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Mock Behavioral Skills Training Assignment Purpose: This activity…

Mock Behavioral Skills Training Assignment

Purpose: This activity allows you to outline a mock Behavior Skills Training (BST) based on the provided intervention script. This assignment will provide the opportunity for you to practice planning a training. 

General Assignment Instructions: You will develop a Mock BST Outline to teach the teacher how to implement the intervention outlined in the intervention script. See the detailed instructions, Intervention Script, BST Template, rubric, and timelines below.

Mock BST Outline

You will develop the BST Outline using the template provided by removing the red text and inputting information relevant to the specific intervention from the provided script. You will submit your BST Outline by SUNDAY at 11:59pm EST of Week 12.

Grading Rubric

Criteria Proficient Competent Novice


Outline template was used and the outline was easy to follow


Portions of the outline template was used and/or the outline was difficult to follow


The outline template was not used

Audience, Rationale, Materials


The audience, rationale, and materials are described accurately and in detail


The audience, rationale, and materials are listed, but key information is missing or a section is missing


Key information is missing in at least 2 of the following sections: audience, rationale, and materials

Steps and Importance


Intervention steps are included and the importance of each step is included with key information


Intervention steps are included, but the importance of the steps or key information is missing


Intervention steps and the importance of each are not included

Key Terms


Key terms are included and explained in non-technical terms appropriate for the audience


Key terms are included and explained, but not in terms appropriate for the audience; or missing some of the important key terms 


Key terms are not included or explained 

Modeling Plan


Modeling plan included and would likely allow for appropriate modeling of the intervention steps


Modeling plan included, but could be strengthened to support modeling of the intervention steps


Modeling plan not included or explained 

Rehearsal Plan


Rehearsal plan included and would likely allow for appropriate practicing of the intervention steps


Rehearsal plan included, but could be strengthened to support practicing of the intervention steps


Rehearsal plan not included or explained 



Feedback statement provides constructive feedback in a professional, helpful tone and manner


Feedback statement included, but may not be constructive or presented in a professional, helpful tone and manner


Feedback statement not included



Intervention Script: Good Behavior Game + Video Modeling Script

Use this intervention script to guide your BST for the teacher.

Materials: Video of classroom expectations, envelope containing possible criteria, envelope containing possible rewards, and group rewards



Split the class into two teams by randomly choosing their names from an envelope containing slips of paper with each students’ name on it and alternate placing them into two different piles.
Show the class the rules video. The rules video includes information about staying in seat, raising hand to ask/answer questions, and ignoring distractions.
Tell the class that you will be watching to be sure that they are following the rules and will be providing teams with tallies randomly throughout the game for following the posted rules. Provide the class encouragement such as “Let’s see which team can get the most points!”
Tell the class that you will draw a random number from an envelope at the end of the game and that teams with tallies equal to or more than the number drawn from the envelope will receive a reward. List a few of the possible rewards (e.g., stickers, candy).
When the MotivAider buzzes (set to buzz every 4-min), provide students and/or teams with tallies for following the posted rules and provide students and/or teams with a specific positive praise statement such as, “Good job, Sam, you earned a point for your team for staying in your seat.”
At the end of the game, count how many tallies each team has and announce the numbers to the class.
Draw a number from the criteria envelope.
Announce the number to the class and which teams, if any, earned the reward.
If the class earned the reward, draw a reward from the reward envelope and deliver it to the students.
If either team did not earn the reward, remind them that they will have the opportunity to do so the following day.


Intervention Plan:

The intervention will be implemented 4 days a week for 30 minutes a day for 2 weeks before the team meets again to evaluate data and consider intervention modifications. This intervention is a Tier 1 (classwide) intervention.


Target Behaviors

Behavior of concern: disruptive and off-task behaviors, including talking out, aggression towards adults and peers, and getting out of their seat during instruction. Replacement behavior: on-task behavior, defined as attending to the teacher during instruction, raising their hand when they have a question or something to say, and staying in their seat or asking permission to leave their desk during instruction.


Data Collection Plan

The school psychologist will collect data 4 days/week using 30 second interval recording for both engagement (momentary time sampling) and off-task/disruptive behaviors (partial interval recording).


Article Selected Citation: Donaldson, J. M., Vollmer, T. R., Krous, T., Downs, S., & Berard, K. P. (2011). An evaluation of the good behavior game in kindergarten classrooms. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 44, 605-609. doi:10.1901/jaba.2011.44-605



Mock Training Template: Intervention Title

Remove the text in red and provide your own text. Use the text in red and rubric to make sure you meet all of the assignment expectations.


Formatting: Use this template provided. Use direct, concise steps easy for someone else to follow. The length of the assignment should be no more than three pages single-spaced.


First, use the intervention script provided. This will guide your BST Outline.


Audience: Who will receive this training (parent, teacher, BCBA, student)?


Rationale: Briefly explain the reason the intervention was selected, importance, and any other information that may be beneficial to the teacher or parent.


Materials: Describe materials needed to implement the intervention and necessary for the BST. 


Steps and Importance: Include the key steps (in bullets) outlined in the Intervention Script. After each step, briefly note the importance of the step (see first step example below). Some notes may be statements you would actually plan to say in the training, but other notes may just be beneficial to remind yourself of why the step was designed that way or key elements to highlight. Some steps should also include prompts for yourself to check for understanding of key terms or critical steps of the intervention. 


Split the class into two teams by randomly choosing their names from an envelope containing slips of paper with each students’ name on it and alternate placing them into the two different piles.

Importance: This game is a collaborative, group-based game. This step is also needed to randomly split the class into teams. 

Article Selected Citation: Cite the article selected as the foundation for the script. 


Key Terms: List any terms you anticipate defining during the training or want to clarify that you and the trainee are using the same definition for consistency. Although you may not see this included in many BST Outlines, it is often beneficial for early practitioners to think through a definition for technical or field specific terms before the training in case it is necessary to explain the term. 


Modeling Plan: Explain the format (e.g., video modeling, with the class in the classroom, etc.) you will use to model the steps of the intervention. Also, make note of any important aspects you want to highlight.


Rehearsal Plan: Describe how the trainee will practice the intervention steps. 


Example Feedback: Provide a sample constructive feedback statement you may provide to the trainee during the rehearsal step. This is completely hypothetical, but a practice opportunity to think about how you may provide feedback in this scenario.