Answered step-by-step
 PLEASE ANSWER WITHIN  30 minutes:       At Google (Alphabet),…





At Google (Alphabet), Apple computers, and other high-tech firms, they use a differential reinforcement of ________________ contingency. Novel ideas are reinforced and old ideas are extinguished. This increases innovation and helps these companies remain on top.

Group of answer choices


differential reinforcement of high-rate behavior


differential reinforcement of other behavior


differential reinforcement of variability


differential reinforcement of alternative behavior



Flag question: Question 2 


A positive reinforcement contingency will shift to operant ________________ if responses are emitted, and they meet the reinforcement contingency but they are not reinforced. The effect of this will be that responding will fall to baseline (no-reinforcer) levels.

Group of answer choices

negative reinforcement


negative reinforcement


positive punishment





Flag question: Question 3 


The definition of ___________________________ is “responding that meets the negative reinforcement contingency no longer removes or reduces the aversive event. As a result, responding decreases to baseline (no-reinforcer) levels”.

Group of answer choices



negative reinforcement


positive reinforcement


escape extinction



Flag question: Question 4 


Brad is a 7-year old child who hates doing homework. When his parent sit him down and he starts to do his homework, Brad quickly throws a fit. Screaming and crying until his parents give in, and let him leave the homework session. If Brad’s screaming and crying are operant behaviors maintained by reinforcement, what kind of reinforcement do you think is maintaining this problem behavior?

Group of answer choicesss

Negative reinforcement – avoidance


Positive reinforcement


Negative reinforcement – escape


Negative reinforcement





Flag question: Question 5 


When extinction produces a temporary increase in the rate, magnitude, or duration of the previously reinforced response, this is referred to as ____________________________.

Group of answer choices

extinction-induced resurgence


extinction-induced variability


an extinction burst


extinction-induced residual momentum



Flag question: Question 6 


Charlie’s dog jumps up on the legs of his guests as they enter his apartment. The guests always pet the dog. Charlie decides to address this problem behavior using a technique he learned in his behavior analysis class. Each day, when he enters his apartment and his dog jumps up on his legs, he does not pet the dog (extinction). Instead, he leads the dog 10 feet away, to a carpet square in the corner, and pets the dog enthusiastically when it sits on the square. Charlie practices this every day, when he arrives home. About two weeks into this training, Charlie comes home to find his dog already sitting on his carpet square as Charlie walks into the room. Charlie proudly reinforces this behavior. Later, when some friends come over to watch a movie, the dog runs to the carpet square as the guests arrive. Charlie instructs his friends to reinforce this behavior.  What technique did Charlie use to teach his dog to sit on the carpet square, instead of jumping on the legs of his guests?

Group of answer choices

differential reinforcement of variability


differential reinforcement of alternative behavior


differential reinforcement of other behavior


differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior





Flag question: Question 7 


Primary reinforcers are consequences that function as reinforcers because…

Group of answer choices

the benefits apply primarily to human behavior


they are enjoyable


they are necessary for the survival of the individual or species


they can be exchanged for a variety of objects





Flag question: Question 8 


The book discusses 6 principles of effective shaping. Which of the following is NOT one of those principles?

Group of answer choices


Differential reinforcement: Reinforce the current response-approximation and extinguish everything else, including old response-approximations.


Diminishing marginal utility: Change up the reinforcer periodically. This will increase the individual’s interest in learning.


If the next approximation proves too difficult (extinction), lower the reinforcement criterion until responding is earning reinforcers again.


Be sure the learner has mastered each response-approximation before advancing to the next one.





Flag question: Question 9 


_________________ is defined as differential reinforcement of successive approximations to a terminal behavior.

Group of answer choices












Flag question: Question 10


A consequence that functions as a reinforcer because it is important in sustaining the life of the individual or the continuation of the species is a _____________ reinforcer.

Group of answer choices



conditioned generalized









Flag question: Question 11 


Jeremy is training his dog (Timber) to jump through a hoop. Jeremy is going to use a conditioned reinforcer so that he can reinforce the behavior as soon as it happens. Timber walks toward the hoop and Jeremy clicks his clicker. Timber immediately looks toward the clicker and then Jeremy scratches Timber’s belly. Jeremy rarely scratches Timber’s belly and she seems to enjoy it, but she never approaches the hoop again. Using your knowledge of the principles of effective conditioned reinforcement, what advice would you give Jeremy?

Group of answer choices


The conditioned reinforcer is redundant with the belly scratching. Just use the clicker alone, without scratching Timber’s belly.


The clicker should be clicked a few seconds after the belly scratching


The clicker isn’t very salient. See if you can find something that makes a more unique sound.


Try to find a more effective backup reinforcer (like a highly preferred treat).





Flag question: Question 12  


When an individual is learning a new behavior, especially one that takes a lot of skill (like surgery techniques), it is important to ___________ the behavior the millisecond it occurs. That is, the conditioned reinforcer should immediately follow the response. This helps the individual learn which response produced the backup reinforcer.

Group of answer choices











 Question 13 


Mentalistic explanations of behavior suffer a logical flaw. They…

Group of answer choices

are expansionistic


appeal to spiritual forces


are circular


are reductionistic





Flag question: Question 14 


Behavior analysts frequently will ask their clients, employees, etc. to complete a reinforcer survey. The purpose of the survey is…

Group of answer choices


to identify primary reinforcers unique to the tastes of the individual.


to identify reinforcers the individual would find coercive, if offered.


to identify consequences that would probably function as a reinforcer, if made contingent upon a desired performance.


to identify consequences that would definitely function as a reinforcer, if made contingent upon a desired performance.





Question 15 


According to the _____________ principle, a high-probability behavior will function as a reinforcer when made contingent upon a low-probability behavior.

Group of answer choices












Flag question: Question 16 


Habits are formed when an operant response has been repeatedly reinforced, hundreds, if not thousands of times…

Group of answer choices

None of these


in the presence of the same antecedent stimulus.


such that the response transforms from an operant to a reflex.


using moderately effective reinforcers, which never fully satisfy the individual’s motivation.




: Question 17 


In a ___________________________, several different goods are available and the individual is allowed to choose one and use/consume it. The good that is consistently chosen first will be placed at the top of the _______________________. This good is the most likely one to function as a reinforcer.

Group of answer choices

reinforcer survey; reinforcement ladder


reinforcer survey; preference hierarchy


stimulus preference assessment; preference hierarchy


stimulus preference assessment; reinforcement ladder





Flag question: Question 18 


When Regina was in college she would always mow her neighbor’s lawn when she mowed her own. Her neighbor, Gladys, was almost 90 years old and, in her appreciation, would give Regina a large block of American cheese, which she got from the government each month. On Sunday, Regina is clipping grocery store coupons from a flyer. She runs across a coupon for American cheese. She does not clip that coupon because the free cheese from Gladys has functioned as a(n) __________________ __________________; it temporarily decreases the value of a reinforcer (coupons for American cheese) and decreased behaviors that produce that reinforcer (clipping the coupon).

Group of answer choices

abolishing operation (AO)


elevating operation (EO)


establishing operation (EO)


physiotemporal operation (PO)






Flag question: Question 19 


A _______________ is a contingent consequence that decreases the future probability of behavior below its pre-______________ baseline.

Group of answer choices

punisher; punishment


reinforcement; reinforcer


punishment; punisher


reinforcer; reinforcement






Flag question: Question 20 


Burns got a job teaching at the local high-school. On the first day, he had many problems with class clowns and rude behaviors occurring during his lecture (e.g., one student sitting in the back would make squishy sounds every time Mr. Burns took a step). Burns had had enough of this about 30 minutes into his first class. He started subtracting 1 point from each student who spoke (or made squishy sounds) without first raising their hand. Mr. Burns found that this _____________________ procedure resulted in an immediate decrease in inappropriate verbal responses. 

Group of answer choices

negative punishment


positive punishment


squishy punishment


I was saying “Boo-ums”






Flag question: Question 21 


In behavior analysis consequences are classified based on their function (their effect on behavior) not on their form. Therefore, if a seemingly aversive consequence increases the future probability of behavior it is classified as a __________________. Similarly, if a seemingly enjoyable consequence decreases the future probability of behavior it is classified as a ___________________.

Group of answer choices

punishment; reinforcement


reinforcement; punishment


punisher; reinforcer


reinforcer; punisher



Flag question: Question 22 


Charlie works about 8 overtime hours per week. He says he hates it, but it helps his family make ends meet. On Monday, Charlie lost his temper and yelled at his boss. His boss told him that he was barring him from working any overtime hours for the rest of the week. This reduced Charlie’s income. After that, Charlie was careful to hold his tongue when he was angry with his boss. Barring Charlie from working overtime hours appears to function as a

Group of answer choices

negative punisher


none of these


primary punisher


conditioned punisher





Flag question: Question 23 


A dog has learned to stay away from the invisible fence because, each time it approaches it, a tone is presented. The tone signals that, if the dog continues to approach the invisible fence, a shock will be presented. This device uses a ___________________ (the tone) to decrease the frequency of leaving the yard.

Group of answer choices

primary reinforcer


conditioned punisher


positive reinforcer


primary punisher



Flag question: Question 24 


There are two kinds of punishment, they both decrease the future probability of behavior. One kind of punishment involves presenting a contingent consequence which decreases the future probability of behavior. That kind of punishment is called…

Group of answer choices

negative punishment


positive punishment


vectral punishment





Flag question: Question 25 


A ____________________ precisely specifies the nature of the contingent relation between a response and its reinforcer.

Group of answer choices

scheduled relationship


contingency contract


schedule of reinforcement


relational frame



Flag question: Question 26 


A ___________________ schedule of reinforcement specifies a constant time interval that must elapse before a single response will produce the reinforcer.

Group of answer choices

fixed-interval (FI)


variable-interval (VI)


variable-ratio (VR)


fixed-ratio (FR)




Flag question: Question 27 


______________ reinforcement describes a contingency in which the response is sometimes but not always reinforced.

Group of answer choices










Flag question: Question 28 


IF an average of 50 responses -> THEN one reinforcer describes a ____________ schedule of reinforcement.

Group of answer choices

variable-interval (VI) 50


fixed-interval (FI) 50


variable-ratio (VR) 50


fixed-ratio (FR) 50





Flag question: Question 29 


A(n) _______________schedule of reinforcement specifies the amount of time that must elapse before a single response will produce the reinforcer.

Group of answer choices










Flag question: Question 30 


The typical pattern of responding under an VR schedule is shown in panel…

Group of answer choices  

Image transcription text

A B – high rate high rate pausing no pausing CUMULATIVE RESPONSES C D low/moderate rate low/moderate
rate scalloped no pausing pausing TIME PASSING













: Question 31 


Extra Credit: Describe how you can use errorless learning to teach a match-to-sample task, including how you fade the prompts to independent responding.