Veso799Please review the below defense mechanism case vignette. Identify…Please review the below defense mechanism case vignette. Identify and list the defense mechanisms that you saw in the vignette. Ann is a 49-year-old, twice divorced, heterosexual female who is seeking therapy to address relationship difficulties. She has two teenage daughters from her first marriage and is currently working as an accountant for a marketing firm. In her initial therapy session, she is open and engages easily with you as the therapist. When talking about her divorces, she expresses regrets that her daughters grew up in a broken home and begins to talk about her own sadness when she tells a quick joke about her first marriage and switches topic. She describes herself as easygoing and lighthearted and indicates that she often tells jokes to lighten the mood. When you doa biopsychosocial history, Ann reports that she had a happy childhood without any negative or traumatic incidences. However, when she provided prior clinical records, you read that a child abuse report and several police reports were filed when she was about 8 years old due to domestic violence in the home. In subsequent sessions, Ann begins to share that she is unhappy at work. In particular, she shares that she has a new boss who is demanding and inflexible. Ann is working longer hours without compensation but is reluctant to express her frustrations to her boss for fear of losing her job. She reports that at home her daughters tell her that she is more irritable and cranky, and frequently yells at them even if they have not done anything wrong. After about three months of treatment, Ann informs you that her ex-husband is getting married to a woman whom she knows. Ann doesn’t like this woman and suspects that in part she and her ex-husband separated because he was having an affair with this woman. She states that she wishes them both well and sent an expensive gift to the couple when she learned of the engagement. Because of continued communication problems and tensions with her daughters, you get Ann’s consent to have a family therapy session. During this session Ann’s oldest daughter expresses concern about her mother’s drinking, The daughter tells you that Ann recently got a DUI and is calling in to work often after nights of heavy drinking. When you ask Ann about the drinking she tells you that it is not a problem and that the daughter is exaggerating and a worrier.Social SciencePsychology