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Matthew is a 34-year-old single man who lives with his mother and…

Matthew is a 34-year-old single man who lives with his mother and works as an accountant. He seeks treatment due to unhappiness after breaking up with his girl friend. His mother had disapproved of his marriage plans, ostensibly because the woman was of a different religion. Matthew felt trapped and forced to choose between his mother and his girl friend, and since “blood is thicker than water,” he decided not to go against his mother’s wishes. Nonetheless, he is angry at himself and at her and believes that she will never let him marry and is possessively hanging on to him. His mother “wears the pants” in the family, and is a very domineering woman who is used to getting her way. Matthew is afraid of her and criticizes himself for being weak and needy. However, he also admires his mother and respects her judgment. After breaking up with his fiancée, he stated, “Maybe Carol wasn’t right for me after all.” He alternates between resentment and a “Mother knows best” attitude. He feels that his own judgment is poor, and he needs someone in his life to guide him and make sure he makes good decisions. He is terrified at the thought of being alone, and puts up with a lot of criticism from his mother.

Matthew is the youngest of four children and the only boy. He was babied and spoiled by his mother and elder sisters.  He had considerable separation anxiety as a child, difficulty falling asleep unless his mother stayed in the room, mild school refusal, and unbearable home-sickness when he occasionally tried sleepovers. As a child he was teased by other boys because of his lack of assertiveness, and many times he was called a baby.  He has lived at home his whole life except for one year of college, from which he returned because of homesickness. His interest in dating and sexuality has been normal, except for his inability to leave his mother in favor of another woman.

Matthew works at a job several grades below what his education and talent would permit. On several occasions he has turned down promotions because he didn’t want the responsibility of having to supervise other people or make independent decisions. He has worked for the same boss for ten years, gets along well with him, and is, in turn, highly regarded as a dependable and unobtrusive worker. He has two very close friends whom he has had since early childhood.  He has lunch with one of them every single workday and feels lost if his friend is sick or has to miss lunch one day.



Select one:

a.Dependent Personality Disorder

b.Histrionic Personality Disorder
c.Antisocial Personality Disorder
d.Narcissistic Personality Disorder
e.Borderline Personality Disorder