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Practical Application, Ch. 5: Culture Shock    Have you ever been…

Practical Application, Ch. 5: Culture Shock


 Have you ever been in a new cultural context and had to deal with a barrage of stimuli that was challenging to interpret? If so, you may have experienced culture shock. As an undergraduate student at Syracuse University, I travelled to Kenya for six weeks to study Swahili.  I got a horrible cold soon after arriving. Later, I realized it was due to the anxiety I experienced as a result of moving from a familiar environment to an unfamiliar one. I was stressed and confused because I had lost the signs and cues of social interactions I could normally take for granted, like what to do when I met new people, how to buy items in the market, and when to accept or refuse invitations.  For example, I was not used to bartering while making purchases, and it never occurred to me that it might be considered rude not to do so. A native New Yorker, I enjoyed how friendly everyone was, yet felt somewhat suspicious when people invited me to join their family for dinner or offered braid my hair. I was fully immersed in a new culture and, at the time, there was no technology to Facetime or WhatApp family and friends back home. I ended up loving my stay in Kenya and did not want to board the plane when it was time to leave! Still, I vividly remember the initial culture shock I experienced. 


ANSWER 1. Then answer any three (4) questions of the following questions. 

  Watch one or both of the following two documentaries and  explain about what you learned. Use specific examples from the video(s).
Racism in Germany –
Afro Germany: Being Black and German – Being black and German –

2. Review the opening case story in Chapter 5. With your new mastery of concepts from this chapter, what advice can you offer Ms. Fourier so she feels more comfortable easing the stress of adjustment in Lebanon?

3. Think of an experience you’ve had with culture shock. Was it an overseas experience? Or when you transferred to a new school or job? Explain how the ABC (affective, behavioral, cognitive) approach of culture shock applies to your experience. Finally, which one (A, B or C) is most important to focus on first to have a productive adjustment process?

4. Where is “home” for you? On a deeper level, what does the term “home” mean to you? How does the discussion of reentry culture shock resonate with your “returning home” experiences? 

5. In what specific way will you make cultural strangers feel welcome and “at home”? Recommend three practical guidelines for translating your learning from this chapter into actionable adjustment competence practices.