Answered step-by-step


1. Which of the following is an example of emotional violence?

a. Rape

b. Humiliation

c. Economic abuse

d. Assault


2. Which correctional services Canada initiative has been shown to lower the risk that an offender’s parole will be revoked?

a. Pre-release substance abuse treatment

b. Community Mental health Initiative

c. Ethnocultural Services

d. Substance abuse maintenance treatment


3. The religion with the most adherents in Canada is

a. Judaism

b. Islam

c. Taoism

d. Christianity


4. In cases of family violence, generally; a restraining order:

a. Is issued by a criminal court

b. Required the subject to “keep the peace and be of good behavior”

c. Carries criminal penalties if violated

d. Requires proof of past violence or threats of violence


5. The criminal code generally defines a child as someone under the age of 

a. 18

b. 16

c. 14

d. 19


6. The most important part of providing the best possible service to diverse communities is developing relationships based on

a. Liaison committees

b. Diversity training

c. Cooperation and respect

d. Best practices


7. The right of Canadian citizens to enter, remain in, or leave the country is called

a. A legal right

b. An equality right

c. A religious right

d. A mobility right”


8. Human rights laws and policies protect both:

a. Civil liberties and national security

b. Citizens and social justice

c. Dress codes and driving practices

d. Law and order


9. The “five pillars “are the basic religious practices of:

a. Islam

b. Judaism

c. Buddhism

d. Sikhism


10. The fundamental freedoms entrenched by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms are not:

a. Political

b. Absolute

c. Provincial

d. Discriminatory


11. Community mobilization is a process in which police officers:

a. Address the precursors of crime

b. Partner with community members to improve community safely and well-being

c. Motivate community members to deal with crime in their neighborhoods

d. Lead community building initiatives


12. A person who professes no religion and does not believe in a higher power is called:

a. A druid

b. An atheist

c. A rationalist

d. An agnostic


13. Under the multiculturalism ideology, diverse people are expected to adopt the public ____ of the host nation.

a. Outlook

b. Independence

c. Taxation

d. Values


14. In Canada, what forms of corporal punishment may be permitted by law?

a. All corporal punishment is considered prohibited physical abuse

b. Corporal punishment that is directed towards teenagers

c. Corporal punishment using an object, such as a belt or switch

d. Corporal punishment used by schoolteachers


15. A “push back” for women experiencing a wage gap means;

a. Women are forced to take legal action

b. Women are held back non-voluntarily

c. The women choose not to work

d. Men become the oppressed in the workplace


16. The police services approach emphasizes

a. An inward focus

b. Crime prevention

c. Reactive policing

d. A centralized structure


17. The police service in Canada that targeted gay men in Toronto bath houses was the:

a. Royal Canadian Mounted Police

b. Ontario Provincial Police

c. Toronto Police Service

d. Vancouver Police Service


18. “Harassment” means conduct or comments toward another person that is;

a. Criminal

b. Difficult to understand

c. Discriminatory

d. Unwelcome


19. Police need to respect diversity and uphold a core value, called______, according to which no ethnocultural group is either inferior or superior to another.

a. Diversity distortion

b. Diversity equity

c. Patterning

d. Racial Profiling


20. Same indigenous peoples and immigrant groups feel that law enforcement is not an appropriate ____choice.

a. Educational

b. Career

c. Economic

d. Culture


21. Regarding same sex marriage, which of the following statements is true?

a. Canada does not recognize same sex marriage

b. Canada allows each province to decide on legalization

c. Canada was the fourth country to legalize it

d. Legalization in Canada was entrenched in the Bill of Rights


22. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the establishment and operation of religious:

a. Laws

b. Schools

c. Churches

d. Societies


23. A stereotype is a standardized, usually _____ conception of something,

a. Oversimplified

b. Rational

c. Biological

d. Accurate


24. All rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms are guaranteed equally to both;

a. Official languages

b. Minority Languages

c. Sexes

d. Fundamental freedoms


25. Ethnocultural groups and their community leaders have a responsibility to:

a. Protect their own civil order

b. Recognize that there is no common secular law

c. Respect others rights and freedoms

d. Recognize a lack of diversity among other groups


26. Categorizing people by race is a means of identifying them according to their_____ characteristics.

a. Minority

b. Political

c. Social

d. Physical


27. The Association that aims to build bridges between law enforcement agencies and the community at large is:

a. Association of Black Law Enforcers(ABLE)

b. Ontario Women in Law Enforcement(OWLE)

c. Black Lives Matter(BLM)

d. Serving With Pride(SWP)


28. The legislation that regulates the administration of mental health care in Ontario is titled:

a. Ontario Human Rights Code

b. Brian’s Law

c. Child and Family Services Act

d. Mental Health Act


29. Marginalization involves the simultaneous _____ of one’s country of origin and host culture.

a. Encouragement

b. Acceptance

c. Rejection

d. Maintenance


30. The policy on sexual harassment and inappropriate gender-related comments and conduct provides a framework for;

a. Demands for an apology

b. Transgender people

c. Lawsuits

d. Educational Initiatives