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Multiple choice: please choose A, B, C, or D for the following:  …

Multiple choice: please choose A, B, C, or D for the following:


1. Aaron thinks about what kind of life he wants to live. He wonders if there really is a God, and whether he truly believes or is going along with the beliefs of his parents. Aaron’s questioning and considerations reflect a common experience for late adolescence and emerging adulthood. What are some explanations for this experience of religious questioning and exploration?


a. advances in cognitive skills


b. striving to establish identity


c. pressure of peers


d. Both advances in cognition and seeking identity


2. Which of the following would NOT be considered a psychological factor in an adolescent’s problems?


a. socioeconomic status


b. distorted thoughts


c. emotional turmoil


d. inappropriate learning


3. Jorge is having problems understanding the concepts in his statistics class. He goes to see his professor during office hours, and he studies with a group of students who can help her. Jorge is using 


a. supportive coping.


b. emotion-focused coping.


c. problem-focused coping.


d. reactive coping.


4. Moral development involves moral


a. thoughts


b. behaviors


c. feelings


d. all of the above


5. Lance’s parents encourage family discussions about value-laden issues such as the death penalty, abortion, and amnesty for illegal immigrants. As a result, Lance is likely to think at


a. think at the same level as his parents.


b. be confused and lag behind in moral reasoning


c. think at more advanced levels of moral reasoning than other people his age.


d. think at the moral exemplar level of reasoning.


6. Ali says that her peer group is very important to her. Which of the following things will Ali likely say her peers do for her?


a. provide a source of information about the world outside of the family


b. give her feedback about her abilities


c. serve as form of social comparison


d. all of the above


7. Adolescents who have _____ are most likely to conform to peers and fall victim to peer pressure.


a. high self-esteem


b. low social anxiety


c. an uncertain social identity


d. high peer rejection


8. Which of the following developmental outcomes is most likely associated with rejected children?


a. depression


b. conduct disorder


c. school dropout


d. All of these are correct


9. Social cognition involves


a. feelings about social matters.


b. behaviors in regards to social matters.


c. thoughts about social matters.


d. All of these are correct.


10. Which of the following statements about adolescent friendships is NOT true?


a. In adolescence, friendships provide a source of support.


b. In adolescence, friends act more as confidants.


c. Children have more intimate friendships than adolescents


d. Adolescents, more than children, have to learn more complex skills to maintain friendships.


11. Which of the following statements regarding sex and the media is TRUE?


a. Sex is portrayed as a recreational activity.


b. Sex is often portrayed in a stereotypical way.


c. Women are portrayed as sex objects.


d. All of these are true


12. Which of the following is NOT a protective factor in engaging in risky sexual behavior?


a. parental responsiveness to the child’s health needs


b. excelling academically


c. believing in a higher spiritual power


d. eating dinner together as a family