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    Listen             Which of the following is NOT an…










Which of the following is NOT an example of organizational citizenship behavior? 

Question 27 options:


Helping a colleague complete a project


Making coffee in the break room at work


 Using company resources for your own benefit


 Explaining how to do an on the job activity to a new employee 


Question 28 (0.2 points)











 Organizational socialization is a process by which an individual 

Question 28 options:


improves social relationships between themselves and their co-workers


acquires the attitudes, behavior, and knowledge needed to participate as an organizational member


learns the knowledge, skills, and abilities to do the job


has the option of attending mandatory and optional training


Question 29 (0.2 points)











The extent to which materials, skills, or procedures learned in training are taken back to jobs and regularly used by employees is known as:

Question 29 options:






knowledge of results.


transfer of training.


Question 30 (0.2 points)











 Corporate universities do of the following EXCEPT: 

Question 30 options:


gives employees a chance to attend optional training of their choosing


creates more mandatory training for employees


help an organization foster a culture of continuous learning


 built to provide employees with additional skills


Question 31 (0.2 points)











The ultimate criteria

Question 31 options:


is never studied by I/O psychologists


encompasses ALL successful job performance


 is the most powerful criteria


is real


Question 32 (0.2 points)











Which of the following is NOT true about classroom instruction? 

Question 32 options:


is the most common training method


 it’s less effective at helping trainees learn than other training methods


is when trainees are in a classroom setting for training


 is equally effective as other training methods


Question 33 (0.2 points)











Henry is a soldier who keeps practicing taking apart and putting together his rifle. He’s taken apart and put it back together so many times that he feels like it is second nature. This situation best describes which learning principle: 

Question 33 options:


situational cues 






Distributed practice


Question 34 (0.2 points)











All of the following will increase the likelihood of training transfer EXCEPT:

Question 34 options:




situational cues




physical fidelity


Question 35 (0.2 points)











In general, research shows that _____ practice is best for short- and long-term retention of skills.

Question 35 options:










Question 36 (0.2 points)











Counterproductive work behavior

Question 36 options:


Are ALWAYS rewarded 


Are required by all companies


Are intentional behaviors that intend to harm the organization or its’ members 


Question 37 (0.2 points)











Jerry uses the lower end of the scale when rating his employees. This rating error is known as:  

Question 37 options:


Central tendency


True halo  






Question 38 (0.2 points)











Workers will experience approximately __________________ hours of training per year. 

Question 38 options:


100 + hours


40-45 hours


20-30 hours


10 -15 hours


Question 39 (0.2 points)











At Slurm Cola Company, an employee is rated by (1) their supervisor, (2) their co-workers, (3) subordinates or customers and (4) they rate themselves. This is known as:  

Question 39 options:


Graphic rating scale


Employee comparison 


360 degree feedback  


Forced choice 


Question 40 (0.2 points)











_____ performance describes work-related activities, while _____ performance describes activities that help to maintain the broader organizational, social, and psychological environment.

Question 40 options:


Task; contextual


Contextual; task


Static; dynamic


Dynamic; static


Question 41 (0.2 points)











Jackie works as a waitress at the local diner. Her boss has a list of job tasks that comprise the job of waitress. However, he uses the column on the right to rate her performance 

Ultimate Criteria

Actual Criteria (from the actual performance appraisal) 

Customer Service quality

Physical Attractiveness and quality of clothing 

Number of errors in taking orders 

Customer Service quality

Speed of food delivery 


Which of the following criteria would be considered criterion contamination?  

Question 41 options:


Customer service quality


Number of errors in taking orders 


Physical attractiveness and quality of clothing


Speed of food delivery 


Question 42 (0.2 points)











Asking multiple raters and various levels of the organization to evaluate and provide feedback to a target employee is known as:

Question 42 options:


360-degree feedback


circumplex feedback


round-robin feedback


monosource feedback


Question 43 (0.2 points)











 A systematic review and evaluation of job performance is known as: 

Question 43 options:


Frame of reference training 




Performance appraisal 


 Performance management 


Question 44 (0.2 points)











When a rater relies on his global evaluation of a subordinate, he is more likely to make _____ errors.

Question 44 options:








central tendency


Question 45 (0.2 points)











On the job training is: 

Question 45 options:


when you skip training and work on the job until you learn how to do it. 


when you learn the job by observing another employee do the job


when you rotate across many jobs in the organization


the most common method of training


Question 46 (0.2 points)











Which of the following is an example of composite criteria?  

Question 46 options:


The number of ideas you come up with for a work project 


The number of accidents you had at work in a year


The number of widgets you produced on the job 


Your final grade in class as calculated from tests and homework assignments


Question 47 (0.2 points)











The three types of knowledge are

Question 47 options:


declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge, knowledge compilation


declarative knowledge, knowledge organization, production


knowledge organization, production, and procedural knowledge


Question 48 (0.2 points)











Charles is a supervisor of a team of 5 people. He rates each employee on their teamwork skills. The rating of teamwork skills is an example of which kind of criteria? 

Question 48 options:


subjective criteria


composite criteria 


dynamic criteria 


objective criteria


Question 49 (0.2 points)











What is the definition of training?

Question 49 options:


Formal procedures to help employees learn


Formal procedures to facilitate the learning of effective worker behaviors 


 Formal procedures to facilitate the learning of behaviors that contribute to the attainment of organizational goals 


Question 50 (0.2 points)











Frame of reference training does which of the following: 

Question 50 options:


fixes the problems with employee checklists


Enhances the employee’s observational skills 


Helps customers to categorize behaviors


Tries to produce the same frame of reference for all the raters



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