JusticeNeutron32830Part 1: My Theory of Counseling Part ll: My Journey to Self-Insight…Part 1: My Theory of Counseling
Part ll: My Journey to Self-Insight and Personal Growth
Why select a theory?
Part of informed consent is explaining to clients what your services entail so that they may make a decision about whether or not you are a good fit for their needs. Additionally, clients are entitled to the most competent care available. In this day and age, there is a near imperative to use evidence-based interventions. Imagine seeking treatment for a condition like cancer and hearing a vague description of a treatment plan that includes a little bit of this and little bit of that. Would that instill confidence? Likely not. Should your oncologist have specialty training? Of course! Why would we expect less for our mental health?
If we incorporate different techniques from two or more theories, does that automatically make my theoretical orientation eclectic or integrative?
Not necessarily. For example, it is common for clinicians with CBT orientations to often take a humanistic approach to their work (e.g., provide unconditional positive regard, believe in the autonomy and capability of the person, etc.). The key to keep in mind is that the utilization of an evidence-based intervention requires fidelity to that intervention (if you stray from the model as it was studied, there is no longer evidence that it will work!). For example, if you are using DBT, but only implement part of the intervention, you are no longer implementing DBT as it was intended; thus, the client should not expect the same results that were achieved in trials studying the efficacy of DBT. Does this mean that what you offered is not helpful? Not necessarily. You might have provided very valuable counseling. It’s also possible though that what you offered on it’s own was not potent enough to promote the changes or outcomes the client desires. Thus, it is critical to have a primary theoretical orientation and training related to the interventions associated with that theory.
This video is a nice summary of the difference between orientation and techniques (note: most evidence-based treatments require fidelity to the model – if you drift from the protocol, there is no longer evidence that what you are doing works): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3yBPuf46Jo (also, if you identify as a integrative or eclectic, you must identify and discuss at least two theories that fit within that orientation). I encourage you to act as purist and just select one theory — this is a much cleaner and simpler approach. You are welcome to acknowledge that you might be struggling to choose between two, but for the purposes of this paper are focusing on just one.
Part 1:
Choose the theory of counseling that you like best and feel that you would be most comfortable using with your clients.
Provide a description of the theory (definition and description with examples of associated techniques).
Provide a brief summary of the history associated with the theory, including the major theorists.
Explain why you made this selection.
Discuss how you could use this theory in your work and life.
Part Il:
Describe what events in your own life have brought you to your own self-insights and personal growth.
Explain how you intend to continue developing your own personal growth. Use the SMART goal format: https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/setting-smart-goals
Be sure to include at least 4 scholarly references. One may be your textbook.
*There are many scholarly references available. Visit your Keiser Library!! 🙂 There are some fantastic psychology and counseling journals available to you there. Social SciencePsychology