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8. SPSS output for the quasi or true experimental study.   




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It has been hypothesized that background music raises the level of aggression when playing video games, and we hypothesize that the background music has a greater effect on levels of aggression than the type of video game itself. “The excitement level of the background music interacted with the game content to give a combined effect on aggression” (Zhang & Gao, 2014, pg.91).

Design either a quasi or experimental study to investigate the variables. What is the hypothesis? Describe the types of hypotheses with respect to testing. What does the experimental method allow that the correlation design does not? (Chris)

Experimental Design

We will be using an experimental design that will test this hypothesis on a small sample population. The reason we are using the experimental method, instead of the correlation method, is that we are looking for causation in a random sampling, which the quasi experimental design does not allow for ( Harries, et al., 2006).

Identify the independent variable. Identify the dependent variable. (Meghan)


There are several independent and dependent variables, including unknown factors within this study. Independent variables are factors controlled by the research and dependent variables are the resulting effect produced by the independent variable influence. Similarly, an x-factor is a variable where the effect is unknown until data is analyzed (Leppink, 2019). This study focuses on the independent variable of time spent playing video games and the subsequent dependent variable of aggressive behaviors. This study also examines an x-factor of music genre, and the influence music has on the dependent variable. Not only will aggressive behaviors be examined during video game usage, but the type of background music embedded within the game will also be compared against aggression levels. The study will focus on the effect of classic and instrumental music against violent or explicit lyrical music and the resulting influence on aggressive behaviors of both genres while video games are being played.


Describe how the group will define operationally and measure the variables. (Meghan)


  To examine the effect of playing video games on aggressive behaviors, time spent playing the games will be analyzed against biochemical reactions including cortisol and dopamine levels. These levels have been associated with increased aggressive cognitive functions. Therefore, if there is a rise in these chemical responses while video games are being played, then a positive relationship can be established. If there is no significant biochemical response, then no relationship can be determined, and if biochemical levels decrease as time spent playing video games increases, then a negative relationship can be concluded. While time spent playing video games and monitoring of biochemical levels will both be evaluated, so will the sympathetic nervous system response reactions with the exposure to varying music genres within the game. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for emotional control and stress reactivity stimulating a fight-or-flight response to stress. Studies have shown a relationship between actively stimulated sympathetic nervous system responses and irritability that can lead to aggression (Weissman & Mendes, 2021). The most effective way to measure these responses will be to use Electrocardiogram (ECG) testing to measure the electrical activity of the cardiovascular system monitoring heartbeat fluctuations. These ECG results can track the changes within the sympathetic nervous system in response to different genres of music (classical and explicit) during video game usage.


Describe how the group will obtain a random sample of participants. (Valerie)


For this research, we will examine a small random sample of twenty video gamers. We will recruit participants through a voluntary survey at a local video game store. Twenty individuals will be randomly selected from the survey poll as participants in the study. A stratified random sample method will be conducted to divide the twenty video gamers into smaller groups of five participants per group. 

Discuss how the group will ensure the study has high internal validity. Will the subjects be assigned randomly to the groups? Why or why not. (Valerie)


We will ensure a high internal validity during the study by a random selection of participants. The stratified randomization method will be utilized to prevent bias during the study. Cunci (2022) mentioned that randomly assigning participants to treatment and control groups can improve internal validity by ensuring that there is no systematic bias between the research groups. This will allow for participants to be randomly assigned into groups. For instance, participants within the same demographic may inadvertently influence the behavior of participants in the same group. The use of high internal validity and stratified randomization methods will allow for accurate data results. 

6. Are there any ethical concerns about the treatment of participants emerging from the experiment? (Meghan)

Ethical Concerns

While this study has minimal risk to participants, it is important to note that participants may be affected cognitively and physiologically during this experiment. Participants will be exposed to testing of biochemical levels and heart rate responses. Biochemical levels will be measured using blood tests before and after playing video games and heart rate will be continuously monitored through ECG testing methods. These tests can cause participants minor discomfort, and the potential rise in biochemical and physiological responses, may require emotional regulation techniques after the experiment is complete to ensure heart rate, cortisol, and dopamine levels return to the participants’ baseline. While these risks can occur, no ethical violations are predicted as all participants will be appropriately informed and debriefed as researchers will gain informed consent from participants prior to testing. There is no deception used in this study. All APA Ethical Standards will be upheld. 



7. Consider the data presented, would you use t or F score? Why? include the appropriate effect size.


8. Submit an SPSS output for the quasi or true experimental study.



Using prior experimental samples and our own experimental method we have shown that there is a positive causation between background music (Rock, Techno) raising the levels of aggression in a random sampling of video game players compared to other types of background music (Smooth Jazz, Classical). Limitations to our experiment are a small random sampling rather than a large scale sampling, limited types of video games, and limited choices of music. 







Cuncic, A. (2022). Internal validity vs. external validity in research: both help determine how meaningful the results of the study are. Verywell Mind.

Harris, A. D., McGregor, J. C., Perencevich, E. N., Furuno, J. P., Zhu, J., Peterson, D. E., & 

Finkelstein, J. (2006). The Use and Interpretation of Quasi-Experimental Studies in 

Medical Informatics. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA, 

13(1), 16-23.


Leppink, J. (2019). Statistical methods for experimental research in education and psychology.


Cham: Springer.



Weissman, D. G., & Mendes, W. B. (2021). Correlation of sympathetic and parasympathetic


nervous system activity during rest and acute stress tasks. International Journal of 


Psychophysiology, 162, 60-68.


Zhang, J., Gao, X. (2014). Background music matters: why video games lead to increased 

aggressive behavior? Entertainment Computing. Volume 5, Issue 2, May 2014, Pages 
