn’t take social psychology
that there are several benefits to accuracy
that physical health is just as important as mental health
On average, racial minority group members have a higher poverty rate than whites. Whites who see minority poverty might then become prejudiced, by concluding that minorities mus be inferior to have ended up that way. This conclusion refers to which of the following possible causes of prejudice?
stereotype threat
just world beliefs
self-serving bias
According to lecture, social psychology provides several pieces of advice to the clinician/therapist, EXCEPT which of the following? (Note: EXCEPT)
Trust research/statistics more than your intuition.
Become more empathetic toward your client.
Beware nonverbal decoding.
Trust your notes more than your memory.
Some Americans believe that racism doesn’t really exist anymore in the United States. Such individuals might justify their belief by the fact that racism is dramatically less today compared to 50 years ago. What point of logic might they be missing?
comparative statements are NOT statements of absolute amounts
a implies b does NOT mean b implies a
explanation is NOT excusing
Which type of love is characterized by intense feelings of longing and attraction?
Which of the following is true regarding the effect of watching violence on aggressive behavior?
The effect is “on average.”
The effect pertains mainly to kids (between about ages 5 and 15).
The effect is mainly from violent cartoons.
The effect both is “on average” and pertains mainly to kids.
According to lecture, which of the following is true regarding research and training on microaggressions?
Microaggression research is essentially invalid, and therefore training should be stopped.
Microaggression research is strong, and training is important.
Microaggression research has limitations, so maybe training should be stopped for now.
In the Harris (2008) article, in the story from the airplane, the flight attendant treated two people of color differently than the flight attendant treated three white men. For example, the flight attendant asked the people of color to change seats What else did the flight attendant do?
offered extra help to the people of color in storing their carry-ons overhead
asked the people of color to show documents of identification
served drinks/snacks to the people of color first
stared many times in the general direction of the people of color
The text discussed the 1964 case of Kitty Genovese, someone who was attacked in front of 30+ witnesses and did not receive timely help from anyone According to lecture, what new information about this case has recently arisen?
The “attacker” was defending himself against Ms. Genovese who had pulled out a gun.
It was not 30+ witnesses but rather 8.
Some witnesses threw rocks and sticks at the attacker.
Some witnesses phoned the police.
According to lecture, approximately what percent of all American TV shows contain violence?
less than 50%
about 90-95%
about 50-60%
about 60-80%
According to the course-preview lecture, the intro chapter of The Power of Context tries to convince you of which of the following?
that it’s okay to overgeneralize because stereotypes have a kernel of truth
that you are biased (it’s not just a possibility)
that authors/instructors have a clear sense about you as reader/student
that you are at risk of bias (it’s a possibility)
We can try to make someone attracted to us by taking them on a roller coaster ride or to a scary movie. According to lecture, which of the following causes of attraction is relevant to this roller-coaster approach?
(non-sexual) arousal
let them know you like them
In the last lecture, I provide several research-based suggestions for how to increase positive emotions. Which of the following is NOT one of those suggestions? (Note: NOT)
laughter yoga or aerobic laughter
being in nature
being kind to others
devoting yourself to your work
In which type of marriage is divorce more likely to occur?
divorce is equally likely between arranged and love-based marriages
love-based marriage
arranged marriage
According to lecture, are TV shows and films realistic in how they show violence?
It depends on the type of TV show or film – yes for cartoons but largely no for adult TV.
It depends on the type of TV show or film – no for cartoons but largely yes for adult TV.
Yes – more than 50% of violence in TV/films is shown realistically.
We often criticize the media, such as TV and movies, for playing a role in how prejudiced people are today. According to lecture, which of the following is the best summary of the relevant research to date?
The media is better than it used to be but still does promote stereotypes.
The media can cause prejudice in low self-esteem viewers but not really the rest of us anymore.
The media overall no longer depicts characters in stereotypical ways
The media strongly depicts characters in stereotypical ways.
According to lecture, Solomon Asch is known for his work on which of the following?
cognitive dissonance
all of these
impression formation
According to lecture, there are two major research-based ways in which social psychology connects to clinical psychology. For example, helps in the
dissonance theory, treatment of depression
dissonance theory; understanding of schizophrenia
attribution theory, treatment of depression
attribution theory: understanding of defense mechanisms
According to the text, the “own-race bias” as a cause of prejudice falls under which category?
According to the text, if a researcher defines religiousness by church membership or attendance, then compared to non-religious people, religious people tend to be…
It’s a complex question and depends on a number of additional factors.
more racially prejudiced.
equally racially prejudiced.
less racially prejudiced.
According to the text, which of the following predicts racial prejudice?
right-wing authoritarianism
both liberalism and authoritarianism
left-wing liberalism
The “catharsis” view of aggression is that aggressive drive is reduced when one “releases” aggressive energy, either by acting aggressively or by fantasizing aggression. According to the text, does this view have research support?
yes for certain age groups
yes for certain types of fantasy
Some studies say yes, but most studies say no,
According to Power of Context, which of the following can lead to aggression?
just thinking you’ve drunk alcohol
both thinking you’ve drunk alcohol and seeing alcohol-related words
seeing words semantically connected to alcohol
remembering a time when you were very drunk
According to the media-violence article by Anderson et al. (2015), the TV, film, and video game industries have been fighting the scientific evidence that watching violence causes aggression. How are they fighting exactly?
They are trying to convince enough people that the evidence is provably wrong.
They are creating false data so that they can counter the real evidence.
They are bypassing the public and just using big money to influence legislators.
They are just trying to create enough doubt in the public.
In the chapter on “Attraction and Intimacy,” what was the point of the section titled, “Bad is Stronger than Good”?
“Bad” events have stronger consequences than “good” ones.
Couples tend to get along better after big fights than they do during long periods of no fights.
Being “bad” and then improving allows for a greater feeling of “growth” in a relationship.
Hollywood tends to depict “bad boys” as more attractive than good ones.
According to Robert Sternberg, love is a “triangle consisting of three components.” What are those three components?
intensity, duration, and understanding
passion, intimacy, and commitment
trust, similarity, and loyalty
chemistry, commitment, and camaraderie
The section on “Socializing Altruism” had five subheadings or five ways to make people more altruistic. Which of the following is NOT one of them? (Note: NOT)
reduce ambiguity
learn about altruism
learn “by doing”
teach “moral inclusion
According to the text, helping others because it makes us feel good about ourselves falls under…
both social norms and evolutionary psychology
social exchange theory.
evolutionary psychology.
social norms.
According to the text, prior to the act of helping, the bystander has to achieve or pass how many criteria?
3- the bystander has to notice the situation, interpret it appropriately, and then assume responsibility
4- the bystander has to have a helpful predisposition, notice, interpret, and then assume responsibility
2-the bystander has to interpret the situation as an emergency and then assume responsibility
01-the bystander has to assume responsibility