melaniyaabPsychophysiological Model Characteristics (1) Biological basis of…Psychophysiological Model

Characteristics (1) Biological basis of thought and behavior

(2) Focus is on the brain and nervous system

(3) Human nature is passive

(4) Behavior is determined by hereditary
(genes)and biochemical processes
(neurotransmitters & hormones)

(5) Neuroplasticity – ability of the brain to
compensate for environmental changes
or injury

Treatments (1) Psychopharmacology therapy
ie. Prozac àanxiety & depression
Lithium àmood stabilizer

(2) Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

(3) Deep brain stimulation (DBS)

Psychodynamic Model

Characteristics (1) Powerful inner drives shape behavior

(2) Drives or conflicts are unconscious

(3) Instinct driven

(4) Personality structure – id, ego, superego

(5) Psychosexual stages – Latency à
defense mechanisms develop

(6) Defense mechanisms are used to protect
against feelings of anxiety and guilt

(7) Behavior is determined by genes
and early childhood experiences

Treatments (1) Referred to as psychoanalysis

(2) Free association – say whatever comes
to your mind
– express your thoughts
– reveal unconscious
worries or thoughts

(3) Dream analysis – interpreting the
hidden message in

(4) Transference – reenacting early conflicts
(anger, love ) by applying
to the clinician feelings
and attitudes that the
person has towards
significant others
– works with projection

Behavioristic Model

Characteristics (1) Emphasizes the role of the environment
in shaping behavior

(2) Focus is on observable behaviors

(3) The study of behavior as it relates to
stimulus conditions – classical
conditioning (US, UR, CS, CR)

(4) The study of behavior through
conditions of punishment or positive
and negative reinforcement – operant

(5) The study of behavior through
modeling – social or observational

(6) Behavior is reactive and modifiable

Treatments (1) Exposure (extinction) therapy –
gradual exposure to feared objects
or situations

(2) Flooding – rapid exposure to produce
high levels of anxiety

(3) Systematic desensitization – repeated
exposure to a feared stimulus while in
a competing emotional state such as

Cognitive Model

Characteristics (1) Examines both behavior and mental

(2) Behavior is active and reactive

Treatments (1) A-B-C theory (emotional disturbance)

A – Activating event
B – Belief
C – Consequence (emotional or

B (person’s beliefs) about A (activating
event à causes C, the person’s
emotional or behavioral reaction

(2) Combined – Cognitive-behavioral
therapy (CBT) – recognize illogical
thought patterns and replace with
realistic helpful thoughts

Humanistic Model

Characteristics (1) Focus is on conscious experiences

(2) Belief that people are basically good
and have free will to choose their

(3) The central drive in personality is
self-actualization, the drive to fulfill
your potential

(4) Potential only flourishes in a
supportive environment

(5) Behavior is potentially self-directed

(6) Depression, anxiety etc. occur when
society blocks tendency for growth –
imposes conditions on whether we
have personal value
Treatments (1) Person-centered therapy – therapist’s
attitudes and ability to communicate
respect, understanding, and
acceptance are more important than
specific therapeutic techniques

– therapist reactivates self-
actualization by providing
an accepting therapeutic

Other Models of Interest

Family Systems Model

Characteristics (1) Every family member directly affects
the entire family system

(2) Personality development is
influenced by family characteristics

(3) Mental illness is a reflection of
unhealthy family dynamics (poor

(4) Therapy must focus on the family
system as well as the individual

Treatments (1) Conjoint family therapeutic
approach – clear and direct
communication skills – sending and
receiving messages (I and You

(2) Strategic family approaches –
Identifying power struggles within
the family and developing a more
healthy power balance and

(3) Couples therapy – targets marital
or intimate relationships for
clear communications, role
expectations, unfulfilled needs, and
unrealistic or unmet expectations

(4) Group therapy – simultaneous
treatment of two or more clients
and may involve more than one

Review the note packet on the Psychological Models and the corresponding treatment approaches that belong to those models.On top
After reviewing the information answer the following:

(1) If you were a clinical psychologist which model would you most likely

associate with in your clinical practice and why?

(2) Given the model you have chosen, can you think of a disorder where the

treatment approaches listed under that model may be beneficially in helping a

client diagnosed with that disorder? I know we have not yet discussed the

disorders, but I was curious to see if you could predict an appropriate treatment

for a disorder. You can pick any disorder that interests you or that you are familiar

with from previous classes.

Social SciencePsychology