Answered step-by-step
Look at what others have said and respond with your original…

Look at what others have said and respond with your original opinions on the subject. Please don’t just repeat what you’ve read.


1.I agree that when trying to make an important decision. It is best to look at all possibilities. There must be room for discussion and disagreements. Without those conversations, things can be missed and could lead to the failure of said decision. When a group gets together to make a decision, everyone needs to be open to suggestions and each person’s point of view to make an informed decision. 



2. I agree that when trying to make an important decision. It is best to look at all possibilities. There must be room for discussion and disagreements. Without those conversations, things can be missed and could lead to the failure of said decision. When a group gets together to make a decision, everyone needs to be open to suggestions and each person’s point of view to make an informed decision. 


3.Groupthink occurs when the social pressures of a group affect people’s reasoning within group decisions (Gilovich et al., 2018). : This can often happen in corporate, government, and other group situations when a powerful and vocal leader is in charge and when there is pressure for group consensus. An example of groupthink would be when the CEO comes to a meeting and boldly shares his ideas and thoughts for a new product or process, and the other executives do not share their contrary thoughts or ideas. Instead, they follow the CEO’s plan because they either fear retaliation or embarrassment from their boss or peers or give in to group harmony. : This leads to poor group decisions because it needs to foster a safe place to share concerns or alternatives that could lead to a better plan. Groupthink can be reduced when leaders are mindful of creating an open environment for group members to share their opinions. One way a leader can accomplish this is by saving their personal views or preferences for later in the conversation and showing appreciation and respect for the ideas shared by others. Groups can also avoid an illusion of consensus by allowing the group access to other opinions, especially fresh ideas from people who may not have been a part of past conversations, before making the final decision. Finally, it can also be helpful to designate a devil’s advocate who has permission to name any weaknesses. 


4.When we are being watched we tend to do a lot better than we would on our own because we may be motivated to impress others that are watching. I noticed this growing up when I would play the clarinet in front of my parents. I would always mess up or make silly mistakes when I was on my own practicing but once I was in front of my parents, I did a lot better. This may partially be because we may not want to embarrass ourselves in front of others by making a mistake. Have you noticed this occurring in your own life?


5. I do not belong to a group at an adult age but when I was a kid, I was in the Girl Scouts of America and in the Fire Camp Group. Each time we met together, we did different task to show our strengths and independence and how we got along with each other while doing the task. While in each group, I felt social facilitation while performing a task because we were competing against other groups to see who did each task the best and the fastest. As we did each task. we would do them to our best of our ability because we knew we were getting a reward at the end of each task.


6.I do not belong to a particular group and am unsure of the options, but I don’t associate myself with any groups I can think of. Deindividualization is losing yourself or your identity because you are in a large group. While social loafing is the act of using “less effort in a group task when their contributions cannot and are not monitored or evaluated” [ CITATION Gil16 l 1033 ]. Social facilitation is a positive and /or negative impact groups tend to have on individuals when individual contributions can or are being evaluated or monitored. A situation in which I experienced deindividualization was when I was younger and was in a large group of friends and their friends; I used to hang out and not be myself. When questions were being asked, I would only speak up once I was alone or with a smaller group of friends that I knew more. I fall into the social facilitation category quite often, except I am not being evaluated; quite often at work, I allow the group of co-workers to impact my energy levels at work positively and to keep up with others. I work with a lot of males, and I want to be able to keep up with them, but sometimes it’s just unrealistic.