psychologist1234List and discuss 4 types of research evidence in support of the…List and discuss 4 types of research evidence in support of the existence of motor programs. Please use a reference and cite within the discussion  I have posted below the textbook as well as the reference  Schmidt, R.A., & Lee, T.D. (2014). Motor Learning and Performance: From Principles to Application, 5th Edition. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.  Image transcription text5 Motor Programs Motor Control of Brief Actions KEY TERMScentral pattern generator (CPG] deafferentation generalizedmotor program (GMP] invariant features motor progr… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textMotor Program Theory Evidence for Motor Programs MotorPrograms and the Conceptual Model Problems in Motor ProgramTheory: The Novelty and Storage Problems Generalize… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textmechanisms (which we have discussed in The executive thenpasses instructions to the chapters 3 and 4) to control any one ofthem effector level, which is responsible for carry- indi… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textpeeve! for another 2 min. Here. the program tells the machinewhat operations to do at each step and specifies the timing ofeach operation. Although some microwave ovens ate s… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textsupport the overall movement goal. These programs are thenstored in long-term memory and must be retrieved and preparedfor initiation during the response program— ming stag… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textError Input Stimulus identification Response selection Movementprogramming Anticipated feedback Comparator Motor programM2 M1 Spinal cord Dorsal vision Muscles Propriocepti… Show more… Show moreImage transcription C 21 Week Two Discussion 2 – PSY606Motor Behavior 21 Week Two Discussion 2 – PSY606 MotorBehavior Focus on RESEARCH 5.2 Initiating a Motor P… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFocus on RESEARCH 5.2 Initiating a Motor Program Not so longago, races like the 100 m sprint were timed by hand, with astopwatch. The timing judge started her stopwatch wh… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text> continued trials required an inhibition of the normal task oflifting the finger to stop the sweep hand. The rationale wassimple-if the motor program had not yet been sent to t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textMotor Programs – Normal Blocked Agonist (tricops) EMG(arbitrary units) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Time (s) Antagonist (biceps) IFIGURE 5.6 Electromyographic results from agonist (u… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textand feedback information to regulate move- vanish when theperformer leans against a ment control. support, because posturaladjustments are not needed here. Anticipatory Adjust… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textMotor Programs versa) depending on where in the step cycleFinally, notice that if no stimulus occurs at the stimulus isapplied-has been called all, there is no reflex activity, a… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textis generated and that the environmental goal not account forseveral important aspects (in this case, the desired speech sound)is of movement behavior. Perhaps the most achieved. s… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textMotor Programs point, is at a loss to explain the performanceGeneralized of such novel actions. To summarize, theseobservations raise Motor Program Theory two proble… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textMotor Learning and Performance during the response selectionstage. This GMP to the program, the movement can be initi- isthen retrieved from long-term memory, ated and carri… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textMotor Programs However, what if some aspects of these (1970)study, discussed in Focus on Research movements could be shownto remain con- 5.3. stant even though just about every… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textMotor Learning and P time. This deep temporal organization intiming by a set of ratios, each of which is the movements seems tobe invariant, even when duration of a part of the actio… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFocus on RESEARCH 5.3 Invariances and Parameters Animportant contribution to the development of the GMP theorywas made by Armstrong (1970) in analyzing the patter… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textMotor Learning and Performance Classes of Movements fact,there are at least two separate GMPs for You can think of anactivity like throwing as a gait, each with unique relati… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textthe relative timing. At about 7 kph, a critical speed is reached, andthe subject abruptly shifts to a running program; the relativetiming of this activity is maintained nearly perfectly as … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textMotor Learning and Performance Focus on APPLICATION 5.2Relative-Timing Fingerprints Identity fraud has represented amajor threat to security for years. Forging someone’s s… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textMotor Programs Movement Time sals in the movement. And thesubjects in the Both the Armstrong study (Focus on Researchstudy by Shapiro and colleagues could vary 5.3) and th… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textMotor Learning and findings indicate that, when movement time5.11. When the trace moves upward, this indi- is changed, the newmovement preserves cates acceleration (force) away f… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textMotor Programs Effectors the teeth, and line e used the pentaped to the A performer can also modulate a movement foot!There are obvious similarities among the by using a dif… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFocus on APPLICATION 5.3 The Stereo System Analogy A goodanalogy for GMPs involves the standard phonograph/stereosystem, in which a turntable sends signals from a recor… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textwhich effectors to use: You can switch the output from a set ofspeakers in the den to a second set of speakers in the living room;this is analogous to hammering either with the left han… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textMotor Learning and Performance Finally, motor programs arethought to be tern is to be executed (such as throwing eithergeneralized to account for a class of actions rapidly or … Show more… Show more Social SciencePsychology