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Businesses can defend themselves against a case of discrimination by

Question 26 options:


claiming the right of quid pro quo


building a prima facie case


Showing that business cannot be adequately conducted without people of a certain trait and that those in the candidate pool who fit    these criteria happen to be of a particular race, gender, etc.


showing that the selection system is NOT related to the job


Question 27 (0.2 points)











Multiple cutoffs are when

Question 27 options:


Passing scores are set for each predictor


The predictors are administered in a predetermined order. Applicants can only move onto the next predictor if they have scored above a certain level on the previous predictor


Statistical technique that allows us to determine how well a set of predictors forecasts job performance


Passing scores are set for interviews only


Question 28 (0.2 points)











During a _____________________, multiple applicants answer questions during the same interview

Question 28 options:


serial interview 


group interview


return interview


Question 29 (0.2 points)











Todd and Jason are waiting to interview for a job. Jason gets to interview before Todd. While waiting Todd worries that Jason’s performance on the interview will affect how the interviewer rates Todd during his interview. Todd’s worries are known as: 

Question 29 options:


primacy effect


contrast effect


negative information bias


interviewer-interviewee similarity 


Question 30 (0.2 points)











Tommy arrived for an interview with a recruiter on Monday. He was asked to come back for another interview the following week. The second interview is is known as a(n)

Question 30 options:


 panel interview


group interview


return interview


serial interview


Question 31 (0.2 points)











All of the following are ways to collect biographical information EXCEPT

Question 31 options:


Application blank


Situational Judgment test






Question 32 (0.2 points)











Oregon’s school districts recently got into trouble with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission because it did not have enough female gym teachers in their faculty. In their defense, the Oregon school district stated that people who fit the criteria for the job happened to be men and that the school district was not intentionally trying to discriminate. This defense is referred to as 

Question 32 options:


business necessity


prima facie case


undue hardship


reasonable doubt.


Question 33 (0.2 points)











The Scheinhardt Wig Company uses a selection system that requires that applicants participate in an interview first. If the applicant receives a high enough score on the interview, the applicant is asked back for a situational judgment test. If the applicant receives a high enough score on the situational judgment test, the applicant is asked back for a personality test. Based on these scores a selection decision is then made. This type of selection process is known as: 

Question 33 options:


multiple cutoffs


multiple regression


multiple hurdle


multiple choice


Question 34 (0.2 points)











Staples Restaurant asks all of the applicants for the position of waiter/waitress to come to the restaurant and participate in a test where the applicants pretend to serve customers (who are really Staples Restaurant managers). This type of test is known as:

Question 34 options:


cognitive ability


work sample


situational judgment


spatial ability


Question 35 (0.2 points)











A work sample test

Question 35 options:


Analyzes previous work that the employee has produced at another job 


Tests applicants by asking them to work for free


Is a test that duplicates on the job activities


Includes information about the applicant’s biography


Question 36 (0.2 points)











When predictors are administered in a predetermined order, and applicants are measured on a subsequent predictor only if they pass the cutoff on a previous predictor, the approach to selection is known as:

Question 36 options:


multiple predictor.


predictive validation.


multiple hurdle.


concurrent cutoff.


Question 37 (0.2 points)











The Winnipeg Iron Works. uses a selection system that requires applicants to participate in an interview, a work sample test, and a personality assessment. The applicant’s scores are then statistically combined using an equation and those scores are compared to those of the other applicants. This type of selection process is known as: 

Question 37 options:


multiple cutoffs


multiple choice


multiple hurdle


multiple regression


Question 38 (0.2 points)











Quid pro quo sexual harassment 

Question 38 options:


 occurs when the work environment is not conducive to work


occurs when the work environment is too sexually charged and offensive to an individual employee


occurs when Latin is spoken in the workplace 


occurs when sexual favors are exchanged for promotions


Question 39 (0.2 points)











Selection ratio

Question 39 options:


is the percentage of employees calculated by  dividing the number of openings by the number of applicants 


is the percentage of employees who are successful on the job 


is the number of employees who are successful at completing the tasks


is the number of employees available for the job


Question 40 (0.2 points)











Employment at will is

Question 40 options:


when employment procedures that inadvertently discriminate against a minority group


employers and employees have the right to start and end the employment relationship at any time for any reason


Provides the operational definition of racism


when the selection rate for a minority group is less than 80% of the selection rate for the group with the highest selection rate


Question 41 (0.2 points)











Patrick was asked to provide information about his personal history in an application. This information was collected using an application blank. This information is known as: 

Question 41 options:






employee brand




Question 42 (0.2 points)











Title VII of the Civil Rights Act:

Question 42 options:


Provides the operational definition of racism


limits discrimination in hiring based on national origin, sexual orientation, religion (protected groups)


when employment procedures that inadvertently discriminate against a minority group


A and B


Question 43 (0.2 points)











When Melissa interviews applicants, she asks whatever questions pop into her mind at that moment. She tends to ask different questions to different applicants for the same job. This is an example of what kind of an interview? 

Question 43 options:










Question 44 (0.2 points)











Utility is the degree to which a selection battery is __________________ and ___________________

Question 44 options:


useful; cost-efficient


useful; accurate


accurate; valid


accurate; cost-efficient


Question 45 (0.2 points)











In an effort to hire more female job applicants, a company created a quota system where the company set aside 10 jobs specifically for women. The company was sued by some applicants it had rejected and lost the case. Which of the following is the best way to correct this? 

Question 45 options:


remove the quota system and replace it with a system where being a minority job candidate will be seen as a “plus” 


stop hiring women altogether and explain to the courts that hiring only men is “okay” 


remove the quota system and ignore minority candidates 


continue using the quota system but explain to the courts that the quota system is supported by a job analysis


Question 46 (0.2 points)











The Americans with Disabilities act states that reasonable accommodations are 

Question 46 options:


A record of impairment


An exception made by an employer that allows a qualified disabled individual to successfully complete their job


 An accommodation that causes difficult or too great an expense given the employer’s size and finances


Significant and meaningful task on the job


Question 47 (0.2 points)











Base rate

Question 47 options:


is the number of employees available for the job


is the number of employees who are successful at completing the tasks


is the percentage of employees who are successful on the job 


is the percentage of employees calculated by  dividing the number of openings by the number of applicants 


Question 48 (0.2 points)











The Americans with Disabilities act states that an undue hardship is 

Question 48 options:


An exception made by an employer that allows a qualified disabled individual to successfully complete their job


A record of impairment


 An accommodation that causes difficult or too great an expense given the employer’s size and finances


Significant and meaningful task on the job


Question 49 (0.2 points)











A selection battery is

Question 49 options:


A tool to differentiate between good employees and bad employees


A set of predictors used to make a hiring decision


A set of employees that have tests administered to them


A tool to charge a selection system


Question 50 (0.2 points)











_____ is said to occur when the selection rate for a group is less than 80% of the selection rate for the group with the highest selection rate.

Question 50 options:


Adverse impact


Employment at-will


Validity generalization