Answered step-by-step
My Learning Journey Looking back on the past 15 weeks of the…

My Learning Journey

Looking back on the past 15 weeks of the semester, I want you to reflect on your academic successes and struggles.  Do not use this as an opportunity to complain or focus your struggles on the course itself – you will have chance to give anonymous feedback about my class on a separate survey.  This section should be focused on you, personally as a student.  You are not limited to answering these questions; feel free to add your own thoughts as well:

What are your academic or personal strengths, and were you able to utilize them in my class?  
Did you have any concerns about your ability to be successful in my class, and were you able to overcome them?
Did you discover any new strengths and/or weaknesses?  If so how will you work to use/overcome these in future courses?
Looking back, if you had a time machine and could give yourself some advice, what would it be?

The Learning Modules

Look back at each module and reflect on all of the topics, concepts, and theories that you’ve learned this semester.  You will want to be specific by referring to the modules and lessons by name, as well as referencing specific things (concepts, theories, studies) you learned from the lessons:

Which was your favorite module and why?
For example, “My favorite module was Module B because…”
Which was your most favorite lesson (from any module) and why?
For example, “Of all of the lessons we completed this semester, I enjoyed everything about the lesson in social psychology, in Module D Lesson 3.  This was my favorite because…”
Which was your most favorite assignment (from any module) and why?
For example, “I really enjoyed the discussion in Module C about the LGBTQ community because…”

Of course, if you can’t pick just one favorite, feel free to tell me about more!  The minimum expectation is that you found at least one module, lesson, and assignment most interesting.

Psychology and Me

One of the PSYC 300 course Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) is, “Apply psychological concepts, theories, and research findings to personal, interpersonal, occupational, and social/community contexts.”  Respond to the prompts below, although you are free to add other thoughts about your learning journey as it relates to this course SLO:

How has this class impacted your knowledge of yourself?  Include at least 1-2 examples.
In what ways were you able to apply what you learned to real world issues and experiences? Include at least 1-2 examples.

Even in these answers, I want you to explain which concepts, topics, or theories impacted you the most and why.. Each response should include at least one specific thing that you learned that has impacted you in some useful way.