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The 3 defense mechanisms that I believe are most likely to be used is projection, displacement, and repression. 


Projection                                                                                                                                                                                                     When a client’s characteristics put their self-concept in danger, they may: fail to acknowledge that they have these qualities and observe similar threatening characteristics in other people. The client can safeguard their self-concept by refusing to acknowledge potentially dangerous features in themselves and instead choosing to perceive them in others. 

Displacement                                                                                                                                                                                                    When a client exhibits displacement, they are switching or shifting the primary focus of a specific impulse to another target that is similar (Baumeister et al., 1998). Displacement happens when a more suitable target is chosen because the answer to the initial objective is deemed unachievable or unsatisfactory. The displaced impulse may be extremely strong toward the primary target but less strong toward the secondary target. Displacement, according to Freud, is a typical technique utilized in dreaming (Rennison, 2015).



When clients have feelings or thoughts that could be dangerous, they may decide to suppress them instead. Repressing a memory, emotion, or thinking prevents the client from accessing that information in their consciousness (Cramer, 1991, 2006). These things continue to exist and can appear as other things, persons, or objects in dreams and thoughts.

Sigmund Freud never created a comprehensive list of defense mechanisms, although psychology has plenty of information on them