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Presenting Problem and Background             Charlotte…

Presenting Problem and Background

            Charlotte is 28- year old African American female who sought counseling for treatment of anxiety and depression. Charlotte reports experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression over the past six months and hopes to decrease those feelings while increasing her motivation and self- confidence. Charlotte believes these changes will increase her chances of obtaining and maintaining employment as she has been unemployed for the past three months. Charlotte reports her work history includes short term retail and restaurant jobs but the inability to keep employment long terms has causes overwhelming financial difficulties and stress. Charlotte does not a have permanent living arrangements as she is currently living with a friend she met at her previous job. She does not have the financial support from her parents as she once did. Charlotte is concerned about regaining independence and financial stability. 

Charlotte was diagnosed with a learning disability during childhood and struggled academically in school. She believes the last time her parents were proud of her is when she graduated high school ten years old and feels great pressure to succeed. Charlotte parents are college grads with careers in the medical field and her brother is a veterinarian. Charlotte decided not to attend college against her parent’s wishes, however now she is considering enrolling in college. 

Charlotte reports sleeping most of the day and not eating much foods. 

Charlotte reports sleeping most of the day and not eating much foods. Charlotte reports for the past two weeks an increase in the amount of sleep, symptoms of anxiety and depression and a decrease in food intake. She reports using marijuana to self-medicate stating that it is “the only thing that makes her feel better.” Charlotte does not have history of suicidal behaviors and currently reports no suicidal thoughts but admits feelings of hopelessness. Charlotte reports she does not use alcohol since being sexually assaulted at a high school party while under the influence. Charlotte reports a lack of self-esteem, she believes her development of poor self-image and confidence is due to the sexual assault as well as her learning disability. 

Family Structure

            Charlotte reports having two college graduates as parents, both having careers in the medical field. She reported they disapproved of her not attending college. She believes that she will never compare to her brother in the eyes of her parents as he a successful veterinarian. Currently she is no longer receiving financial support from her parents as they believe at her age she should be able to be independent. Charlotte reports that she learned her explosive behaviors from her father as he was an alcoholic with angry outburst. Charlotte reports that her mother takes a type of depression medication. Charlotte is not married and is currently single. She reported a four year relationship with a boyfriend who she described as verbally abusive. When the relationship ended Charlotte reported experiencing extreme depressive symptoms. 

Multicultural Considerations

            Charlotte was raised in an African American Christian household in a small town. Charlotte reports she grew up in an upper-middle- class neighborhood. Her high school only had 20 students of color in attendance and as a result of she felt she was treated different. As a women of color I can relate to feels of isolation from the masses. It is difficult to connect and feel freedom to explore your culture when you are surround by people who don’t look like yourself. Charlotte has a learning disability that she attributes to many of the stressors in her life. I do not have a learning disability however, I am aware of some of the negative connotations as well of some of the barriers caused socially and professionally. I sense that developing ideas of how Charlotte can build confidence and independence is key. 


Form a Narrative Summary base on the information given.



What are possible DSM-5 Diagnosis and Assessment and why?


What Theoretical Orientation and Application would you use for this client? 


Provide resources.