Answered step-by-step
Post a completed logic model (in table format) for a…
Post a completed logic model (in table format) for a practitioner-level intervention based on the problems and needs that you identified last week. Be sure to link the areas across the table.
In the table, describe the types of problems, the client needs, the underlying causes of problems and unmet needs. Then describe interventions that would lead to a change in the presenting conditions. Identify the short- and long-term outcomes that you think would represent an improved condition.
Follow the table format with a paragraph that elaborate on your practice-level model outline and cite resources that inform your views.

Problem Identified last week (Put this information in the logical model) (table format):

Describe at least one common client problem, issue, or gap in services or programs at your field agency, practice, or community setting. (If you are not currently in a practice setting, you may draw on your past work or practicum experience.)

The organization where I completed my internship provided assistance to both male and female trauma survivors as well as perpetrators, however there is a significant disparity in the services provided to male and female clients. Female and male survivors are kept away from one another when they attend the same support groups or group therapy in an effort to safeguard clients from being triggered. Compared to male victims and perpetrators, female survivors have access to a far wider variety of support and therapy groups, including those focused on domestic violence, sexual assault, grieving and loss, life skills, and finding safety. Male clients who identify as perpetrators or with a history of domestic violence, sexual assault, or human trafficking are directed to the single group that is offered to them or to individual treatment; they are not given the same group alternatives.

Specifically, highlight what you see that tells you clients need something more than what the agency, practice, or community setting is offering.

The majority of the male survivors and perpetrators who have contacted this agency to request services over the years have done so because of court-mandated requirements. This has led this agency to extend its services to male survivors in an effort to provide them with some measure of healing, but it is not enough to meet their needs. Despite more male clients asking for assistance, the organization feels constrained in what it can do owing to finances and the fact that this is still a relatively small proportion of their overall female clients. There are not yet enough male perpetrators or survivors for the organization to grow.

Identify a program that you think is necessary to address the problem, issue, or gap and explain why.

I believe that there should be at least one additional group for men that focuses on sexual assault or domestic abuse against men and is kept apart from the perpetrators so that each group may be precisely customized to the requirements of each member. In order to reduce the stigma associated with the cycle of abuse against men, I also think the organization should employ more men who are eager to engage in community outreach. I think that one of the biggest obstacles to male abuse victims getting treatment is the stigma attached to it, whether it be sexual assault or domestic abuse. Only one male and roughly seven female staff work for the agency. It would be fascinating to observe how the organization, as it grows, may rethink its strategy to better engage men in the community by altering its website, community outreach, community involvement, and services offered.

Generate a question that you might ask about your identified need and to whom

One question that I have for the Governor of Mississippi is what kind of community involvement would enable service providers to successfully deal with male abuse victims or perpetrators to assist them lessen the shame and stigma associated with abuse and encourage them to voluntarily participate in therapeutic or healing programs Needs assessment, a typical review that often takes place in the planning stage prior to launching a program, might help them in rebuilding their agency’s programs to better serve both populations (Dudley, 2020).


Dudley, J. R. (2020). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press.