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Q6: [8 MARKS] Below are eight scenarios (items A to H) that…

Q6: [8 MARKS] Below are eight scenarios (items A to H) that describe how researchers have measured variables in their research. For each scenario, indicate which of the following 16 qualities is most directly illustrated. You can only choose ONE quality per scenario, but the same quality may describe more than one scenario. 


Good test-retest reliability               Poor test-retest reliability

Good internal reliability                    Poor internal reliability

Good interrater reliability                 Poor interrater reliability

Good face validity                             Poor face validity

Good content validity                       Poor content validity

Good criterion validity                      Poor criterion validity

Good convergent validity                 Poor convergent validity

Good discriminant validity               Poor discriminant validity


A. A researcher administers a self-esteem scale to a sample of participants at the start of the school term and finds that Cronbach’s alpha = .25. 


B. Continuing with the scenario above in Item A, the same sample of participants completes the scale again at the end of the school term, and the correlation between their self-esteem scores at the start and end of the term is r = .10. 


C. A psychologist developed a measure designed to assess impulsivity. She administered the measure to a group of in-patients who had been formally diagnosed (by a team of certified psychologists) with an impulse control disorder, as well as a group of people without an impulse control disorder diagnosis. She found significantly different scores between the two groups.


D. A researcher developed a new, 20-item scale to measure people’s fear of illness. She sends the scale to a small group of psychologists who are experts in this area of study, and they all agreed that the ten items do not appear to be assessing the concept of fear related to illness. 


E. Two researchers are using the same codebook while observing a mouse in an elevated plus maze, and the percentage agreement between the researchers is found to be 84%. 


F. A clinician created a brief, 5-item questionnaire designed to measure well-being. He found that his questionnaire does not correlate with a longer, well-validated scale that measures well-being. 


G. A researcher developed a scale to assess motivation in athletes. She found that her scale is not correlated with a different, well-validated scale designed to measure mental exhaustion in athletes. 


H. A psychologist sent his newly-developed personality questionnaire to a group of expert reviewers, who indicated that the questionnaire is missing some important aspects of the concept of personality.