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please help! 91)?Ganglion cells on the nasal half of the retina…

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91)?Ganglion cells on the nasal half of the retina in the right eye send their axons

?(a) directly to area V2 of the cortex in macaques but not in cats.

?(b) to the blind spot of the left eye.

?(c) to layers 1 and 2 of the right LGN.

?(d) to the left LGN.


92)?The responses of simple cortical cells    

?(a) are greatest to bars of a particular orientation.

?(b) do not depend on the particular location of a stimulus on the retina.

?(c) are greatest when the ipsilateral eye is stimulated.

?(d) can be blocked (“gated”) by stimulating the contralateral LGN.


93)?Cells in the blobs that show up when area V1 of the cortex is treated with a special stain  

?(a) are usually color coded.

?(b) project to the contralateral LGN.

?(c) receive most of their inputs from the magnocellular layers of the LGN.

?(d) All of the above are true.


94)?Cells in an orientation column of V1 cortex    

?(a) have all their axons pointing in the same direction.

?(b) receive all their inputs from the contralateral LGN.

?(c) respond best to stimuli of the same orientation.

?(d) are oriented towards V2 cortex.


95) ?Topographical mapping in the visual system is the  

?(a) layout of the brain.

?(b) guide to the structures of the brain.

?(c) simultaneous mapping of two objects in the visual system.

?(d) orderly mapping of the world in the LGN and the visual cortex.


96)?We sometimes fail to detect a weak stimulus because of “noise”; a major source of noise in sensory experiments    

?(a)  is due to using signal-detection psychophysical methods.

?(b)  is the variable spontaneous firing rate of sensory neurons.

?(c)  comes from the method of constant stimuli.

?(d) stems from interactions between visual and auditory systems.


97)?In form perception, “similar” elements in the retinal image are “grouped” together. This illustrates  

?(a)  binocular parallax.

?(b)  fusion in Panum’s area.

?(c) a Gestalt perceptual principle.

?(d)  a monocular depth cue.


98)?In the retinal image, the image of one object sometimes obscures part of the image of another object. This    

?(a)  provides the depth cue of “superposition” or occlusion.

?(b) is due to motion parallax.

?(c) causes vertically-oriented cells in V1 to respond strongly.

?(d)  stimulates only neurons tuned to Panum’s area.


99)?Sounds with frequencies greater than 20,000 hz    

?(a)  are inaudible for most humans.

?(b) are referred to as ultrasonic.

?(c)  have relatively short wavelengths

?(d)  can be heard by some mammals.

?(e)  All the above are true.


100)?Which of the following is NOT a monocular depth cue?  

?(a) Geometrical perspective.

?(b) Superposition.

?(c) Texture gradient

?(d)  disparity in the images on each retina.