Answered step-by-step
Other Animal’s Sensory Abilities – You are to research the sensory…

Other Animal’s Sensory Abilities – You are to research the sensory abilities that are held by another organism. You are required to use headings and numbers to help organize. So 1, 2, 3 a, b, …, 4a, b…


1. Specify which organism you have chosen (and why). Make sure to be as specific as possible – do not just list bird, fish, spider, dolphin, etc. In other words, I want Species level (dogs might even need to be subspecies as their senses differ even among breeds). Give official name (both full biological name and typical). Pick an animal that we know about the senses – so while dinosaurs may be interesting, we do not know much about their sensory abilities (Jurassic Park is not an acceptable resource) and they will not work. (5 points)


2. Tell me why you have chosen this animal – again in some detail. What about this animal is interesting enough to write a paper (5 points)?


3. Based on what you have been able to find out, list out and describe in detail all of the senses possessed by that organism and their capabilities. Explain which senses are considered to be dominant and which are not as dominant or missing according to research. Again, be very clear here – such as pitch ranges, additional eyes, describe extra sense, more brain, shape of organ, etc. It must be the SENSES (not breathing, eating, mating, running etc. unless you relate it to a sense). I expect complete detail on their sensory abilities along with ranges. Make sure to give references where you found this information and use in text citations (author, year).  Use the website to help with any odd references. Please note that I expect at least 3 different references here – I do not want just 1 reference and you copy that (no quotes allowed). The websites should be professional – not aimed at children. These references do not need to be scholarly articles – most of the journal articles on the animals are too specific (although you could use one if you would like). (30 points)


Here is the list of senses with possible differences to consider (this is not an all-inclusive list) – please list as given here (using the letters as given).


Vision – range can see (infrared or ultraviolet), color, binocular disparity, sensitivity (fovea), can see, pupils, etc.
Sound – range can hear, sound localization abilities (echolocation), different sensitivity in pitch, etc.
Touch – sensitivity differences in pressure, vibrations, temperature, pain, proprioception, kinesthetic, etc.
Taste – sensitivity differences (such as have taste or not), different tastes or location of taste buds, etc.
Smell – sensitivity levels, brain amount, etc.
Other senses not listed (vestibular sense, osmoregulation) or ones we do not have (electric, magnetic, air moisture), etc.

4. Assume you, as a human, suddenly acquire the organism’s senses that are new or different to you (either because humans lack that sense, or because the range over which those senses works is different for the organism you have chosen than for humans). Then based on the assumption you’ve selected, describe THREE changes you think would happen if you (or the organism) suddenly experienced this enhancement or detraction to your sensory abilities.  This can be sensory, social interactions, eating, motor, superpower, linked to sensory change etc. Please use numbers or letters to indicate the 3 items (so I can clearly see what 3).  Be detailed and creative. Make sure to link it back to your discussion of question 3. Please note, you are still human in form – what has changed is your sensory ability.  If it is an ability that you have, then you have lost the human version and gained the animal version.  If it is a new sense, then you just gain that one.  If the sense has not changed, you cannot just say “no change” – and do use a range of senses (not the same one 3 times). Remember that it is sensory – how does that impact your ability? Again, use in text citations. (15 points)


Please make sure to reference where you obtained this information (for Points 3 and 4). I have a link given in this module that will help you write appropriate references for websites, shows, etc. You will be using websites to help you out, but make sure they are all professional websites that aim to educate adults. The website listed below is NOT an adequate website as it is written for children – I merely give this to you as it contains a large number of examples to help you get started. You may also need to be more specific than the animals listed. I do not want “fish” or “bird” – be specific about your animal. Also, you may need more than 3 websites to help answer all of your questions – make sure to review multiple sources. Five points are based on APA references and citations.


No quotes, proper grammar and spelling, work independently, thorough responses, etc.


This is JUST a starting point.


An example of pupil differences