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please help with all!   21)?An additive mixture of “blue” and…

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21)?An additive mixture of “blue” and “yellow” lights will appear achromatic because    

?(a) the mixture contains all wavelengths and so appears white.

?(b) None of the different types of spectrally opponent cells respond to that mixture.

?(c) The lights physically interact to produce white light.

?(d) These lights are subtractive complementaries.


22) ?The K-pathway from the retina through the thalamus contains the cells that

?(a) decrease firing rate when a light is turned on.

?(b) increase firing rate when a light is turned on.

?(c) also receive inputs from S-cones.

?(e) have heart-shaped receptive fields.


23)?Panum’s fusional area is    

?(a) the zone within which stimuli are seen as doubled objects.

?(b) a region that lies beyond the horopter.

?(c) a region of space that shifts with the fixation point.

?(e) None of the above are true.


24)?Texture gradients    

?(a) are effective depth cues only if there is also a gradient of motion.  

?(b) are one of the Gestalt principles of binocular depth perception.

?(c) result from projecting an image of a three dimensional world onto two dimensions.

?(d) cannot be based on repeating artificial elements.


25)?Lights of about 600 nm appear orange because    

?(a) 600 nm is a metameric wavelength.

?(b) dichromats require only two primary wavelengths to match this wavelength.

?(c) +Y-B and +B-Y cells are equally stimulated.

?(d) both +R-G and +Y-B hue mechanisms are excited by those lights.


26)?According to the place theory of pitch perception, the pitch associated with a given sound depends on

?(a) the region of the basilar membrane that is maximally stimulated.

?(b) the rates of responding of neurons in the auditory nerve.

?(c) the rate of responding in some average of all neurons in the auditory nerve.

?(d) the position in space from which the sound waves are emanating.


27)?The volley theory of pitch perception predicts that in response to a 1,000 Hz tone, the auditory nerve will    

?(a) go into a relatively refractory state.

?(b) vibrate mechanically at several harmonics of the stimulus.

?(c) maximally displace the stapes end of the basilar membrane.

?(d) as a whole, fire bursts of spikes at a rate of about 1,000 bursts per second.


28)?The perceived size of an object    

?(a) is affected by its perceived distance.

?(b) varies with adaptation level.

?(c) is always the same.

?(e) depends on whether the object is on or off the horopter.


29) ?The word “figure” in the term “figure-ground assignment” refers to

?(a) a group of separate lines that must be combined into a single object contour.

?(b) the number of distinct objects in an image.

?(c) the main object that is to be recognized in an image.

?(d) the “correct” interpretation of an ambiguous figure.


30) ?The fact that faces are more difficult than many other types of objects to recognize when viewed upside-down is taken by many researchers to indicate that

?(a) faces are recognized via structural descriptions.

?(b) it is more difficult to segment faces from their backgrounds than other types of objects.

?(c) the visual system uses special recognition processes for faces that are not used for other types of objects.

?(d) face recognition can be doubly dissociated from object recognition.