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Q31. What are the two defining features of an experiment? Question…

Q31. What are the two defining features of an experiment?

Question 31 options:


1.control of extraneous variables; statistical analysis of the results


2.statistical analysis of the results; a comparison of two groups


3.a comparison of two groups; manipulation of an independent variable


4.manipulation of an independent variable; control of extraneous variables


Q32. Why are confounding variables bad?

Question 32 options:


1.They provide an alternative explanation for any observed difference between conditions.


2.They reduce internal validity.


3.They make it difficult to tell if the independent variable was responsible for the effect on the dependent variable.


4.all of the above


Q33. Why do researchers randomly assign participants to conditions?

Question 33 options: control extraneous variables ensure that they find a strong statistical relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable discover whether there is a placebo effect avoid fatigue effects


Q34. Imagine that you are a participant in an experiment on the effects of morning exercise on mathematics performance. If this study uses a within-subjects design, which of the following would you do?

Question 34 options:


1.One day you take a math test after having exercised in the morning; another day you take a math test after not having exercised in the morning.


2.Either you exercise in the morning and then take a math test, or you do not exercise in the morning and then take a math test.


3.You eat a healthy breakfast consisting of milk, juice, toast, and eggs.


4.You take a math test and then tell the researcher whether or not you exercised that morning.


Q35. Imagine an experiment with one independent variable: noise level (quiet vs. noisy). If the researcher is using a between-subjects design and wants to have 20 participants per condition, how many participants will he need all together?

Question 35 options:










Q36. What is the main advantage of conducting an experiment using a within-subjects design rather than a between-subjects design?

Question 36 options:


1.A within-subjects design eliminates the need for pilot testing.


2.A within-subjects design controls more extraneous variables.


3.A within-subjects design does not require manipulation of an independent variable.


4.A within-subjects design prevents carryover effects.


Q37. A researcher is conducting a study in which the dependent variable is mental concentration. If it is a within-subjects design with lots of different conditions, then which of the following is most likely to be a problem for the researcher?

Question 37 options:


1.practice effect


2.fatigue effect


3.context effect


4.floor effect


Q38. Experimenters manipulate independent variables and control extraneous variables.

Question 38 options:






Q39. In a between-subjects experiment, each participant is tested in only one condition.

Question 39 options:






Q40. In a within-subjects experiment, each participant is tested in more than one condition.

Question 40 options:






Q41. Researcher Robert Rosenthal is known for his work on which of the following?

Question 41 options:


1.the effect of smiling on helping


2.cultural differences in time perception anxiety


4.experimenter expectancy effects


Q42. What is the defining feature of nonexperimental research?

Question 42 options:


1.It is about personality and individual differences.


2.It lacks the manipulation of an independent variable, random assignment, or both.


3.It involves only one variable.


4.It has high external validity.


Q43. Which of the following is a reason to conduct nonexperimental research?

Question 43 options:


1.The researcher is interested in thinking.


2.The researcher wants to maximize the internal validity of the study.


3.The researcher wants to avoid carryover effects.


4.It would be unethical to manipulate the independent variable.


Q44. Which of the following is a type of nonexperimental research?

Question 44 options:


1.qualitative studies


2.correlational studies




4.all of the above


Q45. Which of the following is the defining feature of correlational research?

Question 45 options:


1.An independent variable is manipulated while extraneous variables are controlled.


2.One variable is measured and described.


3.Research participants are interviewed in depth about their experiences.


4.Two variables are measured and the relationship between them is assessed.


Q46. Coding of participant behaviors is generally an important part of which of the following?

Question 46 options:


1.archival data collection psychology


3.quasi-experimental research


4.naturalistic observation


Q47. Archival data would be least likely to be used in which of the following?

Question 47 options: experiment


2.a correlational study


3.a qualitative study


4.a single-variable study


Q48. Qualitative research is meant to do which of the following?

Question 48 options:


1.generate novel research questions


2.explore people’s “lived experience”


3.address broad questions


4.all of the above


Q49. Which of the following is a common data collection method in qualitative research?

Question 49 options:


1.administering questionnaires with rating scale responses


2.taking multiple physiological measures


3.using computer simulations unstructured interviews


Q50. Data analysis in qualitative research is most likely to include which of the following?

Question 50 options:


1.means and standard deviations


2.inferential statistics


3.unfalsifiable theories


4.detailed examples of participant responses


Q51. What are the two main characteristics of survey research?

Question 51 options:


1.large random samples and self-report measures


2.self-report measures and face-to-face interviews


3.face-to-face interviews and statistical analysis


4.statistical analysis and large random samples


Q52. “Is there anything else you would like to tell us about?” is an example of an open-ended item.

Question 52 options:






Q53. Closed-ended items provide a set of response options for respondents to choose from.

Question 53 options:






Q54. A researcher who stands in a shopping mall and approaches anyone who looks to him like they would complete a survey is using random sampling.






Q55. Researchers are most likely to use open-ended items under which of the following conditions?

Question 55 options:


1.They have a specific construct that they want to measure.


2.They do not have preconceived ideas about how people will respond.


3.They want their data to be quick and easy to analyze.


4.They are conducting their survey over the Internet.


Q56. The BRUSO model is a model of which of the following? people respond to survey questionnaire items


2.the process of administering a survey


3.good survey questionnaire items


4.none of the above


Q57. Survey research tends to use which of the following?

Question 57 options:


1.nonrepresentative sampling


2.convenience sampling


3.nonprobability sampling


4.probability sampling


Q58. What is the best way to address the problem of nonresponse bias?

Question 58 options:


1.ignore the nonresponders when analyzing the data


2.force everyone to respond everything possible to maximize response rates


4.write unbiased questionnaire items


Q59. What are the two main functions of the introduction to a survey questionnaire?

Question 59 options: encourage participation and establish informed consent establish the legitimacy of the survey and put respondents at ease inform the respondents of their rights and protect the researcher from lawsuits hide the true purpose of the survey and to establish rapport with respondents


Q60. High-level APA style consists of rules about grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting.

Question 60 options:






Q61. An APA-style abstract is usually about two pages long.

Question 61 options:






Q62. Which of the following presents the major sections of an APA style empirical research report in the correct order?

Question 62 options:


1.Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion


2.Method, Results, Discussion, Abstract


3.Abstract, Discussion, Method, Results


4.Method, Introduction, Discussion, Results


Q63. The two broad themes of high-level APA style writing are that it is _____ and _____.

Question 63 options:


1.technical; thought provoking


2.creative; engaging


3.Formal; straightforward


4.interesting; controversial


Q64. Which of the following is an example of a low-level rule of APA style?


1.Avoid personally insulting other researchers.


2.Use number words for numbers lower than 10.


3.An empirical research report should start with a title page.


4.Write in a simple and clear manner.


Q65. The title of an APA style research report should generally be which of the following?

Question 65 options:


1.typed in all capital letters


2.cute and attention grabbing


3.highly technical more than 12 words long


Q66. The literature review of an APA style introduction section should do which of the following?


Question 66 options:


1.cite and discuss the three most important studies on the current topic


2.provide an exhaustive list of all research conducted on the current topic


3.make an argument for why the current research question is worth addressing


4.discuss only new research that has been published in the past five years