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        Multi-tasking is a form of… Question 1 options:  …





Multi-tasking is a form of…

Question 1 options:


Selective attention




Dichotic listening


Divided attention


Question 2 (0.5 points)










Which of these tasks would require the least cognitive effort?

Question 2 options:


Looking for someone whose hat has no brim in a crowd of people with normal hats.


Looking for one person wearing a hat in a crowd of people not wearing hats.


Looking for one person not wearing a hat in a crowd of people wearing hats.


Looking for someone with a yellow hat in a crowd of people with red hats and yellow shirts


Question 3 (0.5 points)










Which of these best describes how your eyes move when you read text?

Question 3 options:


You make rapid movements with brief pauses between movements.


You fixate each letter one-by-one to recognize the words.


You read words only in the parafoveal area to the right of where you fixate.


You smoothly move your eyes along the text as you read.


Question 4 (0.5 points)










What does the cocktail party effect tell us about how attention works?

Question 4 options:


Unattended information is sometimes still perceived.


People have no difficulty dividing attention to ccomplete two tasks.


We can talk on the phone while we drive, as long as the person we’re talking to doesn’t say our name.


Attention effectively blocks all unattended information.


Question 5 (0.5 points)










In the Stroop task, people would struggle to…

Question 5 options:


Read the word RED printed in blue ink.


Identify the ink color of the word BLUE printed in blue.


Read the word RED printed in red ink.


Identify the ink color of the word BLUE printed in red.


Question 6 (0.5 points)










In the chaotic aftermath of a robbery, you see a tall thin man in a red shirt and a shorter man in a black jacket running from the scene of the crime. According to research on illusory conjunctions, it would not be surprising for you to later remember seeing…

Question 6 options:


two short men, both wearing black jackets


only one man, wearing both a red shirt and a black jacket


a tall thin man in a black jacket


three men instead of two


Question 7 (0.5 points)










Which of these best describes what consciousness is?

Question 7 options:


Your need to bind features together to perceive complete shapes.


Your ability to complete tasks even for stimuli that you don’t think you see.


Your ability to attend to relevant information and ignore irrelevant information.


Your awareness of the outside world, and your perceptions, feelings and thoughts.


Question 8 (0.5 points)










Bottleneck theories of attention….

Question 8 options:


are mostly based on neuroscience research showing a single place where information is blocked.


are widely accepted because they explain most patterns of data.


argue that attention occurs because of limits in how much information can be processed at one time.


argue for distributed attention to all features, with attention helping bind features together.


Question 9 (0.5 points)










What is meant by mindless reading?

Question 9 options:


When you read information and understand it without being consciously aware of how that happens.


When your professor assigns readings from something really boring.


When a person continues making eye movements to text while thinking about something else entirely.


When you are unable to ignore information in what you’re reading.


Question 10 (0.5 points)










The neuroscience of attention shows that…

Question 10 options:


attention is extremely specific to a single place in the brain.


attention happens without neural evidence.


attention happens in various regions of the brain, including regions in the frontal and parietal lobes.


attention only occurs if people have brain lesions.