Answered step-by-step
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to conduct…

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to conduct an informational interview with a young adult and produce a report outlining the developmental changes that occur in early adulthood. This report will involve recording interview responses, analyzing the data, and making specific recommendations for intervention as a Child and Youth Care practitioner. Conducting informational interview research is a valuable way to learn/obtain knowledge. Through the process of interviewing, recording, reporting and analyzing information, students will be able to understand the various aspects of physical, cognitive, social and emotional development during early adulthood and how this information can assist in one’s role as a Child and Youth Care practitioner. Instructions: Students will work individually or in pairs to complete this assignment.  Students are required to interview a young adult between the ages of 20-35 years for the purpose of completing this interview report. Students should only approach individuals whom they know (family members or friends).  Students will complete the 3-4 page report based on the criteria provided below. Evaluation for this assignment is as listed below. You must consult with your textbook and lecture material for support. If citing from the text book please use proper APA citation methods. Program/course policies regarding late and missed assessments, etc. are posted on Blackboard and the CYC Program Manual. Students are responsible for reviewing and adhering to these policies. Evaluation: (please use the following headings to help organize your paper): 

Introduction: Introduce paper and brief describe time/date/location of observation and name of young adult (only use initials/pseudonyms) /age/gender.                

 2.    Physical Development-

Interview the participant and ask them to identify indicators/events that marked their transition to early adulthood (When did they know that they had become an adult?). Describe their responses and compare/evaluate their criteria/rituals of early adulthood with information found in the textbook/lectures. Are these responses similar/different or typical/atypical? Explain.
Interview the participant about their lifestyle factors and overall health including eating habits, tobacco and alcohol consumption and physical activity, etc. Describe their responses and compare/evaluate them with the information found in the textbook/lectures. Are these responses similar/different or typical/atypical? Explain.

 3.   Cognitive Development-

Interview the participant and use a fluid intelligence test/question and a crystallized intelligence question. Indicate their responses and evaluate your observations using your textbook/lecture notes. Does he or she seem to be typical for his/her age? Explain.
Interview the participant and ask a reflective judgment model question/scenario or a moral dilemma question/scenario such as the Heinz dilemma. Indicate what you observed during the experiment and evaluate your results. As evidence for your evaluation, review/define the characteristics of each model using your textbook/lectures and discuss them in light of what you have observed. Does he or she seem to be typical for his/her age? Explain.


Social/Emotional Development-
Interview your participant and have them describe the types of friendships that they have as a young adult. Describe their responses and compare/evaluate them with information found in the textbook/lectures. Are these responses similar/different or typical/atypical? Explain.
Interview your participant and have them describe the types of relationships (intimacy) that they have as a young adult. Describe their responses and compare/evaluate them with information found in the textbook/lectures. Are these responses similar/different?
Recommendations and Resources-
Provide at least one recommendation for interventions using a CYC perspective to enhance each developmental area  a) physical b) cognitive c)social/emotional development in your observed participant


End with a conclusion where you decide if the participant is typical for his or her age based on what you have learned regarding early adulthood development.
Suggest how you can use the learning from this assignment as a Child and Youth Care worker.  
Adhere to writing rubric. See attached