Answered step-by-step
  Question 1 4 Points At the beginning of the 20th century, what…


Question 1

4 Points

At the beginning of the 20th century, what was the leading cause of death in the U.S.?

a. automobile accidents

b. infectious diseases 

c. heart attacks

d. suicides


Question 2

4 Points

Why is using the word psychosomatic to describe a disorder with an obvious physical component considered misleading?

a. It gives the impression that psychological disorders do not have a biological component 

b. It assumes that the physical aspects of a disorder are less important than the psychological aspects.

c. It emphasizes the psychological symptoms of a disorder instead of the physical symptoms.

d. It gives the impression that biological disorders are not influenced by psychological factors.


Question 3

4 Points

What field uses knowledge derived from the behavioral sciences in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of medical problems?

a. Health psychology

b. Behavioral medicine 

c. Psychophysiology

d. Psychosomatic medicine


Question 4

4 Points

Development of sexual dysfunction can be viewed as a negative cycle that involves a variety of factors, since the typical case progresses in which of the following sequences?

a. Initial dysfunction may be triggered by an event such as substance use; concern about the dysfunction then leads to more dysfunction, and sex itself becomes associated with negative feelings 

b. Initial dysfunction may be triggered by an event such as substance use; this causes a strain on the relationship and reduces the intimacy in the relationship, which then leads to anxiety about ones desirability

c. Initial dysfunction occurs through slow and gradual deterioration, possibly due to a medical condition; as the medical condition develops, the individuals concern with failing sexuality increases, resulting in relationship problems

d. A general medical condition triggers the first dysfunction, which is followed by increased anxiety; as the anxiety increases, the sexual dysfunction becomes more severe over time and causes loss of interest in sex.


Question 5

4 Points

Sensate focus and non-demand pleasuring were designed by Masters and Johnson to treat sexual dysfunctions primarily through which of the following?

a. improving a couple’s sexual skills

b. identifying medical conditions that contribute to sexual dysfunction

c. involving an objective third party

d. eliminating psychologically-based performance anxiety


Question 6

4 Points

As a couple completes phase two of sensate focus therapy, they are instructed to do which of the following?

a. return quickly to full, prior sexual activity

b. slowly begin sexual activity, continuing non-demand pleasuring as they progress 

c. take a break from sexual activity for several weeks and then slowly return to normal sexuality

d. begin the genital pleasuring stage of the treatment


Question 7

2 Points

The lifetime prevalence of intermittent explosive disorder estimated to be 7.3%



Question 8

2 Points

In the impulse control disorders, the individual typically feels tension and anticipation prior to carrying out the behavioral act



Question 9

2 Points

There appears to be high comorbidity between kleptomania and personality disorders. 



Question 10

2 Points

Although AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) programs are considered effective, the drop-out rate for GA (Gamblers Anonymous) programs is about 10-30% 



Question 11

2 Points

Special K is a dissociative anesthetic that produces a sense of detachment along with a reduced awareness of pain 



Question 12

2 Points

A psychologist who views personality disorders as a continuum sees these conditions in terms of categories 



Question 13

2 Points

According to your text, it is likely that future editions of the DSM will incorporate elements of a dimensional approach to personality disorders 



Question 14

2 Points

There are 5 (five) clusters of personality disorders included in DSM-5 



Question 15

2 Points

Neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine are being studied for their possible involvement with the low levels of fear and anxiety seen in individuals with antisocial personality disorder 



Question 16

2 Points

Under-arousal and shamelessness are the two major theories that have been proposed to explain antisocial personality disorder 



Question 17

4 Points

Which of the following characterize the disorder known as schizophrenia?

a. delusions and hallucinations 

b. obsessions and compulsions

c. withdrawal and tolerance

d. projection and conversion


Question 18

4 Points

Which of the following is accurate in regard to the long-term outlook for people with schizophrenia?

a. About 50% of people diagnosed with the disorder eventually recover.

b. Recovery is possible only if the person stays on medication.

c. Recovery is possible only if the person receives psychotherapy.

d. Complete recovery from schizophrenia is rare. 


Question 19

4 Points

Which of the following defines the erotomanic type of delusional disorder?

a. believing one is being malevolently treated in some way

b. believing that one is loved by an important person or celebrity 

c. falsely believing that one’s sexual partner is unfaithful

d. believing in one’s inflated worth, identity, or special relationship


Question 20

4 Points

Which of the following defines the persecutory type of delusional disorder?

a. believing that one is loved by an important person or celebrity

b. falsely believing that one’s sexual partner is unfaithful

c. believing in one’s inflated worth, identity, or special relationship

d. believing one is being malevolently treated in some way 


Question 21

4 Points

In which of the following situations would the risk of developing schizophrenia be the LOWEST for a child?

a. a child’s schizophrenic parent has a non-schizophrenic identical twin

b. a child’s non-schizophrenic parent has a schizophrenic identical twin

c. a child’s schizophrenic parent has a non-schizophrenic fraternal twin

d. a child’s non-schizophrenic parent has a schizophrenic fraternal twin 


Question 22

4 Points

Which of the following is a potential major side effect of antipsychotic medications?

delirium tremens
serotonin storm
tardive dyskinesia 
excess white blood cells


Question 23

4 Points

Which of the following statements about drug treatment for schizophrenia is true?

a. People often discontinue effective medication.

b. Drug treatment is less effective than psychotherapy.

c. There are no effective drugs to treat schizophrenia.

d. All treatment drugs have severe side effects.



Question 24

2 Points

What was believed to be a neurological basis to what used to be called childhood disorders were renamed neurodevelopmental disorders in DSM-5. 



Question 25

2 Points

The main reason it is so important to identify children with developmental disorders as early as possible is because family functioning often declines as the developmental disorder progresses. 



Question 26

2 Points

The three types of symptoms for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder are inattention, distraction, and hyperactivity. 



Question 27

2 Points

Research suggests that Ritalin acts by inhibiting the dopamine transporter gene. 



Question 28

2 Points

There appears to be a single gene influence with regard to the genetic influences of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder 



Question 29

2 Points

Traditionally, delirium, dementia, and amnestic disorders were categorized as part of the normal aging process. 



Question 30

2 Points

Delirium, chromosomal disorders, and amnestic disorders are the three categories of neurocognitive disorders in DSM-5 



Question 31

2 Points

The term organic mental disorders are no longer used to describe cognitive disorders because there is nothing organic about these disorders. 



Question 32

2 Points

Delirium has rapid onset of impaired consciousness and cognition 



Question 33

2 Points

Among people aged 65 and older, delirium is believed to be the first warning sign of Alzheimers



Question 34

2 Points

One major difference that is useful in the diagnosis of major neurocognitive disorder or delirium is major neurocognitive disorder symptoms develop slowly over time, and delirium symptoms develop quickly. 



Question 35

2 Points

In the late 19th century, the enactment of civil commitment laws resulted in an increase of wives committing their husbands to mental hospitals. 



Question 36

4 Points

Which of the following eras was known as the liberal era in regard to mental health treatments?

a. 1940 to 1960

b. 1960 to 1980 

c. 1980 to 1990

d. 1990 to the present