Answered step-by-step
Living situation:  Luis lives in a group home with two other…

Living situation: Luis lives in a group home with two other clients. At least one staff member is present at all times.

Religion: Catholic, regularly attends Mass.

Race: Hispanic, parents are from Mexico, family immigrated to the US when Luis was five.

Sexuality: Heterosexual, has had a few long-term girlfriends, but some have been jealous of attention given to other women, so Luis prefers to be single and stay friends with everyone.

Mental health issues: ADHD.

Physical health issues: High blood pressure currently managed with medication. Doctor has made recommendations to modify diet, but Luis has not made these changes.

Likes and dislikes: He likes to spend time with friends, go to church, listen to music, watch movies, socialize, and tell stories. He dislikes yelling and people being upset with him.

Social and communication skills: Luis mostly communicates in English and speaks some Spanish. He enjoys conversing with others, telling stories, and receiving attention.

Independence: Court-appointed guardian, no driver’s license, transportation provided by group home.

Daily activities: Luis currently works part time at two different fast-food restaurants to get full-time hours. When he is not working, he spends his time at church, activities sponsored by the group home, and with his family.

Vocational skills: Luis has had jobs bussing tables in fast food restaurants, stocking shelves in grocery stores, and so on. He sometimes talks to customers or coworkers instead of performing job duties. He can perform repetitive tasks, but requires assistance from a job coach to learn new tasks.



Operational definition: Provide an operational definition of the target behavior you chose.
Goals: Your goals should be specific and based on your assessment.
Setting: Describe where the plan will be used.
Materials: Provide the necessary materials (for example, task analysis, visual schedule, link to a YouTube or other video, script). You must include at least one type of material. 


Teaching Plan

Describe in clear, specific detail how the plan should be implemented, so that anyone reading it could implement the plan. Include any SDs, programmed MOs, prompts, corrective procedures, and reinforcement schedule needed.

Generalization and Maintenance Plan

Describe how you will fade elements to improve maintenance.
Describe strategies for response and stimulus generalization.

Data Collection and Evaluation Plan

Describe how you will collect data.
Describe how you will display data and the schedule in which it will be analyzed.
Include self-monitoring components for the client.

Ethics, Compassion, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Assessment of social validity before, during, and after implementation: Explain how you will be sure that the goals, strategies, and outcomes are acceptable to the client and stakeholders.
Considerations based on self-advocacy: Explain how you will obtain consent and assent and include the client in the decision making.
Capella Compassion Code: Explain how you are considering the CCC in your teaching plan. Identify at least three areas of the code and explain where and how you incorporated them.

Annotated Bibliography

Include at least three peer-reviewed journal articles that support the pieces of your teaching plan. For each resource, explain how it informs the plan. Include an APA reference for each.