Answered step-by-step
Promote holistic health and wellbeing Identify three clients that…

Promote holistic health and wellbeing

Identify three clients that you have assisted or supported, either directly or indirectly to identify and implement strategies to improve their health and wellbeing. Select clients and situations where a holistic approach has been adopted – i.e. one that looks at the whole person, not just their mental health needs, and then use the client report template provided to document the:

steps and processes that you undertook to prepare for working with each client

strategies that you used when working with each client

elements of your own professional practice

collaborative approaches you used to provide support to each client

specific strategies you applied with each wellbeing domain

Workplace skills you used to ensure the safety and wellbeing of yourself, your clients and others in the environment.

Client1 – financial hardship,            Client2 Family court,              Client3 – struggling for food

Promote holistic health and wellbeing client report
Domains of wellbeing Client 1 Client 2 Client 3


Describe how you prepared to work with the client. Consider the information and resources that you needed and accessed, the planning that you did, the policy and procedures that you referred to, the discussions that you had with co-workers and others, any safety considerations and the documentation which you prepared. Also consider any available services and programs that you considered or accessed.


Working with the client

Describe the strategies that you used to build rapport, trust and respect. How did you explain wellbeing and its benefits? Were you required to adapt your communication to connect with the client? How did you ensure that your relationship with each client was a professional working relationship? Discuss the strategies that you used to work collaboratively with the client to identify and explore their strengths and to explain how these related to the domains of wellbeing and contributed to keeping them strong. How did you set boundaries about topics to be discussed? How did you work with the client to assess their overall state of wellbeing?






Professional practice

Describe how you ensured non-judgemental practice. How did you apply the principles of social justice, equity, equity, individual worth, human dignity and self-determination into your professional practice? How did you remain aware of potential power dynamics and respond accordingly in your work with clients? How did you ensure the appropriate consents were identified, negotiated, obtained and documented? Discuss the strategies that you used to recognise if the client’s needs were outside of your area of expertise or scope of practice and how you reacted.





How did you work with the client to promote the importance of physical health to improving mental health? What was the process that you used to assess the client’s health status and what strategies did you put in place to support them in improving their physical wellbeing? Describe the elements of physical wellbeing that you discussed with the client and outline any services, resources, or programs that you identified to support the client.






How did you work with the client to promote the importance of emotional wellbeing to improving mental health? What was the process that you used to assess the client’s emotional wellbeing? What were the client’s emotional strengths, challenges and triggers and what strategies did you put into place to support the client in addressing them so they could improve their resilience?



How did you work with the client to identify and map their current level of social inclusion? What tools and strategies did you use to assess their level of community participation and identify whether they have a care network in place? How did you work collaboratively with the client to promote community participation and increase their level of social inclusion? How did you support them to develop social support sand to actively participate and connect with community?





Cultural or spiritual

How did you work collaboratively with the client to identify their preferred cultural or spiritual values, beliefs, traditions, activities and practices? What strategies did you use to support the client to identify any changes they would like to make to their wellbeing in this area? What resources/ people did you identify to support them?